CMG 2017 Spring Journal - Issue 1

Letter from the Editor

Welcome  to the return of CMG Journal. I am very excited to return as the CMG Journal managing editor, and look forward to working with our members, authors and CMG leadership to bring you the best all-around performance focused publication in the industry.
CMG is pleased to present 2017 Issue 1 of the CMG Journal.  This " Best of the Best" issue features award winning conference papers from the past ten years on: Data Visualization, Problem Management, Dashboards, SSD?Flash Performance in Storage, Analytical Performance Models, and Kalm Capacity Planning.

  • Better Information from Better Data Visualization
    by Nicole Arksey and Scott Chapman
  • Say Goodbye to Post Mordems, Say Hello to Effective Problem Management
    by Charles Foy
  • How to Build Tabular Dashboards Using Proc Report
    by Shana Bereznay, Raff rushton, and Frank Bereznay
  • Analyzing SSD/Flash Performance in High-End Storage
    by Dr. Cor Meenderinck
  • Dynamic Derivation of Analytical Performance Models in Autonomic Computing Environments by 
    Dr. Daniel Menasce  and  Mahmoud Awad
  • A Kalm Approach to Capacity Planning - Road Rules
    by Denise Kalm

We are actively soliciting papers for future issues of CMG Journal. We are planning on publishing four issues per year, with a goal of five high quality papers per issue. Our next issue is planned for June 2017 and we are currently reviewing submissions. Please consider writing a paper for the CMG Journal. You can submit your papers, as well as feedback to us at [email protected].
It's good to be back writing these letters and serving our members as the CMG Journal Editor again. Thanks again for reading, and we hope you enjoy this issue.

Stephen R. Guendert, Ph.D