CMC CoIIN State Teams
Monthly e-Newsletter
WELCOME to the January/February Issue!
In order to support each state team and promote cross-team sharing, we will cull timely and relevant topics, tips, and news to assist you in developing, implementing, and evaluating meaningful QI projects to advance care for children with medical complexity and their families.
Family Engagement Spotlight
a) A Framework for Assessing Family Engagement in Systems Change (FESAT) – Ready for Pilot Testing, by Cara Coleman, Family Voices National
b) CMC CoIIN Family Engagement Strategies to be Highlighted for Cross-CoIIN Workshop at AMCHP 2019
c) Family Engagement: Salient Resources & Articles
- Asking Difficult Questions: Quality of Life and End of Life Conversations (by Cara Coleman)
- The Five Strategies for Engaging Family Partners
- Five Top Tips for Engaging Families in Advisory Roles: Advice from a Family Leader
What's New?: Relevant updates on every aspect of the CMC CoIIN
Measurement Matters:
- QIDA Training Webinars
- QIDA Pilot Testing Pre- and Post-Launch
- CMC CoIIN 01/22/19 Webinar #6: Follow Up Notes
QI Tools You Can Use:
- CMC CoIIN Resources from Improvement Partners Based on State Team Requests
c) National Advisory Committee
- CMC CoIIN National Advisory Committee Members are here to help!
State Team Spotlight
a) State Team Spotlight on Success
- Team TX has MAJOR Success with Innovative Payment Method Approved by Medicaid Partner
- Oregon’s Fishbone Diagram: a Deeper Dive into Root Causes
- Great Ideas You can Use: Colorado State Team’s Monthly Advisory Team Newsletter
- CMC CoIIN Teams Present Workshops and Poster Sessions at AMCHP 2019 Conference
b) New State Team Cross-sharing Items Posted to Box
c) January Family Engagement Activities by State
- Consenting
- New CMC CoIIN website design
- QIDA access levels
In Others News...
CMC CoIIN Notable Dates and Deadlines - 2019
Give Us Feedback
Here you will see "teasers" under each topic area outlined above.
Click "Read More" under any topic to link directly to a companion online document containing the full e-newsletter.
Thoughts? Click the "
Give Us Feedback"
button at the end!
Family Engagement Spotlight
A Framework for Assessing Family Engagement in Systems Change (FESAT) – Ready for Pilot Testing
by Cara Coleman, Family Voices National
Health care providers, payers, and systems serving children, youth and families increasingly focus on family engagement as a strategy to improve health care delivery, enhance consumer and provider satisfaction, and reduce costs. Assessing how well an organization or agency is engaging families on the systems level is a critical step in achieving these goals.
CMC CoIIN Family Engagement Strategies to be Highlighted for Cross-CoIIN Workshop at AMCHP 2019
See also:
CMC CoIIN: Family Engagement Strategies – What We’ve Learned So Far
Presentation by Meg Comeau, Principal Investigator of the CMC CoIIN, to the CYSHCNet Research Network Steering Committee.
Cara Coleman of Family Voices National will join family leaders from two other HRSA-funded CoIINs to present Workshop H2 -
Strengthening Quality Improvement and Innovation through Family Engagement in Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Networks (CoIINs)
on Monday, March 11, 2019, 4:30-5:30p. Also in attendance will be Meg Comeau, Bethlyn Houlihan, and Nandini Choudhury from the BU team.
Find the abstract in the full program
If you’re attending the AMCHP conference, we hope to see you there!
Asking Difficult Questions:
Quality of Life and End of Life Conversations
This article by our own Cara Coleman was featured in the 2019 Exception Parent-Physician-Patient-People (EP) Guide: Navigating Special Needs Resources. It includes both a poignant, down-to-earth and refreshingly honest approach to the topic, as well as a host of tangible resources, not just for end of life, but for quality of life for CMC and their families.
