CMC CoIIN State Teams
Monthly e-Newsletter
WELCOME to the December Holidays Issue!
In order to support each state team and promote cross-team sharing, we will cull timely and relevant topics, tips, and news to assist you in developing, implementing, and evaluating meaningful QI projects to advance care for children with medical complexity and their families.
We wish you a safe and lovely winter break,
in whatever form it may take! Enjoy!
Family Engagement Spotlight
A Deeper Dive into Child Quality of Life and Family Well-being,
by Cara Coleman, Family Voices National
b) Salient Resources & Articles:
- Disruption Ahead! A Human-Centered Design Approach to Care Coordination
- Blog posts of note - Compelling, honest, thought-provoking
What's New?: Relevant updates on every aspect of the CMC CoIIN
- CMC CoIIN Webinar #5: Follow Up Notes
- Featured Measurement Resources:
- Person-centered Framework for Outcome Measurement
- Infographic: Value-based Purchasing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, by the Catalyst Center
- Gantt Charts for Project Management, by Mary Webster, IP Coach
- CMC CoIIN Partner Launches Website Redesign, by the IP Team
State Team Corner
a) State Team Spotlight on Success
- Indiana
- Massachusetts
- Washington
b) Family Engagement by State
In Other News...
Notable Dates and Deadlines - 2019
Give Us Feedback
We are exploring ways to balance breadth and depth of content with brevity. So, here you will see "teasers" under each topic area outlined above.
Click "Read More" under any topic to link directly to a companion online document containing the full e-newsletter.
Thoughts? Click the "Give Us Feedback" button
(end of e-newsletter).
Family Engagement Spotlight
A Deeper Dive into Child Quality of Life and Family Well-being
by Cara Coleman, Family Voices National
Following helpful conversations with state team representatives about questions and concerns related to the child quality of life measures, Boston University will be adding a separate and distinct qualitative measurement plan for additional quality of life and family well-being measures. While adjustments have been made to the overall measures to be used in the family survey by each of the ten state teams, this qualitative data is just as important and impactful to advancing the care of children with medical complexity
Disruption Ahead!
A Human-Centered Design Approach to Care Coordination
Taking a fresh look at the perennial issue of how to provide effective care coordination, a team of researchers is reimagining the process using human-centered design, an approach that creates systems based on users’ expressed needs. The goal is to integrate medical, educational, financial, and other services so that the needs of children, families, providers, and payers can be met more effectively. The researchers suggest that disruption of the current system may be necessary to implement this approach, and they note the potential roadblocks to change.
Read the report
Blog posts of note - Compelling, honest, thought-provoking
(click on each title below to access)
by Hillary Savoie @ the Romper page
Does your team have innovative ideas, tools and/or strategies for family engagement that you would like to see featured in future issues?
Click the “Give Us Feedback” button below.
What's New?
Relevant updates
on every aspect of the CMC CoIIN
CMC CoIIN 12/20/18 Webinar #5: Follow Up Notes
Thanks to all who were able to take part in the 5th webinar to date, entitled
Finalizing the Who, What, When & How of Data Collection for Your Team
If you missed it, you can find the recording, chat transcript and slides on:
Box/CMC CoIIN State Team Materials/State Team Webinars & QI Tools/State Team Webinar #5.
Follow up items for state teams
by Jan 15, 2019 deadline
1) Upload your state's
adaptations to the QI measures survey
to Box for your coach to review, per instructions
Finalize your measurement plan
to share with your coach. Template
and example
Chat box suggestions from webinar participants have been compiled
3) Cross-share with other states! Upload your
state-specific supplemental questions
and/or learn from other states on Box per instructions
Featured Measurement Resources
Person-centered Framework for Outcome Measurement
These resources are from The Value Institute for Health and Care at Dell Medical School. Check out the “3 C’s” for measuring outcomes that could relate to the CMC CoIIN measures on Family Engagement.
The Catalyst Center has created a one-page infographic illustrating important elements of value-based purchasing for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This infographic provides a brief explanation of value-based purchasing and explains the need for further research in the field of value-based purchasing for CYSHCN.
Gantt Charts for Project Management
by Mary Webster,
Population Health Improvement
Partners (IP) Coach
State teams are now entering the implementation phase of your QI projects (things are getting exciting!). To facilitate this, here is a short description of the
Gantt chart (aka milestone chart, project bar chart). A Gantt chart is considered a project management tool.
A Gantt chart is a bar chart that shows tasks of a project, when each must take place, and how long each task will take. As the project progresses, the bars are shaded to show which tasks have been completed
Recommended Gantt Chart Tools/Templates
CMC CoIIN QI Partners Launch Website Redesign
You can now easily:
Message from Population Health Improvement Partners (IP):
Great news! Our online home has had a makeover. We've launched an entirely new website to better serve communities and organizations seeking to improve and sustain population health.
Old technology made it tough to view us on your phone - we’ve fixed that! You shared ideas you would like to see on a new website - we listened! We are confident that you will find the new site to be a huge improvement.
Check out the site, and let’s get started on improving population health!
tate Team Corner
The latest and greatest from you for you!
Here, we feature state team successes they wish to share, and each state team's family engagement activities from their monthly updates. We hope to foster ideas and cross-sharing in this fundamental area. Feel free to talk to your coach or reach out to individual state teams if anything here grabs you.
