Quarterly Newsletter from the Canadian Network of Asset Managers
Executive Director's Message
As the summer months are fast approaching, it is my pleasure to provide you with a recap of CNAM’s activities and initiatives since my last Newsletter Message, and a snapshot of upcoming events.

Clearly, it would be an understatement to reflect on the past year as being difficult and requiring ongoing adjustments to our personal and business lives. On the bright side, the resilience, patience, and constructive responses through the global pandemic by Asset Management practitioners, and the CNAM members and Board has indeed been impressive. As the deployment of vaccines continues in the months ahead, we are optimistic that a return to an environment of normality is not far away.

CNAM’s premier event, its 2021 Virtual Conference, just passed. Following the experience of delivering CNAM’s first-ever Virtual Conference in 2020, the 2021 Conference Planning Committee had created an extraordinary and exciting Schedule of Events at this year’s Conference. The Conference included Keynote Speaker, Brian Burke, over 30 Asset Management capacity building Breakout Sessions, and a one-hour Virtual Networking Session at the end of each day. We also experienced the return of CNAM’s Tereo Awards Event after a one-year hiatus due to the COVID restrictions in 2020. CNAM’s New Professionals Network Committee, once again, hosted the Student Research Symposium and the highly anticipated Student Poster Competition. Thank you to all who made the 2021 Virtual Conference a memorable event - and thank you also to those who attended.

Doug Cutts
Executive Director

2021 CNAM Board of Directors Elections Results

The Canadian Network of Asset Managers held its Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. At this meeting we held an election to vote for certain Board positions. Many of the new Board of Directors were elected by acclamation, but two positions were taken to vote.

  • Regional Director - West position
  • Regional Director - Prairies position

At the AGM, there was a tie for the Regional Director West position, between Greg Sawatzky and Jude Pillainayagam. A re-vote was held until Monday, May 24, 2021 and the results are in. It was very close, but CNAM would like to congratulate Jude Pillainayagam for being elected as the Regional Director - West!

Thank you to all who re-voted!

AM Capacity Needs Survey

CNAM conducted the Asset Management Capacity Needs Survey from July 2020 through January 2021 to help the public sector Asset Management (AM) industry identify and examine the current gaps, needs, and demands for workforce AM capacity and capability development in Canada. The survey was conducted in French and English.

The goal of the survey was to understand:
  • What gaps in individual and organizational competency (knowledge, skills, and behaviours) are prevalent in Canadian public sector AM.
  • What areas are organizations struggling with as they implement and sustain their AM programs.
  • What individuals and organizations are currently doing to develop their AM capacity and capabilities, and where they seek to improve.
  • What resources individuals and organizations require to better develop their AM capacity and capabilities.

Date & Time: June 23rd at 12 - 1:30 PM ET
Speakers: Ian Gerritsen, CNAM Program Manager and Lead AMCF Editor &
Joey Thibault, CNAM Program Coordinator
Cost: Free for Members, $50 for Non-members

Water Infrastructure
The Asset Management Journey

Online Panel — June 9, 2021
3-5pm EDT, 12-2pm PDT

Join our distinguished speakers for a panel discussion focused on the challenges and anticipated benefits of their respective Asset Management journeys.

CNAM Membership Committee Update
On behalf of the CNAM Membership Committee I am pleased to provide an update on virtual networking. Back in May 2020 (at the beginning of the pandemic), CNAM’s virtual conference included a new feature called “virtual networking” at the end of each day’s program. It was such a hit that the Membership Committee expanded the offering as a “members only” event and hosted four virtual networking sessions between conferences: August 19th, January 13th, February 25th and March 24th. These events were free for members and the feedback has been great!

Building on the experience of these sessions, the Membership Committee stepped it up for round 2 of virtual networking at the 2021 Virtual Conference. Speakers from earlier in the day were invited to be available for “hallway conversations” where the discussions and networking continued. 

There are more of these networking sessions to come throughout the year, so we're looking forward to seeing you soon!

Committee: Darla Campbell (Chair), Danny Gruner (New Professionals Rep), Justine Baudart, Sudhir Jha, Megan Jakilazek, Lee Anne Harder and Viktorija Dukoski (Redstone)

CNAM 2021 Annual Conference
Thank you for attending the 2021 CNAM Virtual Conference: Refocus the Road Ahead on May 10th-13th!