Five Top Tips for Engaging Families in Advisory Roles: Advice from a Family Leader
Teresa Jurado, a parent mentor at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford and former chair of a family advisory committee for the Health Plan of San Mateo California Children’s Services Family Sub-Committee, recently shared her
five top tips
for meaningfully engaging a group of family advisors.
The Five Strategies for Engaging Family Partners
System improvement cannot take place without the involvement of families. The National Institute for Children’s Health Quality suggests five essentials for developing meaningful family partnerships.
Does your team have innovative ideas, tools and/or strategies for family engagement that you would like to see featured in future issues?
Click the “Give Us Feedback” button below.
What's New?
Relevant updates
on every aspect of the CMC CoIIN
QIDA Pilot Testing Pre- and Post-Launch
Prior to the QIDA platform launch, we are asking a few states who are just about ready to go into the field to test it out using a PDSA structure developed by IP to provide feedback through 3/1/19. Changes will be made on the backend following a continuous quality improvement model throughout this pre-launch pilot.
The QIDA system will very soon thereafter be launched for all state teams to begin pilot testing as they start entering their first cycle of data at some point before 6/1/19, following the the Measurement Guide and Checklist
. This includes a PDSA structure as Appendix B and basic instructions for QIDA data entry as Appendix D. This will be discussed further in the March 21
state team webinar, as well as QIDA trainings.
QIDA Training Webinars
(Click to access)
Held 2/19/19
QIDA Run Chart Training
Monday, 2/25/19, 12-1p ET
(state team leads shared Outlook invite with relevant members)
*to be recorded*
CMC CoIIN 01/22/19 Webinar #6: Follow Up Notes
Thanks to all who were able to take part in the 6th webinar to date, entitled “
Almost there! Consenting, Data Collection Details, and Cross-sharing for Recruitment
If you missed it, you can find the recording, chat transcript and slides on
Box/CMC CoIIN State Team Materials/State Team Webinars & QI Tools/State Team Webinar #6.
PLEASE NOTE – the consent process discussed on this webinar has recently changed; see Section 4 FAQs for more details.
CMC CoIIN Resources from Improvement Partners Based on State Team Requests
by Kerri Deloso, IP Coach
In response to asks from State Teams, we've created a few resources you may want to check out:
Tips for Recruitment
(located on Box
): These tips were created based on State Team discussion during the January 2019 State Team Webinar.
Tips for Selling Your Project to Partners
(located on Box
): These tips were created based on what we've seen work amongst state teams and other projects.
**We would love for you to get in on the discussion! If you have any other tips, lessons learned, or examples you would like to share about what works for recruiting kids and families or pitching your projects to potential partners, send your thoughts to Kerri at
, and she will distribute any additions or questions back to the larger group!**
National Advisory Committee
CMC CoIIN National Advisory Committee Members are here to help!
by Christina Boothby, Program Manager
American Academy of Pediatrics
As part of the CMC CoIIN, state teams have access to nationally-recognized experts who are knowledgeable in the areas most pertinent to children with medical complexity, their families, and the systems where they receive care. CMC CoIIN staff recently developed an expertise “menu” that lists all National Advisory Committee (NAC) members and their areas of expertise.
National Advisory Committee members are here to assist and support to state teams in many different ways, including the following:
- Participating in calls with state teams to provide to guidance on a NAC member’s area of expertise
- Serve as faculty on state team monthly webinars
- Assist in identifying new and innovative topics and strategies related to the project
- Assist in identifying resources, relevant policy, and/or the latest published research related to improving care for children with medical complexity
- Contribute to writing newsletter articles that may be of interest to state teams
- Travel on technical assistance site visits to support state teams in their work
Is your team interested in connecting with a NAC member on a specific topic area? Email Bethlyn at
and staff will determine the best way for NAC members to support you in your efforts.
tate Team Corner
The latest and greatest from you for you!
Here, we feature state team successes they wish to share, and each state team's family engagement activities from their monthly updates. We hope to foster ideas and cross-sharing in this fundamental area. Feel free to talk to your coach or reach out to individual state teams if anything here grabs you.
