The CNYWBA welcomes you to sponsor our 40th Anniversary Celebration!


Sponsorships are available at the following levels:


Platinum Sponsor $1,000 (1 Sponsor):

Name appears on invitation

Name appears on poster at entrance to event

Individual poster at the bar

Special Recognition by President at event

Five free tickets


Gold Sponsor $500:

Name appears on invitation

Name appears on poster at entrance to event

Name appears on poster at the bar

Recognition by President at event

Two free tickets


Silver Sponsor $250:

Name appears on poster at entrance to event

Recognition by President at event

One free ticket


Bronze Sponsor $150:

Name appears on poster at entrance to event

One free ticket

For more information contact

Registration is open! Click to register

 Members: FREE

Non-members: $25.00

Registration Required • Limited Tickets • NO WALK-INS PERMITTED


CNYWBA Receives New York State Bar Association’s Innovation Award

The Central New York Women’s Bar Association received NYSBA’s Innovation Award for our annual “Read Across America” program. This long-standing program, spearheaded by Emanuela D'Ambrogio, brings CNYWBA members into local schools to read to elementary students. Through the program, CNYWBA donates books and funding for schools in the City of Syracuse and surrounding districts.