Meg and Bethlyn have graciously been offered the opportunity to speak to the AAP chapters in your state next week ( see webinar info below).

We would like to offer to AAP chapters the opportunity to connect with state team leads and learn more about your state's project. If we do not hear back from you prior to the webinar, we will assume you are fine with this plan.

Wednesday, June 26 | 11am-12pm CT
Join AAP and Boston University for an overview of the Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network ( CoIIN) to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity (CMC) project and its activities occurring in your state. The goal of the CoIIN to Advance Care for CMC is to improve the quality of life for children with medical complexity, the well-being of their families, and the cost-effectiveness of their care, through development and implementation of quality improvement interventions with a focus on innovative payment models and family engagement. Ten multidisciplinary state teams are currently participating in the project. After the webinar, AAP chapters will be provided an opportunity to learn more about statewide activities. This webinar is open to AAP chapters and is free, but registration is required. For more information, contact Christina Boothby at .