The CMRAO will begin accepting applications and payments for licence renewals on June 1, 2019. The regular licensing year ends on June 30, but since this date falls on the weekend of a statutory holiday, all applications and payments must be submitted online by midnight on July 2, 2019. You will receive another renewal notice on May 1, as a well as a reminder on June 1, when the renewal portal opens.
As a reminder to licensed management companies, please ensure that you maintain an up-to-date list of licensees employed by your company. Your annual licensing fee will be set based on records as at 11:59 p.m. on May 31, 2019.
If your licence is not renewed by the deadline, you will be required to pay the $150 reinstatement application fee, in addition to the annual licensing fee.
CMRAO staff are available to assist and answer questions regarding the licence renewal process. Information about licence renewals is also available on the CMRAO website.