PLEASE NOTE: Project members can view all state team updates on our shared workspace under
Box/State Team Cross-sharing/"State Team Monthly Updates Summary Tables".
Team TX has MAJOR Success:
Innovative Payment Model Approved by Medicaid Partner
As reported by Ivy Goldstein
Team Texas has wonderful news – the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (our Medicaid partner) has approved the delegation of service coordination from our two managed care partners to our clinic site.
This is a significant accomplishment that will transform service delivery for the children at the clinic in the STAR Kids managed care program. We are all elated and also, grateful for the opportunity the CoIIN has provided to do this important work.
Oregon’s Fishbone Diagram: a Deeper Dive into Root Causes
As reported by Alison Martin & Tamara Bakewell
Use of the fishbone diagram provided us with a framework for delving deeper into the problem; often issues that appeared to be people problems were systems problems, such as problems with payment structures. Understanding this root cause is essential for sustainability. That is, any change efforts that we attempt at a clinic level are unlikely to be sustained or spread if the payment system cannot change to support transition coordination payments
To learn more about how Team Oregon used the fishbone diagram to help them further focus their project, click
Great Ideas to You can Use:
Colorado State Team’s Monthly Advisory Team Newsletter
Looking for a way to engage key stakeholders to keep them informed and engaged? The Colorado State Team has created a newsletter that informs their advisory team of their project updates, any conferences or meetings that would be useful to their members, and overall relevant information for advancing care for CMC.
Thanks to Angie Goodger and Ellen Sublett from Team CO for sharing!
To see the newsletter, click
CMC CoIIN Teams Present Workshops and Poster Sessions at AMCHP 2019 Conference
The Oregon State Team and Texas State Team will be presenting at the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs conference this year. Oregon State Team’s workshop will be taking place on March 11, 11:00AM – 12:00PM; Texas State Team’s poster presentation will be held on March 10, 1:00PM – 2:00PM
view program
here for Oregon's abstract
for Texas' abstract
NEW State Team Cross-sharing Resources Posted to Box
Thanks to all the State Teams who have been contributing to the Cross-Sharing folder on Box! See below for a list of 9 new materials that were shared this month:
- Recruitment Brochures (Family Brochure and Physician Brochure): Brochures created by Team Kentucky to recruit families and providers for their Virtual Care Team Conferences. They will be adding billing info to the provider brochure in the future. (location on Box: State Team Cross Sharing > Recruitment)
- Tips for Recruitment: This document was developed based on the State Team discussion at the January 2019 webinar ...
Family Engagement Activities by State – Highlights from January's project update summaries
We have a family leader on the Alabama team. Sharon Henderson and Tammy Moore are parents of a child with medical complexity and members of the Alabama team. We also have a youth consultant, Sarah Williams on our team. Susan Colburn is also a member of the CMC CoIIN Family Engagement Workgroup
Where do things stand with state teams needing to consent survey respondents?
Good question! We already let state teams know ASAP of an important consenting update:
the Boston University IRB has verbally agreed, pending formal review/confirmation, to approve a waiver of informed consent/assent for the CMC CoIIN project!
Where do things stand with state teams needing to consent survey respondents?
Good question! We just got clear on this ourselves as a team.
Single Group
have higher-level permissions, which includes both data entry and accessing raw data and run chart features.
only have permission to access raw data and run chart features; they cannot enter data.
If you have any changes to the permissions of your team members based on this distinction, please email Sherry Leonard at
What happened to the old CMC CoIIN website?
Great news! The CMC CoIIN and The Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health have launched a new design and look for the websites. Check the sites out at the following links:
Save the Date: National Family Voices 2019 Leadership Conference
May 8-10, 2019
Washington, D.C.
“Families as Partners Shaping Systems Change” is the theme for this year’s Family Voices Leadership Conference. Participants will learn to improve supports to families, learn new strategies for managing nonprofits, and increase capacity for families to partner in systems change.
