About members, for members...
"According to scripture, virtually everything that truly qualifies a person for leadership is directly related to character."
-John MacArthur
Calling Out Activist DAs
Founder and President
Media Research Center
CNP Gold Circle Member Brent Bozell shared his thoughts on the potentially politically motivated indictment of a former President of the United States.

"As the week wraps up, I want to personally update you on the Media Research Center's coverage of former President Trump's indictment. MRC's founder and president Brent Bozell immediately responded stating, 'This sham indictment by a Soros-DA is political persecution, pure and simple.' MRC's CNSNews division is actively reporting on the incident as well."
Senator Scott Says We Need to Get More Involved
Congratulations to CNP Gold Circle Member and CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens Rebecca Weber who interviewed Florida Senator Rick Scott on a variety of issues.

We’ve got to take our country back. That means we’ve got to get way more involved if we want to have the country that we want for our kids and our grandkids,” said Senator Scott.

“It’s one thing to talk about whether Trump has been treated [badly] or whether the issues are inflation, the open border or whether our military is focused more on pronouns, rather than being the most lethal military in the world.”
Chief Executive Officer
Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC)
State Treasurers Reject ESG -
You Should Too
State Financial Officers Foundation
CNP Board of Governors Member and CEO of State Financial Officers Foundation Derek Kreifels was interviewed by The Daily Wire's Jordan Peterson on Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) and why we should reject it.

"ESG is a type of investing where a group of activists are frankly weaponizing public capital - money - to advance a political agenda. It can be done in a name of numerous issues. Lately, it's covering environmental issues."
Oregon: Adopt Gender Ideology
Before Adopting Children
Alliance Defending Freedom where CNP Member Kristen Waggoner serves as CEO, President, and General Counsel is representing Oregon resident Jessica Bates who fell victim to Oregon's ludicrous anti-Christian adoption policies.

"Jessica Bates is one such Christian who seeks to continue in that legacy of caring for the orphan. But unfortunately... her home state of Oregon requires that before a family can adopt or foster children, they must adopt the state’s radical gender ideology and “respect, accept, and support” the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of any child that could be placed in their home.
CEO, President, and General Counsel
Alliance Defending Freedom
Oregon’s policy penalizes Jessica for her religious views, compels her to speak words that violate her beliefs, and deprives her of the equal protection of the law. Jessica need not check her religion at the door to show that she can care for a child. All she asks for is the chance to access the state’s programs on an equal playing field with everyone else."
Politically Motivated American "Justice" System
Institute for Free Speech
CNP Gold Circle Member Bradley Smith was featured on Fox Business channel with Larry Kudlow to discuss the indictment of former President Donald Trump. Click Here to watch the full segment.
Mr. Smith also released an opinion piece with the Wall Street Journal. Click Here to read the full article.

"The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that because campaign-finance laws infringe on core First Amendment activity, they can’t be dependent on vague, subjective interpretations."
Discrimination Allowed If
Christians Are the Victim
Liberty Counsel, where CNP Board of Governors member Mat Staver serves as Founder and Chairman, sent a letter to the Superintendent of Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia on behalf of a high school teacher who was directed to remove a Bible verse from her email signature block.

John 3:16 displayed in her email since she was hired at the school, and the Superintendent forced her to take it out. She proposed Proverbs 23:6 instead, but that was also denied.
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
"The directive from the school district to the teacher to remove an expression of her personal faith from her email signature block, based solely on its perceived religious nature, constitutes religious discrimination in violation of the First Amendment and school district policy, which prohibits religious discrimination based on religious viewpoint."
Unmasking Leftwing Billionaire Plans to Infiltrate and Control America’s Elections
Senior Legal Fellow for Election Integrity, Conservative Partnership Institute
CNP Member Cleta Mitchell hosted Ned Jones on her podcast which focuses on election integrity.

Ned Jones directs the Election Integrity Network’s Citizen's Research Project, a nationwide collaborative effort engaging volunteers who are researching the left’s billionaire-funded efforts to manipulate election results by taking over local election offices.
"The key to our success is a relationship with a local election official. That can be a positive relationship where we're getting a lot of information on how they run their elections or it can be a relationship where we aren't getting a lot of information," Mr. Jones said.
The Last Straw!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."-President Abraham Lincoln
ACT for America, where CNP Member Brigitte Gabriel serves as Founder and Chairman, started a petition to "End Department of Justice (DOJ) Political Weaponization."

Call on Congress to:
  • Investigate and Impeach AG Garland
  • End the political witch hunt targeting up to 1,200 new arrests
  • Free and compensate the J6 political prisoners
  • Release all J6 video footage
Founder and Chairman
ACT for America
"Coincidentally, this announcement comes as the Manhattan, NY District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, moving on behest of the Left, is conducting a theatrical stunt threatening to arrest and fingerprint former President Donald J. Trump, knowing the evidence and problematic witness will ultimately put that case to bed once and for all," says Gabriel.
If you or your organization would like to be featured in a future edition of Member Momentum, please send your submission to
Jesse Wooten at [email protected] for consideration.

Submissions should reflect an organizations' top three to four most impactful announcements annually.
This publication is not to be construed as necessarily reflecting the views of the Council for National Policy or as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any bill for the Congress of the United States.