CMC CoIIN Project Updates
April 2019
Welcome to April's Project Updates!
Here you will find the latest project news and updates to support your teams for successful implementation. If there is anything that is missing from the update that will help you with your project, please let us know!
Onward and upward!
Bethlyn, Meg, Nandini - BU Team
Greg, Sherry, Mary, Kerri - IP Team
Cara & Nora - FV Team
Christina, Beth, Kristen - AAP Team
All Notes & Recordings at Box/CMC CoIIN State Team Materials/Webinars/CMC CoIIN Open Office Hours:
QIDA-Focused Open Office Hours w/ Meg & Kristen
Mar 14, 2019
Open Office Hours w/ Bethlyn
Apr 02, 2019
Update and Timeline for QIDA Piloting &
First Data Cycle Opening
- Several states conducted a pre-launch pilot of the QIDA system prior to the live trainings we held in March – a HUGE thank you to Team MN, TX, and CO (-:
- Based on that pilot, important tweaks are being made by Kristen at the AAP to the QIDA platform right now.
- NEXT, we will invite all state teams to begin piloting the QIDA system along with their larger data collection processes before the first data cycle opens, with NO MORE than 5 families and staff (and/or with dummy data we will provide).
- We will notify all state team leads ASAP once QIDA is ready to pilot.
- A QIDA Toolkit on Box will be ready in tandem to guide your efforts.
- An outline of the Toolbox will accompany notification that QIDA is ready for all-state piloting.
- We will also outline changes made based on the pilot.
Updated Timeline (
- March 11, 2019: Testing by 3 pilot sites was completed and feedback compiled
- April 12, 2019: Updates to QIDA completed based on pilot site feedback
- April 12-24, 2019: All state teams encouraged to complete small scale testing and send feedback to coaches
- May 7, 2019: Final updates to QIDA complete and first data cycle open
- November 1, 2019: First 40 surveys due
We are awaiting final revisions to the QIDA survey and platform prior to opening up pilot testing by all state teams.
Here's where things stand:
- While awaiting revisions, you can find the draft version of the QIDA Survey in Word (English version) at Box/CMC CoIIN State Team Materials/QIDA Toolkit/Family & Staff Data Collection Surveys here.
- Once the English survey is final, we will then finalize the Spanish version in Word for posting.
- Please email Bethlyn if you would like the QIDA survey template in SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, or REDCap.
- Please specify if you would also like the Spanish version.
- Please note that state teams are responsible to translate any state-specific supplemental questions you may be asking, or any additional qualitative comments beyond those required for the core QIDA survey.
- If there is another dominant language you would like BU to consider for translation, please contact Bethlyn and Meg.
Recruitment materials available in English and Spanish
Upcoming Onsite Support Visits
Scheduling and Logistics Planning
As you know, the teams at Boston University and Improvement Partners are planning onsite support visits to each state team. The purpose of onsite support visits are to facilitate your CMC CoIIN work to accelerate progress towards your goals in whatever way your team identifies. Additionally, we will be co-conducting family focus groups during the support visits with your family leader facilitator.
Planning Steps:
- #1 & 2: To get dates on the calendar and concurrently provide the states with a menu of options to help you consider the timing of your visit. (SEE BELOW)
- #3: Set the agenda with your coaches prior to the onsite support visits, using the information from the logistics survey and based on your needs.
- #4: Identify the “travel team” and any consultants (Note that BU has budget to support some additional travel team members beyond BU and IP)
Step 1: Scheduling
DUE DATE: Please complete by Friday, 4/19/19
Support visits will last 1.5 working days spanning 2 weekdays, starting the last week of May through August. Please choose your TOP 3 preferred time slots at the appropriate link below:
Coach Mary's State Teams -
Coach Kerri's State Teams -
Step 2: Pre-visit Logistics Planning Survey
DUE DATE: Please complete by Friday, 4/19/19
In this survey, the BU-IP teams have provided a menu of agenda topics to help you tailor a visit that will best fit your team. Some agenda topics are technical assistance training, state-team lead site visits, onsite QI TA (i.e., assist with applying QI tools to project work), and project management training/support.
NOTE: We will be publishing a Year 2 Accomplishments newsletter for the CMC CoIIN in 2 weeks – you will find an additional question in this planning survey asking you to describe in your own words what accomplishment your state team is most proud of. We will include this in the newsletter verbatim!
Please contact Meg, Bethlyn, and/or your coaches with any questions or concerns!
CMC CoIIN Overall Project Evaluation
Many of you have been asking, and we now have more information to offer about the overall evaluation, and what this means for you!
Please see a new summary table
here on Box/e. Measurement and Evaluation/Overall Project Evaluation/CMC CoIIN State Team Evaluation Elements & Submission Needs (4.5.19 draft)
We plan to present the evaluation overview in a webinar within the next month, potentially in the next State Team Webinar on May 7th - more soon on that! Thanks to Open Office Hour participants' suggestions on this front (-:
PLEASE NOTE: We will also be revamping the state team monthly update for the month of April to reflect the new phase of the CMC CoIIN focused on implementation: cohort recruitment, surveys completed, progress towards goals, etc.. This will help us collect important data for the overall evaluation.
Exciting Updates: Carryover & IRB!
Meg is very excited to report that carryover to BU has been granted by HRSA. However, it is not time to dance in the streets just yet; the newly-issued NOA must now go through the BU process for subcontract carryovers to then be issued.
STAY TUNED! You know we will let you know
as soon as we receive final word!
This one is worth doing a little dance: the BU IRB has now declared our evaluation to be EXEMPT!
You can get all the juicy details
Box/CMC CoIIN State Team Materials/IRB & Recruitment
CMC CoIIN Dates & Deadlines
Tuesday, May 7
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #8
12:30PM – 2:00PM EST
Topic: TBA
Friday, July 12
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #9
2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Topic: TBA
Wednesday, November 6
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #10
2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Topic: TBA
September 16
State Team In-person Meeting
Chicago AAP Headquarters
Mon: 4-7p CDT
Tues: 8:30a-4:30p CDT
Wed: 8:30a-2p CDT
CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity | Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health | Boston University School of Social Work | 302-329-9261 ||