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This monthly newsletter is intended for CNS members only. For guidelines on submitting an announcement to the newsletter, see  

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Mark your Calendar!
CNS Annual Meeting from March 14-17, 2020 in Boston


New on the CNS Blog: Q&As with Young Investigator Award Winners

Modeling Learning Across the Lifespan

At a special session on the relation between psychology and neuroscience at last year's CNS conference in San Francisco, Catherine Hartley said: "Even if we can predict behavior, if we don't know how it works, we likely have not achieved our goals." While computational algorithms and tools may help researchers predict people's behavior, it is not enough, she argued- which is why Hartley has devoted her career to understanding the cognitive and neural mechanisms that drive behavior, especially learning.

A cognitive neuroscientist at NYU , Hartley focuses on understanding how learning and decision-making work in the brain across the lifespan. For her work using computational models to elucidate changes in goal-directed learning and decision-making over the course of human development, Hartley is receiving a  CNS Young Investigator Award . Read the full Q&A with Hartley here.
Revealing the Cognitive Sorcery of Human Intelligence

In the last decade, computational techniques have expanded the toolkit for scientists across disciplines. In neuroscience, computational models are increasingly rendering "visible things that were previously invisible," says  Samuel Gershman, a cognitive neuroscientist at Harvard University .

"Computational modeling is not a niche activity. It's the same theory-building activity in which all cognitive neuroscientists engage," Gershman explains. "The difference is that computational models allow us to be very precise about our hypotheses, making them more falsifiable. The hypotheses also tend to be more sophisticated."

For his computational work on how humans and animals learn to make long-term decisions, an area known as "reinforcement learning," Gershman has received the CNS Young Investigator Award. Read the full Q&A with Gershman

Get regular updates from CNS about our members and the latest science in the journals and in the news on Twitter ( @CogNeuroNews ) and  Facebook .  

Stop by the CNS 2020 Communications Open House
On March 15th and 16th from 8:30-10am at CNS 2020 in Boston, CNS Public Information Officer Lisa M.P. Munoz will answer your questions, give advice, and talk about the communication and press services CNS offers. No appointment needed. Just grab some breakfast and drop into the Kent Room.
Recruiting Guest Bloggers for CNS 2020
CNS invites its members to author blog posts about research being presented at the upcoming CNS 2020 meeting in Boston. This is a great opportunity to communicate and share your work with a broader audience! Send your ideas to Lisa M.P. Munoz at:

Don't forget to update your contact information! 


This monthly newsletter goes to all current CNS members and includes updates on events, job opportunities, and related information in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience. Update membership and contact information by logging into your member account.   

Positions Available:
Technical Assistance / Funding Opportunities


Neuroaesthetics Social @ CNS2020

Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting

Neuroaesthetics Social @ CNS2020

Sunday March 15, 12:15 - 1:15 pm

Our lives are full of aesthetic experiences. When we engage with art, listen to music, or simply look out a window, we cannot help but assess how much the experience pleases us. This social brings together researchers interested in understanding such aesthetic responses. We will highlight aesthetics research being presented at CNS in a "Data Blitz" session, followed by an open discussion and time to socialize. Light refreshments will be offered.

Data Blitz presentations (3 minutes) are open to anyone presenting aesthetics-related work at CNS. Selection for presentation will be made by the organizing committee based on scientific rigor, potential impact and interest, academic position (preference given to students/early stage researchers), and whether your work was selected for a talk or poster at CNS (priority given to posters).

If you are interested in presenting your findings at the Data Blitz session please send an email to (ATTN: Neuroesthetics Social Data Blitz) by February 24th with the following information:
Presenter name, affiliation, and academic status (student/postdoc/PI/etc.)
Presentation title and abstract
Date/time and type of CNS presentation (poster/talk)

This event is sponsored by the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPIEA;, the Johns Hopkins International Arts+Minds Lab (IAM;, and the International Association for Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA;
Immersive mentored research experience for undergraduates at the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, and data science:

Application Opens: November 1st, 2019

Application Deadline: February 15th, 2020

Admission Notification: Ongoing After Application deadline

Program Dates: June 1 - August 7th 2020

Application Link:

*Note that applicants who are not accepted will receive notification once all admissions have been sent out.  Please do not call the Psychology department or send separate admission inquiries. Please note that these dates are currently tentative and may be subject to change.  All inquiries not addressed within the website and associated links can be sent to

The Psychology Research Experience Program (PREP) provides intensive mentoring and experience in scientific research and professional development to undergraduates from historically underrepresented populations - those from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, those from low-income backgrounds, those with disabilities, and first-generation college students - who have expressed and demonstrated an interest in a career in scientific psychology.