Although 2021 looked different than past conferences, the virtual conference allowed us to keep some traditions alive as we continued to learn, connect, and provide leadership for what is ahead.

To ensure the continued success of CNAM's events, we ask you to take a moment to provide us with your thoughts and feedback. Your comments will remain confidential and will be used towards planning future events.

The recorded sessions will be available to all members on Monday, May 31, 2021 - Stay tuned!
AM 101

Date: Tuesday, June 1st, 2021
Time:  12:00 - 3:00pm ET

AM 102

Date: June 8th & 15th, 2021
Time:  12:00 - 3:00pm ET

Featured Event - CNAM AM 101 and AM 102 Courses
CNAM’s renowned AM Awareness Course has been revamped, expanded, and is now available as 2 separate courses!

Throughout 2020 CNAM has been working hard to make its AM awareness courses even better, with updated content and even more interactive exercises. We are very excited to launch the new AM101 and AM102 courses in parallel for 2021.

AM101 and 102 will be run in three separate online sessions (Week 1: AM101, Week 2&3: AM102). Sign up for 101, 102, or both! AM101 is not a pre-requisite for AM102, however we recommend it for anyone new to AM, or for those looking for a refresher of core AM concepts. AM101 is FREE for CNAM members.

Those interested in a CNAM membership can also take advantage of our new member bundle where they will receive the free admission to AM101, and a member discount to AM102.

Funding Portal Update
Money for Municipalities - Take the Pressure off Securing Grants

Many municipalities are under unprecedented pressure right now to deliver services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Securing government grants is something CNAM’s Money for Municipalities can safely take off your plate. Our service delivery partner, Fundingportal, can provide you with a free consultation to determine if you could benefit from ordering a custom report identifying your top funds or from expert grant writing or review services. 

Email today to get started. Popular programs right now include green infrastructure projects and asset management planning. 

Job Postings
There are a number of Asset Management positions on our website.

Currently job postings are complimentary to CNAM members and $100 plus GST for non-members. Please forward your short job post description (must provide a descriptive paragraph) and a PDF of the full job posting and contact information to Membership Service at

What's on Your Mind?
Got something to share? Help us decide on our next webinar or suggest an article or topic for the next issue of the CNAMer. You can vote for one of the topics noted below or suggest something different – what’s got you thinking?
  • Making the case for asset management investment
  • Balancing investment needs: growth, enhanced levels of service, and maintenance
  • Climate change and resiliency
  • Other topics

Members of CNAM enjoy many benefits such as:

  • Discounted registration at CNAM’s Annual Conference

  • The opportunity to be nominated for the prestigious CNAM Awards, which celebrates and recognizes individuals and organizations in the asset management industry. More information…

  • Exclusive access to CNAMpedia- a source of infrastructure asset management information provided by fellow CNAM members

For more information membership benefits, please visit our website.
The CNAM Board
CNAM Executive

Katie Geoghegan, Chair, Director

Leanne Brannigan, Vice Chair, Director

Patrick Kelly, Secretary-Treasurer

Matt Dawe, Past Chair
Executive Director

Douglas Cutts
CNAM Directors

Gabriel Bruneau, Director (Quebec)
Jennifer Duncan, Director (East: NS, NL, NB, PEI)
Lee Anne Harder, Director (Prairie)
Sudhir Jha, Director (Territories)
Jude Pillainayagam, Director (West: BC, Alberta)
Irving LeBlanc, Director (First Nations)
Cassandra Pacey, Director-at-Large (Public)
Chris Klos, Director-at-Large (Public)
Pierre-Louis Beaulieu-Bellemare, Director-at-Large (Non-Public)
Robert Price, Director-at-Large (Non-Public)
Darla Campbell, Director-at-Large, (Non-Public)
Bernadette O'Connor, Director-at-Large (Non-Public)
Duane Nicol, Director (Municipalities Under or Around 100,000)
Todd Latham, Director (Non-Voting)
Leslie Nanibush, Chair, New Professionals Network (Non- Voting)