Lucille Packard Foundation: Identifying and Serving Children with Health Complexity: Spotlight on Pediatric Care Together
March 14, 10:30-11:30 am PT
Children with health complexity face unique medical and social factors that impact their health and engagement of health care services. Health systems play an important role in addressing both factors to build health and resilience. This webinar will feature a forthcoming issue brief that highlights how health systems can address health and resilience for children with medical complexity.
Caring For and About Children with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs: Professional Paths Taken
February 25, 7-8 pm CT
Presented by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Council on Children with Disabilities, this webinar will provide an overview of the population of children with disabilities and CSHCN and discuss the importance of family/professional partnership in caring for this population. Speakers include CMC CoIIN NAC members Dennis Kuo and Chris Stille, and Cara Coleman (Family Voices National).
2019 Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs Conference and Workshop
March 9-12, 2019
San Antonio, TX
Oregon State Team’s workshop
will be taking place on March 11, 11:00AM – 12:00PM;
BU-Family Voices’ presentation
will be held on March 11, 4:30PM -5:30PM; and
Texas State Team’s poster
presentation will be held on March 10, 1:00PM – 2:00PM.
Technology Tackles Care Coordination for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Challenge
Seven organizations around the country have won awards in the Challenge sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The winners proposed technology-based solutions designed to help families of CSHCN coordinate care for their children. Awardees next will develop prototypes and begin small-scale testing.
Dennis Kuo is a member of the CMC CoIIN National Advisory Committee:
Mattson, G.,
Kuo, D. Z
., & COMMITTEE ON PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF CHILD AND FAMILY HEALTH. (2019). Psychosocial Factors in Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs and Their Families.
(1), e20183171.
The report provides guidance for pediatric providers to facilitate and coordinate care and urges pediatric practices to collaborate with behavioral health providers, schools, social services, and other community agencies that are part of their patient’s life.
Stafford, A. (October 22, 2018). Can You “Make the Case” for Pediatric Palliative Care?
Over the past year, the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) has gathered perspectives from leadership at national children’s hospitals to identify recurring themes about the value of pediatric palliative care. Findings from this interview series were synthesized in a March 2018 symposium presented at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine’s and Hospice and Palliative Nurse Association’s Annual Assembly.
The Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs just released more than
10 new resources to be used alongside the National Standards for Systems of Care
that strive to serve the nation’s 14.2 million children and youth with special health care needs. These new resources were created to fit the expansive learning needs of all stakeholders, falling into three, easy-to-navigate formats: e-learning modules, case studies, and tip sheets.
Blueprint for Complex Care: 11 Opportunities to Strengthen the Field
An infographic from the Center for Health Care Strategies highlights recommendations for advancing the complex care field, based on input from stakeholders across the country.
Know of any interesting events or other resources to share? Let us know at the "Give Us Feedback" button below (-:
Notable Dates and Deadlines - 2019
Monday, February 25
QIDA Run Charts Training
12-1pm EDT
Tuesday, March 5
Monthly Open Office Hours w/ Meg
To be rescheduled to include Kristen (QIDA builder) - stay tuned for Doodle Poll
September 16th-18th
State Team In-person Meeting
Chicago AAP Headquarters
Mon: 4-7p CDT
Tues: 8:30a-4:30p CDT
Wed: 8:30a-2p CDT
State Team Learning Webinars
Thursday, March 21
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #7
12:30PM – 2:00PM EST
Topic: TBA
Tuesday, May 7
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #8
12:30PM – 2:00PM EST
Topic: TBA
Friday, July 12
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #9
2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Topic: TBA
Wednesday, November 6
CMC CoIIN State Team Webinar #10
2:00PM – 3:30PM EST
Topic: TBA
"Live what you love."
~Jo Deurbrouck
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CoIIN to Advance Care for Children with Medical Complexity | Center for Innovation in Social Work and Health | Boston University School of Social Work | 302-329-9261 ||