PREP is unique in that we have a focus on integrating principles and methods of data science into the study of psychology and neuroscience. The program features a balance of mentored laboratory research (approximately 30 hours/week), intensive "bootcamps" on technical skills (e.g., R and Python programming), faculty presentations, professional development and networking opportunities.

See the link to "PREP Research Abstracts" on the right for examples from the Summer 2011-2019 programs; see "Program Highlights" under the "About PREP" link for more specifics about the program.

For more information about PREP, please contact:

Information is only available by e-mail. Please do not call the Psychology Department.

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Psychology
Attn: PREP Program
1202 West Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53706-1611

Faculty Positions

Faculty Position




Loyola University Chicago

Non-Tenure track Lecturer position in Psychology/Neuroscience beginning Fall 2020. All applicants must have a PhD in psychology or neuroscience and a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. We are particularly interested in candidates who can teach courses in Introduction to Neuroscience, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience (lecture and/or lab courses), Cognitive Psychology (lecture and/or lab courses), Sensation and Perception (lecture and/or lab courses), statistics, and research methods. Successful candidates will have a demonstrated record of excellence in both teaching and student mentorship. Review of applications will begin on February 17, 2020, and will continue until the position is filled.

Contact Website

Faculty Position

Visiting Lecturer Full-Time Three Year Position Trinity College

Cognitive/Computational Neuroscience


Trinity College

The Neuroscience Program at Trinity College seeks to fill a three-year full-time Visiting Lecturer position. The position will start in August 2020. The successful candidate will be expected to teach a total of four courses per year. This includes a sophomore level course in Brain and Behavior as well as an advanced course with lab section in their area of expertise. Ability to teach statistics for neuroscience or neuroinformatics is a plus. Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in neuroscience or related field. Candidates will have the opportunity to pursue research in their own area(s) of interest and to supervise undergraduate and Master's level research students. The Neuroscience Program currently includes members from the Departments of Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy and Engineering, and is committed to maintaining a culturally and academically diverse faculty to teach our diverse student body. Trinity College is a co-educational, non-sectarian liberal arts college located in an urban environment. Nearby institutions include Hartford Hospital, the Institute of Living, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, and University of Connecticut Medical School, all of which have active collaborations with Trinity faculty.

Inquiries may be addressed to Professor Sarah Raskin ( Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  

Contact Website

Postdoctoral Positions

Postdoctoral Position

Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive Control

Cognitive Neuroscience

Psychology and Neuroscience

Florida State University

The Nee Lab for Cognitive Neuroscience at Florida State University is seeking a post-doctoral researcher for an NIH funded project examining the neural basis of cognitive control. This project will use a combination of fMRI, computational techniques, and TMS to model and modulate hierarchical interactions supporting cognitive control.

The successful applicant must be proficient in MATLAB or Python and have experience in fMRI data analysis. A proven track-record of the use of connectivity-based techniques is preferred. Applicants should also show a strong commitment to mentorship.

Target start date is Summer or Fall of 2020. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, CV, and list of 3 referees to Review of applications will begin on 2/15/2020 and continue until the position is filled.

Contact Website
Postdoctoral Position
Postdoc in Affective Neuroscience


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (PI: Maital Neta, invites applications for a full-time Postdoctoral Researcher (start date negotiable). The lab uses neuroimaging (fMRI, resting state fMRI), psychophysiology, and behavioral techniques, and network analyses to examine individual differences in emotion perception and emotion regulation. 

