CMS Digest - April 26, 2021
Embedding Items
If you want to embed an item from a service that allows embedding on pages, that can be done in a General Content type.

Do not embed YouTube videos in a General content type. They will not adjust to fit small screen sizes.

Sometimes the text editor in the content type may overwrite or erase a certain part of the embed code. This can make the embedded item not function as expected or not function at all.
If you are having this problem, please contact us. There is an Embed content type that can be used in these situations. You do not have access to it by default, but access can be given. The Embed content type will not overwrite or delete any part of an embed code.
Style Sheet Updates
This afternoon, we are updating the website's main CSS style sheet. The style sheet controls things like colors, margins, fonts, spacing, etc.
The changes are largely organizational. There will be very few changes to the appearance of the website.

If you notice strange formatting issues on your website this week, please contact us.
Training in March
Web content training
Wednesday, May 19
8:30 - 10 am

Using the CMS
Thursday, May 20
8:30 - 11:30 am

Student training
Thursday, May 13
2 - 4 pm

Contact Us

Joe Marley

Daniel Whitaker