CMS Digest - March 15, 2021
Welcome Daniel
There is a new member on the web team.

Daniel Whitaker started on March 8 as an Associate Web Specialist.
(Titles are weird, just know he'll be doing website stuff.)

Daniel is an ISU alum who majored in computer science.
He'll be a great addition to the Office of Web Communications.
Request forms
There are forms on the CMS site for making certain requests. Some are new, some are old.

More about the T4 dashboard
Since mid-December, you see a dashboard when you log into Terminalfour. 

Welcome tab:
  • Links to resources on the CMS website
  • Announcements about important things (like content purges)
  • Any content types that have an upcoming review date

Content Health tab:
  • Content types for which you have set a review date, or have gone past the review date
  • Content that has expired
  • Oldest content based on modification date

Recent Content Activity tab:
  • Shows a chart and list of when and which content types have been in the last month 
Training in March
Web content training
Tuesday, March 23
8:30 - 10 am

Using the CMS
Wednesday, March 24
8:30 - 11:30 am

Student training
Friday, March 26
2:30 - 4:30 pm

Contact Us

Joe Marley

Daniel Whitaker