The successful candidate will have completed a PhD in psychology, neuroscience, or a related field and have a strong publication record that includes neuroimaging studies, preferably with a focus on using fMRI to examine theoretically relevant questions in cognitive psychology and emotion in particular. Candidates with substantial prior experience with advanced MRI methods (e.g., resting state MRI, MVPA, network modeling), and with eye tracking are uniquely attractive. Strong technical skills are required, including competence in several programming environments, and familiarity with programs such as E-prime, SPSS, R, Matlab, Python, AFNI, SPM, FSL, and Unix is especially valued but not required and otherwise would be learned on the job. 

The lab is funded by the NIMH and NSF, and is housed in the Center for Brain, Biology, & Behavior at UNL (, which has a state-of-the-art Brain Imaging Center and a 3T MRI scanner dedicated for research. Beyond having access to the scanner, the postdoctoral researcher will also have access to with EEG/ERP, virtual reality, mobile psychophysiology, eye-tracking (many of which can be measured both in and out of the MRI scanner), as well as several other cutting-edge techniques. 

To apply, please fill out the application form at You will need your CV and the contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin immediately and proceed on a rolling basis. 

Contact Website
Postdoctoral Position

Postdoctoral Position

University of Haifa, Israel

Neurophenomenology of self-experience Postdoctoral Position 

Contemplative Neuroscience

University of Haifa, Israel

The Project on "Self-experience, Expansion and Dissolution" in Contemplative Neuroscience and neurophenomenology Lab ( in University of Haifa, Israel Department for Counseling and Human Development ( and Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center ( as well as the IBBRC - The Integrated Brain And Behavior Research Center ( are seeking to hire one (1) talented post-doctoral scholar with excellent writing and analytic skills, interested in gaining training and publishing skills while collaborating on an exciting pioneering study examining the neuroscience and phenomenology of self-experience. Located within the University of Haifa, it offers a stimulating research environment full of collaborative and networking opportunities. 

The position is offered pending receipt of a Zuckerman Postdoctoral grant.
Hence applicants are required to submit a proposal for the Zukerman fellowship. Application deadline is 30th March 2020, to start October 2020. The position duration should be for at least 2 years with possibility of renewal for a third year (based upon performance). 
Potential candidate is asked to first contact Dr. Aviva Berkovich-Ohana and Prof. Ofra Mayseless who jointly will mentor the postdoc. See below the terms of the application for Zukerman postdoc fellowship

The research project
The current project is a pioneering inter-disciplinary research on spiritual experiences related to the self, such as, self transcendence and self-dissolution. We ask what are the underlying neural processes during these experiences focusing on self systems (e.g., the narrative self and the minimal self) to identify distinct neural signatures these experiences. We combine microphenomenological interviewing technique to map the targeted experiences with neural measures assessed with magnetoencephalography (MEG) during such experiences. Current understanding of such experiences rests mostly on social and humanistic perspectives. Better understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying intangible 'spiritual' experiences can help decipher their obscurity and can pave the way to new frontiers in their study.

The close partnership and collaboration with experts in Psychology of self transcendence (Prof. Ofra Mayselles), Contemplative Neuroscience and neurophenomenology (Dr. Aviva Berkovich Ohana, Dr. Yair Dor-Ziderman) and Phenomenology and philosophy of mind (Prof. Yochai Ataria) allows for unique opportunities for professional development and interdisciplinary training. The breadth of training experiences will be useful for a variety of academic career paths. 

Desired Qualifications: Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, or a related field at the start of their appointment. We prefer candidates with experience in working with expert contemplative practitioners in different traditions. Applicants must be either US or Canada citizens, and have at least three previous publications. 

The applicants are required to submit a proposal for the Zukerman fellowship. Application deadline is 30th March 2020, to start October 2020. The position duration should be for at least 2 years with possibility of renewal for a third year (based upon performance). 
Potential candidate is asked to first contact Dr. Aviva Berkovich-Ohana and Prof. Ofra Mayseless who jointly will mentor the postdoc.


Ofra & Aviva

Information on Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholarships: 

Duration and Funding

Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholarships are for up to two years.
Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholars receive a scholarship of $52,000 per academic year for up to two years. Of this amount, $50,000 is provided by the Zuckerman STEM Leadership Program ($5,600 for research and travel to professional conferences plus $44,400 for living expenses [$3,700 per month]). An additional $2,000 in research funds is directed to scholars through their supervisors at their Israeli universities.
If circumstances allow, Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholarships may be renewed on a competitive basis for an additional one or two years.