PLEASE NOTE: Project members can view all state team updates on our shared workspace under
Box/State Team Cross-sharing/"State Team Monthly Updates Summary Tables".
IN State Team Celebrates Success:
Draft Contract from Medicaid
As reported by Shirley Payne
Our major success is that we continue to move through this process knowing we physically have a draft contract from Medicaid in-hand! This is really huge for us and the fact that we keep planning knowing we will implement this is a win for us!
MA State Team Celebrates Success:
Family Meeting
As reported by Elizabeth Casto
Highly successful family meeting with the addition of Sarah Perkins and Lucia B. Sarah Perkins, who joined the Family Voices Family Representatives.
WA State Team Celebrates Success:
Overall Progress
As reported by Paula Holmes
We have been extensively engaged in the review/edit/finalization of processes for the required, optional, and local measures. We had our final meeting on 11/29/18, and have submitted our document to Meg. In summary:
- We are augmenting the medical home questions with our own local measures that focus on understanding the value of well-child visits and having an after-hours "what to do if your child is sick" plan to reduce unnecessary ED visits...
Family Engagement Activities by State – Highlights from the November project update summaries
We have a family leader on the Alabama team. Sharon Henderson and Tammy Moore are parents of a child with medical complexity and members of the Alabama team. We also have a youth consultant, Sarah Williams on our team. Susan Colburn is also a member of the CMC CoIIN Family Engagement Workgroup
How do CMC CoIIN project participants access the shared workspace on Box?
All project participants listed on every state team roster were sent an invitation to the CMC CoIIN shared workspace folder on Box, entitled
"CMC CoIIN State Team Materials".
If you already have a Box account at the email to which the invite was sent, you should be able to log into your account at using that email. The folder above should appear among your Box folders.
If you do NOT have a Box account at the email to which the invite was sent, you can easily create one for free at (click through the email invite). Once you create your account and log in, the above folder should be visible.
If you have any trouble, please
contact Bethlyn, the BU CMC CoIIN Project Director.
CARE Award: Family Partners for Better Care Webinar
This webinar focuses on how families are essential partners to provide better care for children with medical complexity. The Children’s National Health System will discuss development of a parent navigator model and use of Telehealth for virtual home visits.
Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc.: Introducing the Blueprint for Complex Care – Opportunities to Advance the Field
Jan. 22, 2019, 2-3p ET
The recently released Blueprint for Complex Care provides a strategic plan to unite the broad set of individuals and organizations experimenting with innovative care models and outlines opportunities to further advance the field.
Prioritizing Youth Voice in Public Health Efforts
Jan. 16, 2019, 10-11:30a ET
Empowering youth to engage and take an active role in public health can play a critical role in improving the health of a community through local policy change. This training will encourage participants to examine ways they can lift youth voices in public health processes while encouraging greater civic participation and representation through case studies and hands-on activities.
Quality and Safety in Children's Health Conference
March 17-22, 2019
Atlanta, GA
The Quality and Safety in Children's Health Conference brings pediatric quality and safety professionals across the country to one place, one time a year, for the kind of lively conversations and collaborative learning that can spark change in children’s hospitals.
Rhonda Cady is a member of the MN State Team:
Maynard R, Christensen E,
Cady R
, et al.
Home Health Care Availability and Discharge Delays in Children With Medical Complexity
. Pediatrics. 2019;143(1):e20181951
Gary Noritz is a member of our National Advisory Committee:
Noritz G. The Moral Imperative of Home Health Care for Children: Beyond the Financial Case
. Pediatrics. 2019;143(1):e20182960
Advocate and nonverbal speaker to give Dean’s Diversity Lecture
Jan. 14, 2019
We would like to recognize
Holly Forlenza and Eileen Forlenza, presenting
“From Try to Triumph: The Journey of a Nonverbal Young Adult”,
to the Vanderbilt community.
Holly Forlenza is unable to speak and was diagnosed with severe mental retardation, epilepsy and failure to thrive at age 2. In 2011, at age 22, she began using an iPad and keyboard to communicate and has since become an advocate for the empowerment of nonverbal people.
Know of any interesting events or other resources to share? Let us know at the "Give Us Feedback" button below (-:
Notable Dates and Deadlines - 2019
QIDA & State-specific Measures Timeline
Also available on Box:
Measurement & QIDA/State Team Implementation/ "QIDA & State-specific Measures Timeline"
2019 - Upcoming CMC CoIIN State Team Events
Tuesday, January 8th, 2-3p EDT
Monthly Open Office Hours w/ Meg
Tuesday, January 22nd
Bimonthly State Team Webinar #6
2-4pm EDT
Topic: TBA
September 16th-18th
State Team In-person Meeting
Chicago AAP Headquarters
Mon: 4-7p CDT
Tues: 8:30a-4:30p CDT
Wed: 8:30a-2p CDT
Please Note:
The remaining schedule for 2019 will be forthcoming in the next few weeks!
"Love the Giver more than the Gift."
~Brigham Young
What else would you like to see here?
Click the button to give us your ideas!
CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity | Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health | Boston University School of Social Work | 302-329-9261 ||