CMC CoIIN Project Updates
May 2019
Welcome to May's Project Updates!
Here you will find the latest project news and updates to support your teams for successful implementation. If there is anything that is missing from the update that will help you with your project, please let us know!
Onward and upward!
Bethlyn, Meg, Nandini - BU Team
Greg, Sherry, Mary, Kerri - IP Team
Cara & Nora - FV Team
Christina, Beth, Kristen - AAP Team
We have a helpful tip to use Box in an efficient manner! Box Sync is a productivity tool that allows you to sync Box files to your desktop. You can then navigate and modify content stored on the Box website through your computer, without opening Box on your web browser. Content that syncs down to your computer is available for offline access, and if you make changes to the synced files locally, these changes automatically sync to your Box account.
Instructions on how to install Box Sync can be found
Open Office Hours and Webinars
All Notes & Recordings at Box/CMC CoIIN State Team Materials/Webinars/CMC CoIIN Open Office Hours:
May State Team Webinar: Share, Be Inspired, and Get Ready for QIDA!
May 7, 2019
Special Evaluation Session: Open Office Hours w/ Meg, Chris Louis, and Steve Fitton
May 15, 2019
Meeting Recording
Timeline for QIDA Piloting &
First Data Cycle is Open!
Updated Timeline:
- May 1- 23, 2019: Final updates to QIDA completed
- May 24, 2019: First data cycle open (retroactive to May 1st)
- November 1, 2019: First round of family and staff surveys due
What you should be doing now:
- Begin QIDA entry!
- Let your coach know if you need any “practice” data deleted
- Don’t forget to share any data collection tips with your coach so they can be added to the Tip Sheet!
Things worth noting:
- Please make sure you are using the FINAL version of the family survey in English, and current staff survey. The Spanish version of the family will be updated soon. The surveys are located on Box under: CMC CoIIN State Team Materials >> QIDA Toolkit >> Family & Staff Data Collection Survey
- Please email Bethlyn if you would like the SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, or REDCap version of the family survey. Don’t forget to specify if you would also like the Spanish version.
- 40 family surveys are due each data collection period. The number of staff surveys due is to be determined by each state (we recommend you survey all staff affected by the changes you’re implementing).
- The QIDA Video Tutorials are now available. We have a new tutorial added from Kristen Minaglia, QIDA developer. The tutorials are in Box under: CMC CoIIN State Team Materials >> QIDA Toolkit >> QIDA Training Webinars & Tutorial Video
In Case You Missed It... Family Survey is Final!
The English version of the QIDA family survey is final! We will no longer be taking revisions. The Spanish version will be updated soon.
Here's where things stand:
- You can find the final version of the QIDA Survey in Word (English version) at Box/CMC CoIIN State Team Materials/QIDA Toolkit/Family & Staff Data Collection Surveys here.
- The final Spanish version in Word will updated and posted soon.
- Please email Bethlyn if you would like the QIDA survey template in SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, or REDCap.
- Please specify if you would also like the Spanish version.
- Please note that state teams are responsible to translate any state-specific supplemental questions you may be asking, or any additional qualitative comments beyond those required for the core QIDA survey.
- If there is another dominant language you would like BU to consider for translation, please contact Bethlyn and Meg.
Reminder that the recruitment brochure and flyer in English and Spanish are available for your use! You can find both documents in
. Please contact Bethlyn and Meg if you would like the brochure and flyer to be translated into another dominant language.
Upcoming Onsite Support Visits
Scheduling and Logistics Planning
As you know, the teams at Boston University and Improvement Partners are planning onsite support visits to each state team. The purpose of onsite support visits are to facilitate your CMC CoIIN work to accelerate progress towards your goals in whatever way your team identifies. Additionally, we will be co-conducting family focus groups during the support visits with your family leader facilitator.
We finalized onsite support visits for state teams! In Box, in a
new folder for support visits
, please find the dates for your support visits, so you may begin blocking out the time with your teams (and remove HOLDS on any other dates!). In this table, you will also see whether Meg or Bethlyn will be attending. For some, Mary is confirmed; we will confirm coaches and other possible travel team members based on your team’s needs.
Also in that
fancy new folder
, you will find a roster of National Advisory Committee members’ areas of expertise.
that only those members in bold would potentially be able to travel to your site.
If you would like to engage any NAC member during your visit, this would be helpful to know ASAP. Please email Bethlyn indicating the NAC member(s).
We will also be asking to complete the family focus groups during this visit (whether virtual or in-person), if at all possible. The slides that cover this are from the May state team webinar and are saved in the
On-site Support Visit folder
on Box. We can discuss further as well to meet your team’s needs!
The BU team has followed up with individual emails to each of you with more individualized information. Let us know what questions you may have!
CMC CoIIN Monthly Project Update
New Implementation Phase Template To Pilot
For May’s report, we will be asking state teams to test out a new set of questions and format for the state team monthly update. We made this switch because, as teams are moving from planning to implementation, we want to ensure we’re asking the right questions to capture your progress. In addition, we’re hopeful the new format will allow you to “repurpose” the report to facilitate communication with your state team and key stakeholders.
For the month of May:
Reports will be due on Friday, May 31, 2019
The Word version t
he report template is located on Box
If you
are not yet enrolling your cohort, please first complete the
original monthly update here in Qualtrics. You can then provide feedback as comments directly into the Word version of the new pilot version of the form, and upload the Word version under your State’s folder in Box
If you
have begun enrolling your cohort, please complete the
new pilot report directly here in Qualtrics. Once you are done, feel free to comment directly into the Word version with any feedback and upload the Word version under your State’s folder on Box
Provide any feedback to your coach. Think specifically about:
o Were you able to say enough to "tell your state's story"?
o Does anything need to be removed/added?
o How much time did it take to complete (more time, less time, or the same amount of time as the previous report format)?
o Do you think you could "repurpose" this report to use with key stakeholders?
o Is there any other functionality you’d like to see to be able to include other supporting docs (such as attaching a data table for your supplemental questions)? We will do our best to find ways to meet your needs with workarounds wherever needed if Qualtrics functionality is limited.
Exciting Opportunity: Arnold J. Capute Award
The Arnold J. Capute Award is presented annually at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition to recognize an AAP Fellow for notable contributions to the field of children with disabilities. A call for nominations for the Arnold J. Capute award is conducted every spring through the Council on Children with Disabilities members-only email distribution list. Nominators must be Council on Children with Disabilities members. To learn more about the Arnold J. Capute Award, please go to the
AAP website
CMC CoIIN Dates & Deadlines
June – September
Ongoing Support Visits
Friday, July 12
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #9
2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Topic: TBA
Wednesday, November 6
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #10
2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Topic: TBA
September 16
State Team In-person Meeting
Chicago AAP Headquarters
Mon: 4-7p CDT
Tues: 8:30a-4:30p CDT
Wed: 8:30a-2p CDT
CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity | Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health | Boston University School of Social Work | 302-329-9261 ||