Candidates may apply to more than one university.
Candidates must be citizens of the United States or Canada or have a documented status that allows them to study and work in the US.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree from a premier university, or if still studying for a Ph.D., must submit their Ph.D. thesis before October 1, 2020.
Candidates who began their postdoctoral training at the host institution after October 1, 2019, or who will arrive to begin their training no later than October 1, 2020, may still apply for the upcoming deadline.
Candidates must obtain consent from a potential hosting supervisor at the Israeli university/universities the candidate is applying to.
Postdoctoral Position

Position for: Post-doc in decision neuroscience of dementia & aging 


University of California, San Francisco

We seek a highly motivated and collaborative postdoctoral scholar to join an interdisciplinary research program on decision-making deficits in Alzheimer's disease, in frontotemporal dementia, and in preclinical carriers of autosomal dominant mutations for familial frontotemporal dementia. This program is directed by Winston Chiong, MD PhD in the University of California, San Francisco Memory and Aging Center; in conjunction with Ming Hsu, PhD (UC Berkeley Haas School of Business), Andrew Kayser, MD PhD (UCSF Neurology), Scott Kim, MD PhD (NIH), and Katherine Rankin, PhD (UCSF Memory and Aging Center).

The postdoctoral fellow will design and conduct task-based functional MRI, structural MRI, and behavioral studies of patients with mild dementia, preclinical mutation carriers, noncarrier family members, and healthy older control participants. This work is informed by clinical problems that arise in the care of older adults, and is designed for dissemination to ethics/policy as well as neuroscientific audiences. The fellow will be encouraged to take advantage of other training and learning opportunities within the UCSF Weill Institute for Neurosciences | Memory and Aging Center, the UC Berkeley/UCSF Center for Neural Engineering & Prostheses, and the UCSF/UC Hastings Consortium on Law, Science & Health Policy. The fellow will contribute to ongoing experiments and pursue self-directed projects in decision neuroscience of aging.

Required qualifications
* Doctoral degree or equivalent in psychology, neuroscience, or related fields
* Strong computational skills, including scripting or programming
* Previous experience in neuroimaging and/or studies of decision-making

Preferred qualifications
* Career interest in aging or neurodegenerative disease
* Facility with GitHub, Matlab, JavaScript, and/or Visual Basic
* Two-year commitment (with opportunities to extend as mutually desired)

How to apply
Please e-mail Madhu Manivannan at with your CV, cover letter, and names and contact information for three references. Informal inquiries are welcome. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until the position is filled.

Contact Website
Postdoctoral Position


BCBL- Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) (Center of excellence Severo Ochoa)

Announcement Text 
The Basque Center on Cognition Brain and Language (San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain) offers research fellow positions in three main broad areas or research: 
(1)-Language, reading and developmental disorders: How language acquisition, comprehension, production, and reading take place in the human brain. Special attention will be paid to language disorders and the development of computerized tools for their early diagnosis and treatment.
(2)-Multilingualism and second language learning: The cognitive and brain mechanisms of language acquisition and processing in a second language, taking into consideration the age of acquisition, proficiency and usage. Special attention will be paid to multilingualism within the school system and to the development of new educational technologies for second language learning.
(3)- Neurodegeneration, brain damage and healthy aging: Language and Cognition: Early cognitive and brain markers related to language for neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Parkinson); neural plasticity and language functions through brain stimulation in the awake patient during surgical brain operations; developing of computerized diagnostic and training tools for aphasic patients and neurodegenerative diseases.
The Center promotes a rich research environment without substantial teaching obligations. It provides access to the most advanced behavioral and neuroimaging techniques, including 3 Tesla MRI, a whole-head MEG system, four ERP labs, a NIRS lab, a baby lab including an eyetracker, two eyetracking labs, and several well-equipped behavioral labs. There are excellent technical support staff and research personnel (PhD and postdoctoral students). 
We are looking for cognitive neuroscientists or experimental psychologists with a background in psycholinguistics and/or neighboring cognitive neuroscience areas, computational modelers, and physicists and/or engineers with fMRI/MEG expertise. 
These five year Fellowships are directed to promising young researchers; they are intended to offer a track towards a PI role and independent research. The selected Fellows should be able to acquire the necessary skills for a research leader role. Ikerbasque is committed to offer a long-term career to the research community: Fellows in their 5th year can be assessed for a permanent position.
The applicants must have their PhD completed between 1/1/2009 and 31/12/2017.
Applications from women are especially welcomed. The eligibility period will be extended under special circumstances such as maternity.
Support letter from the host group is mandatory.
To submit your application please follow this link:
Deadline: 24th March 2020 
For further information about the fellowships, please contact the Director of BCBL, Manuel Carreiras (

