New Path Ahead: Working Together to Develop the Educational Foundation for Ontario’s Condominium Management Sector 
In 2017, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services designated the courses and challenge exams developed by the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) as the education and examination requirements necessary to qualify for a General Licence. On November 1, 2021, this authority will transfer to the Registrar of the CMRAO.

Preparation for this transition began in 2019 when the CMRAO, the Advisory Committee, and a group of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) consisting of highly experienced condominium managers from across the province and individuals with a teaching/training background collaborated with consultants procured by the CMRAO to define the condominium management profession in Ontario. The culmination was the Competency Profile for Condominium Managers in Ontario. Completion of the profile was an important milestone for the Advisory Committee and SME group, and the first step in developing a new curriculum for the condo management profession.

The next step in preparing for the transition was developing a curriculum roadmap and course blueprints based on the competency profile. This involved two phases: Analysis and Design. In each phase of the process, the CMRAO ensured that there was extensive consultation with the condominium management sector. The Analysis phase included multiple interviews with a number of SMEs and an online survey for all General Licensees. This survey was an opportunity to get a better understanding of the current educational requirements, as well as the types of education or support that would be most helpful to new condominium managers. Results from the interviews and survey unveiled conclusions that would inform the decisions made in the Design phase.
The conclusions made in the Analysis phase identified guiding principles for the curriculum’s design, such as embracing a diversity of backgrounds and experience, and designing a model for both virtual and in-person learning. With these principles on hand, a roadmap outlining the curriculum’s structure, content, and assessment approach was designed. The SMEs and the Advisory Committee reviewed the initial roadmap and provided valuable feedback to help refine the new six-course curriculum.
Chuck Garneau, Condominium Manager
"The curriculum is the cornerstone of the program and will definitely be beneficial to everyone, from the unit owner to the board to the property manager,” said Chuck Garneau, a condominium manager in Richmond Hill. “The original courses provided a very solid foundation, but the new curriculum is much more defined and comprehensive, particularly in the areas of ethics and diversity. While it can be intimidating at first, successful managers can take a newfound pride in their profession.”

The roadmap led to the design of six course blueprints. The blueprints provide in-depth details about how each course should be designed and delivered to ensure they provide learners with the knowledge and skills to meet the competency profile requirements.
Through six courses, potential General Licensees will gain an understanding of the industry and the role of a condominium manager, and a working knowledge of condominium law, relationship building, physical building management, managing financials, and operational quality.
Anne Burgoon, a condominium manager in Eastern Ontario and member of the SME group, acknowledged the difference between current and upcoming course content. “Upon reviewing, I think we must have done well because I could not help but think, ‘Gee, I wish the courses would have had all this content when I took them,’” she said. I think the industry is very fortunate to have some of these really experienced, knowledgeable, and giving professionals volunteering to help make the condominium management profession one that we are proud to be a part of.”

The entire process of developing the curriculum roadmap and course blueprints took place between April and September 2020. Despite unprecedented circumstances brought upon by COVID-19, collaboration and effective discussion was not hindered between participating stakeholders, and the Analysis and Design phases were completed on time.
Anne Burgoon,
Condominium Manager
The finalized curriculum roadmap and course blueprints mark the end of the SMEs’ work on the upcoming changes to education requirements.

Working together, the SMEs, the Advisory Committee, and the CMRAO have ensured that the new courses will provide the essential knowledge necessary for a career in condominium management and close any gaps between education and real-world experiences.

Common goals brought condominium managers, condominium owners, and industry stakeholders together – the competency profile and new curriculum are a testament of the passion, hard work, and dedication to improving the future of condominium management in Ontario.
The curriculum roadmap and course blueprints are now available on the CMRAO website.
Licensing Update
First Competency Profile for Ontario’s Condominium Managers – Read the Full Report
In preparation for the upcoming changes to education requirements for licensing, the CMRAO has developed a competency profile describing the minimum expectations (or professional competencies) of an individual applying for a General Licence. The Report on the Competency Profile for Condominium Managers in Ontario, published earlier this year, details the findings gleaned from an online survey of CMRAO licensees, and outlines the breadth of competencies needed to provide condominium management services that were identified by the consultants, Subject Matter Experts, and CMRAO’s Advisory Committee.

In the report, a total of 79 competencies are described and grouped thematically as foundational, management, and professional.
The competency report is available on the CMRAO website.
The 2020 Survey Results Are In!
Following the CMRAO’s first satisfaction survey in 2019, the CMRAO delivered another successful round of surveys (one survey for licensees and another for stakeholders) in January 2020 with over one thousand responses.

The full survey report is available on the CMRAO website. 
Watch the video highlights of both surveys.
Condominium Manager Education Webinar – October 22 at 11 a.m. 
In 2017, the Minister of Government and Consumer Services designated the courses and challenge exams developed by the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) as the education and examination requirements necessary for applicants to qualify for a General Licence. As outlined in regulation (O. Reg. 123/17), the responsibility for setting education and examination requirements will be transferred to the Registrar of the CMRAO on November 1, 2021.

Over the last year, the CMRAO has prepared for this important transition by developing Ontario’s first competency profile for the condominium profession, as well as a roadmap and course curriculum that incorporates the identified competencies within the educational requirements for a General Licence.

Join Ali Arlani, CEO and Registrar, and Sandy Vizely, Deputy Registrar, at 11 a.m. on Thursday, October 22, 2020, as they outline the new changes to condominium manager education and answer questions about the upcoming transition.

While this webinar is geared towards condominium managers, it is an opportunity for anyone interested in learning about the CMRAO’s evolving role in regulating the condominium management industry. Attendees are encouraged to submit any questions they want answered during the webinar when they register.
Feedback received from the 2020 satisfaction survey indicated that both licensees and stakeholders wanted more information about the number and kinds of complaints the CMRAO received. This is information the CMRAO will be sharing about the work we do to protect consumers and regulate Ontario’s rapidly growing condominium management sector. 

The CMRAO handles complaints by conducting inspections and investigations, assisting in issues resolution, holding discipline hearings, and taking corrective actions. What follows is a summary of the complaints received over the last year. 
Learn Even More
The CMRAO's blog provides relevant, timely, and valuable information to help condo managers better understand their role as licensed professionals. Here are some recent posts:
Licence Designations
In response to inquiries from the sector related to the use of a specific CMRAO licence designation...

Competency Profile
Effective November 1, 2021, the authority for setting education requirements will be transferred...

Story Ideas?

If you have any ideas or topics you would like to see covered in an upcoming issue of CMRAO Quarterly, please send an email and let us know.
About this newsletter:
CMRAO Quarterly is an e-newsletter published quarterly by the CMRAO for stakeholders.
Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO)
Meeting Standards. Creating Trust. Building Confidence.