Hello Wonderful Learners Chess Parents and Friends!

A few reminders in today's email and a new puzzle! 
But first, results are now published from our April 2nd team tournament! Apologies for the delay, but with nearly 300 participants' results to account for, it does take time. 

Reminders and updates on upcoming programs and tournaments:
  • Tomorrow, there is no school at most schools and so we have our last Single Day Chess Camp of the semester! We have a few spots left so sign up soon!
  • The next of our monthly chess and/or bughosue tournametns is coming up on April 23rd! Sign up here today!
  • And for our summer tournaments, we will be moving to Saturday mornings to avoid the afternoon heat beating down on our young chess learners while they're in competition. Our June tournament will be Saturday Morning, June 17th

Fun Chess Puzzles! - SUMMER SERIES!
As we continue to approach summer, we continue to borrow a series of chess puzzles composed by Coach Eddie in his book,  Chess Puzzle Learning Levels Volume 1.

This is Coach Eddie's SUMMER series of puzzles. In all of these puzzles, the pieces make the shape of one of the letters in the word SUMMER. Below is the first 'M' puzzle for the word SUMMER. To see the 'S' and 'U' puzzles, click here

White to move and mate in 3.
Hint: all problems in this series are forced checkmates.

Vernal Holiday Chess Camp: April 14th
Does your child need a place to go during the Vernal Holiday? 
Do they want to come play chess for a half or full day?
Upcoming Chess and/or Bughouse Tournament: April 23rd!

This is a great event for the first time tournament player or any player rated below 1200!
Also, it's a good one for kids who love to play bughouse!
  • Chess tournament from 1:30-4:30pm
  • Bughouse from 4:30pm-5:45pm

Trophies awarded to top three finishing players in each 8 player section and to the top three finishing bughouse teams!

Summer Chess Camp!

Next early bird discount deadline is April 30th! Pay $125 instead of $155 for a week of half days and $225 instead of $265 for a week of full days!
Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

Coach Victor Lopez
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