Contact Website
Postdoctoral Position

Postdoctoral Associate - Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory

New York University Abu Dhabi

The Sreenivasan Lab at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate to conduct electrocorticography (ECoG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and functional MRI studies of working memory. This project will be co-supervised by Dr. Mark D'Esposito at the University of California, Berkeley.

Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in Psychology, Neuroscience, or a related field. A strong background in electrophysiology is required. The ideal candidate will possess strong computational skills and a strong publication record in working memory or a related area. Terms of employment include competitive salary and benefits. Please note that this position involves travel from Abu Dhabi to California to help with data collection and analysis. The anticipated appointment starting date is June 1, 2020, with funding guaranteed for a term of two years and opportunity for renewal. The terms of employment include highly competitive salary, housing allowance, and other benefits. 

For instructions and information on how to apply, please visit:

Research Assistant Positions

Research Assistant Position

Full-time Research Specialist

Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience


University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (PI: Maital Neta, invites applications for a full-time Research Specialist (start date negotiable). The lab uses functional neuroimaging, psychophysiology, behavioral techniques, and network analyses to examine individual differences in emotion processing and emotion regulation.

The successful candidate will play an integral role in every stage of research, including (1) stimulus/task development and programming experiments, (2) recruitment and collection of human subject data, (3) analysis of data, and (4) assisting in the preparation of grants and manuscripts. In addition, in their managerial capacity they will perform administrative duties (e.g., IRB administration, purchasing) and help train and supervise lab personnel (e.g., undergraduate research assistants).

This position is ideal for individuals interested in pursuing graduate studies in psychology and/or neuroscience, as it will foster expertise in a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches in these fields.

Essential qualifications:
- Bachelor's degree in psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, computer science, or related field - Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and communication skills
- Research experience in psychology or neuroscience
- Proficiency with a programming language such as Matlab or Python is preferred, and special consideration will be given to individuals with experience collecting and/or analyzing neuroimaging data.

To apply, please fill out the application form here. You will need your CV and the contact information for three references.
Review of applications will begin immediately and proceed on a rolling basis. For full consideration, apply by February 15, 2020.

Contact Website
Research Assistant Position

Research Assistant/Lab Coordinator for the Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging lab and Kennedy Neuroimaging of Aging and Cognition lab

Center for Vital Longevity

The University of Texas at Dallas

The Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging lab and Kennedy Neuroimaging of Aging and Cognition lab, directed by Drs. Karen Rodrigue and Kristen Kennedy, are seeking a full-time research assistant/lab coordinator for studies investigating brain aging in both healthy individuals and in older individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Our research uses structural and functional neuroimaging techniques to investigate how the health of our brain's structure supports the brain's function, as well as the contributions of vascular health to normal and pathological aging.

Primary Responsibilities/Qualifications:
- Recruits study participants (both cognitive normal and MCI) from the Dallas community
- Schedules study participants for MRI and PET experiments
- Serves as liaison for IRB applications and modifications at UTSW and UTD
- Organizes and maintains filing system and database for research study
- Provides technical assistance for various research projects in the Kennedy and Rodrigue laboratories
- Collects, evaluates, and interprets research data to provide needed information to principal investigators and other researchers
- Updates notebooks, records and performs data entry on databases as needed
- Works with research participants including managing participant and lab schedules, as well as conduct behavioral testing sessions
- Strong interpersonal skills, task-oriented, high level of self-motivation, attention to detail
- Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in one of the basic sciences (preferably psychology or neuroscience or closely related field) or an equivalent combination of education and customer service or laboratory experience

