It is a strange and challenging time for Needham families! We know you have already received a lot of information regarding school and town closures, but we thought it would be helpful to provide a brief summary of recent news below, including
links to relevant web pages, documents, and videos.
Also, be sure to mark your calendars — School Committee is hosting a
Virtual Open House on Saturday, April 18, for parents and community members to speak informally with SC members.
Would you like to help CNS keep the Needham community informed and engaged in discussions about our schools?
Consider joining the CNS Board — you can start by
emailing us, or fill out our
online application.
Hilary Bruel & Liz Lee
Co-Chairs, Citizens for Needham Schools
Saturday, April 18, 9:00 – 10:30am
School Committee encourages people to
questions in advance. Attendees may also use the Q&A capability of Zoom to ask questions during the webinar. School Committee members will answer as many of the questions as possible during the event.
Please note:
is required to join the Zoom Webinar.
Remote Learning Plan
Following the announcement of extended school closures until May 4, the district has implemented a
Remote Learning Plan for students which is designed to help restore a sense of structure and routine to students. At the
April 7 School Committee Meeting, a detailed overview of the plan was presented that addressed curriculum, technology, student support services, and implementation at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. While different from traditional classroom instruction, the core of the remote learning plan maintains the district’s commitment to academics, social and emotional learning, and equity.
Amended School Calendar
- Cancel April vacation (four days: April 21–24)
- Last day of school will be June 19
- No school on Good Friday, Patriot’s Day, or Memorial Day
- Keep two early release days for staff (May 20 and June 3)
Free Meal Service for Children and Teens
On April 3, Needham Public Schools began distributing free “grab and go” bags containing breakfast and lunch for any child or teen in need in Needham (recipients DO NOT need to be qualified for free or reduced lunch). The meals are available in a drive-through format on Tuesdays and Fridays 11:00 – 1:00 at High Rock School.
Additional details can be found on the NPS website.
Needham Town Election — Rescheduled to May 26
Needham's Town Election will be held on Tuesday, May 26. As an alternative to voting in person, residents may also vote by mail, but must apply for mail-in ballots by
Friday, May 22. Additional information for mail-in voting for can be found on both the
Town of Needham and
League of Women Voters websites. Some races are competitive, so be sure to do your research before you vote:
School Committee
The race for school committee is uncontested, with incumbents Michael Greis and Matt Spengler running for two spots.
Other Town Boards
The only competitive race is for the Needham Housing Authority, between Ross Donald and Eleanor Evans.
Town Meeting Members
Among the 10 precincts, there is a mix of competitive and uncontested races. Some precincts even have open spots, allowing for write-in candidates to be elected:
• Competitive Races: A, D, G
• Open Spots: H, I
Needham Town Meeting — Rescheduled to June 8
The Annual Town meeting, which typically begins the first Monday of May, has been postponed until June 8.
Apply to Be a CNS Board Member
CNS is seeking board members who are politically and civically engaged with an interest in issues related to education and the Needham school system. The Board engages in robust conversation and welcomes diverse viewpoints. CNS Board members serve a three-year term and responsibilities include attending 5-6 CNS Board meetings, watching and writing summaries of 2-3 SC meetings, and engaging with and providing NPS-related information to the community on an ongoing basis via social media, school meetings, and your personal network.
Resources at Your Fingertips
The CNS website is filled with information and resources related Needham Public Schools, so if there's some information you are trying to find, start at the CNS website... we may be able to help you!
- You can now find both the school calendar and the dates for this year's school committee meetings.
Helpful Links
- The NPS website is vast, to say the least. We've collected some of links we think are most useful all in one place.
SC Meeting Highlights
- We have brief summaries of each SC meeting, with links to detailed information and the Needham Channel recording.
Stay Connected
CNS is committed to keeping you informed of all school related news. Follow us on social media to find out the latest news fast:
- Get updates right in your feed, including agendas for upcoming School Committee meetings
- We share and retweet school-related info