Hello COA family!
We are delighted to welcome our newest staff member, Kelly Johnson, as Church Administrator. Her start date was this past Monday 5/1/2023.
Kelly was born and raised in Annapolis, and grew up going to Woods Memorial Presbyterian in Severna Park. She joined COA as a member this Spring, and has already gotten involved in our Mission Committee. She brings over 12 years of professional experience providing financial and risk advisory consultation services to commercial, nonprofits and public sector clients.
She will be running our church office including (but not limited to) our email and text communications; creation of the bulletin and slides for Sunday morning worship; building use management and financial tasks with our Treasurer. She will work closely with me and with all of our church Elders and committees. This truly is a "jack (or jill) of all trades" sort of role, and we are so very glad she is here!
We hope you will welcome her warmly!!
Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Jessie