To apply for this position applicants should visit:

For further questions, please contact Dr. Christina Webb ( or Dr. Karen Rodrigue (

Contact Website
Research Assistant Position

Research Assistant Position 

University of Iowa

The Hwang lab in the Psychological and Brain Sciences Department at the University of Iowa has a NIH funded research assistant / lab manager position available. Our lab focuses on brain network mechanisms, cognitive control, and developmental processes with a strong emphasis on the human thalamocortical system and neural oscillations. Our research utilizes multimodal neuroimaging (EEG and fMRI), TMS, and lesion studies in combination with network neuroscience approaches. For more info please see:

This position is ideal for someone ultimately interested in a career in research, attending medical school or pursuing graduate training. Training and mentoring will be provided. The lab is affiliated with the DeLTA Center and the Iowa Neuroscience Institute, which offers a collaborative research environment with access to research dedicated 3T and 7T MRI systems, TMS, EEG, neurosurgery patients, and a large lesion patient registry.

* Bachelor degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, or other related disciplines
* Must have prior research experience
* Strong interpersonal skills and a high level of organization with careful attention to detail is
absolutely required
* Experience with neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG/MEG) is preferred but not required
* Strong Programming skills (Matlab or Python) is preferred but not required

The research assistant / manager position is opened immediately until filled. To apply, please send a cover letter and CV to:

Contact Website
Research Assistant Position

Cognitive Neuroscience


University of Pennsylvania

A full-time Research Specialist position is available in the Thompson-Schill lab at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Neuroscience beginning July 2020. Research in the lab focuses on the biological bases of human cognitive systems - perception, memory, language, thought, cognitive control - and the interrelations between them. We investigate these systems by developing and implementing experiments involving a wide-array of methodologies, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), genotyping, and eye-tracking. Our investigations include both typical and atypical (patient) populations. The Research Specialist will have the opportunity to conduct independent and supervised research projects in service of the lab's funded research topics. Specifically, this involves designing psychology experiments, recruiting and running subjects, analyzing data, and presenting research.This is an idea position for someone interested in pursuing graduate studies in cognitive psychology or neuroscience.

Requires a BS/BA degree in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science or related fields as well as one to two years of research experience. Applicants must have an outstanding academic record, and preference will be given to those with strong quantitative abilities, experience with data analysis, and programming expertise. A two-year commitment is required.

Interested parties should contact Dr. Sharon Thompson-Schill ( with a statement of interest; CV/resume; unofficial transcript; and contact info for three references.

Contact Website
Graduate Student Positions

Graduate Student Position

Funded PhD studentship available at Birkbeck, University of London

Psychological Sciences

Birkbeck College

Announcement Text 
This PhD studentship, fully funded by the Bloomsbury Colleges, will use EEG and behavioral techniques to examine the effects of language background on perceptual strategies. Recent work from our laboratory has shown that Mandarin speakers place more importance on pitch and less importance on duration compared to English speakers when categorizing linguistic phrase boundaries and musical beats, and that Mandarin speakers have difficulty ignoring pitch and attending to other acoustic dimensions. These findings suggest that learning a first language can change the salience of different perceptual dimensions. 

This project will use EEG and behavioural techniques to investigate the relationship between language background, cue weighting during auditory categorization, and dimensional salience, and to test whether Mandarin speakers can be trained to direct their attention away from pitch and towards other, more relevant acoustic dimensions during English speech perception. 

For further details and to apply see:
Cognitive Neuroscience Society 27th Annual Meeting
March 14-17, 2020

This newsletter is intended for CNS members only. It is a monthly newsletter designed to update its members on events, job opportunities, and related information in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience. The Newsletter is emailed monthly to all current members. Membership and contact information can be updated by logging into member's account. For guidelines on submitting an announcement to the Newsletter, see 


Mailing Address: 


Cognitive Neuroscience Society 

c/o Center for Mind and Brain 

267 Cousteau Place

Davis, CA  95618







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For guidelines on submitting an announcement to the Newsletter, see

About Newsletter.



  CNS Newsletter |
267 Cousteau Place
Davis, CA 95618