Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Welcomes Unexpected Bundle of Joy

Baby Siamang Born to First-Time Parents, Eve and Wayan

Eve nuzzles the baby during feeding
Husby describes Siamangs as the 'romantic apes,' because they're the only ape species that mates for life in the wild. They have tight family bonds, and fathers play a big role in raising their babies, unlike many species of the animal kingdom. When mom Siamangs get sleepy, you'll see the dads cuddling the babies while the moms rest.
"We're already seeing great instincts in Wayan," said Husby, who in addition to managing Primate World, is secretary of the Gibbon SSP and has worked directly with gibbons at CMZoo for 12 years. "He's sticking close by without interfering. He's really curious and is being respectful, showing support without taking over."
While the baby bonds with its new parents, it's important they have access to a quiet, private space. In addition to their indoor on-exhibit areas, they have access to multiple behind-the-scenes dens. Depending on weather and the baby's development, the family will also have access to their outdoor space. The gibbons may be visible to guests in Primate World, depending on where they prefer to spend time. 

There are no plans to name the baby, yet. Stay tuned to the Zoo's social media pages for more updates on this sweet little family.
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4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Rd., Colorado Springs, CO, 80906