Hopes and Notes

September 22, 2023

A Message from Rev. Jessie Lowry

Hello COA family!

This coming Sunday, we will be honoring National Family Day a second time by bringing out our beautiful family tree with ornaments created for folks who are a part of us now or a part of our history (including beloved members who have passed on). I really love this tradition, and the visual it gives to all of us of all ages that we are connected like true family by our faith. 

Here is a little more information from a website about this holiday.

National Family Day, celebrated on September 26, puts the spotlight on the people that make our lives meaningful. Families come in many forms and sizes and under different circumstances, but what they all share is unconditional love and support for those growing on the same family tree. From nuclear family units to extended clans, families can drive us crazy and make life worth living. Take some time today to appreciate the special folks in your life — give them a call, take them out to lunch, or send them a note to let them know you’re thinking of them!

So take time this weekend to reach out family (biological or chosen family!), and let them know how much they mean to you. You all mean the world to me!!!

Blessings and Peace,'

Pastor Jessie

Join Us In-Person or Tune in with the

Christ Our Anchor Facebook page 

on Sundays at 10:00 am for live-streamed worship

(No Facebook Sign-Up is Needed)


No Offense: When Jesus Offends Us

Rev. Jessie Lowry

Worship Service Bulletin

COA Children's Bulletin

The Families of Christ Our Anchor are the main reason why we get to celebrate our Faith with God together. On September 24th, we will give you the opportunity to come and paint an ornament of your choice to put on Christ Our Anchor’s Family Tree, that will be displayed in the Narthex. Please join us if you have not participated before. Anna, Debbie and or Vickie will be there to help.

In our polarized world today, it takes almost nothing to light a spark of outrage that turns into a fire of division and hatred. It seems harder than ever to get past places where we disagree and misunderstand and find our way to genuine community with those who are different than us. Yet, Jesus operates differently too. Jesus was considered a stumbling block because His message was so counter to everything we have been taught. How can we meet offense head-on in our world with the grace that Jesus calls us to as His followers?
It is time for us to do our Directory Updates. If any new members have not been added to our Christ our Anchor Directory, now is the time! The Directory is a great way for our church community to get to know each other.

Please see Anna, Debbie, Vickie and Keith after church on September 17th, 24th, and October 1st.

The COA Live-Stream Team is holding a brief information session on Sunday, October 8th at 11am. If you're curious about how the live stream works and would like to know more about working on our team, please attend the session or reach out to Anna Latta, [email protected].

Please note anyone aged 11+ can join the team and is a paid position!

Green Team

Want to get rid of hard drives and sensitive papers?

Free Paper Shredding and Hard Drive Destruction on Saturday, October 7th from 12 - 4pm

Please click to view the Flyer for more information.

Property Updates

Mission Opportunities

Hope for All - Donation Drive and Volunteer Day!

Hope For All is a Christian ministry whose mission is to provide basic furniture, household items, and clothing to people in our community who are without the financial means to meet their basic needs. COA has been a community partner of Hope For All for several years, and we look forward to continuing to support this organization! 

*NEW* items requested by Hope For All are specified in the SignUp Genius

(click graphic above)

All donations will be delivered to Hope For All on October 28th, COA's Hands-On Mission Day!

**If you are shopping on Amazon, please remember to go use https://smile.amazon.com/ and choose Christ Our Anchor Presbyterian Church as your charity. You can log into Amazon as you normally would, but a percentage of your purchases will go to COA.

Join COA in a fun and rewarding hands-on volunteer opportunity!

The volunteer opportunity involves organizing donations in the Hope For All warehouse. Carpooling is encouraged. Adults and older children are welcome!

Please sign up for available slots

Please reach out to Regina Flynn, COA Mission Committee member, at [email protected] with any questions. Thank you!

Christian Education Corner


& Pray-Ground are OPEN (Maybe?)

SUNDAY, September 24th, 2023

Nursery volunteers are needed each week for both Nursey and Fun-Day School!

Our Nursery needs a background-checked volunteer to help our Youth Nursery employee this weekend for 9/24 or the nursery will have to close!

Please click here to sign up for either opportunity!!

Youth Group

Opportunities for Fellowship

We have many opportunities for virtual fellowship each week.
See All Events Here



Please prayerfully consider joining our Christian Education Volunteer team in 2023
All adult volunteers will need to show proof of current COVID-19 Vaccination & complete our newly streamlined COA Safe Sanctuaries training program --through a software called Protect My Ministry---BEFORE you can volunteer. To start the volunteer process, click the buttons below for the COA Safe Sanctuaries Policy (read) and COA Volunteer Information Form (print, complete, & return).
Additional information and/or to volunteer for:
*COA Nursery & FUN-Day (Sunday) School - contact Madison Davis at [email protected]
*COA Youth Group - contact Megan Preston at [email protected]
Volunteer Information Form
Safe Sanctuaries Policy

Prayers and Celebrations

A Note About Praying for Each Other...

Our church's guiding values is to live as a faith family, and every one of you is a part of it (members, family members, virtual participants). As such, we want to support you with your concerns and celebrate with you when you have joy. If you have a prayer to share with us, please contact the COA church office at (410)974-1713 or [email protected].

New This Week

  • Lynn Archer: ongoing prayers for his son Gregory and daughter Rachel, both going through very tough times that test his ability to help them
  • Dot Arnold: her extended family member Nancy is had radiation treatment this past week for a brain tumor
  • Walter Kolsch: his oldest son is dealing with progressing symptoms of a relatively new diagnosis of Parkinsons
  • Lisa Motel: prayers for Dave and his family as they grieves the loss of his dear Uncle Reid
  • Diane Rey: prayers for all the loved ones of her beloved son-in-law, whom they remembered with the 4th annual Cornhole-owicz in honor of his life (he died at age 30 of a rare cancer)
  • Bob Robeson: prayers for the latest endeavor of World Central Kitchen as they release a new cookbook as a fundraiser for their amazing work
  • Debbie Sweigart: granddaughter Hannah turning 9 and baby Aurora turned 1 this month and prayers for all those grieving the loss of her friend Anne 

Two Weeks Ago

  • Reg & Jane Barss: continued prayers for Emily Jelassi in rehabilitation after brain surgery at Adventist Inpatient rehab acute therapy White Oak
  • Tom Decker: continued prayers that the doctors would find some answers as to what is going on with him, but also prayers for healing of body, mind and spirit
  • PJ Gilbert: continued prayers for Mike Henderson recovering from back surgery earlier this month
  • John Kokish: neighbor Jason had heart surgery in Florida and some major complications in recovery, but he is doing well and has had some meaningful faith experiences during this time
  • Linda Link: neighbor Greg was let go from his job of 25 years
  • Danny Mays: his dad Paul was in the hospital last week for Beckett's baptism, but was grateful for the ministry of our virtual livestream to allow him to be there in spirit
  • Rhonda Moore: a friend's father Tom who is now living with them on home hospice care because of his bone cancer
  • Linda Striegel: daughter Leslie is finishing radiation for her breast cancer, but dealing with some uncomfortable side effects
  • Debbie Sweigart: her 17 year old dog Burg (named after Harrisburg) has been a constant joy for her since her divorce and now has been very sick
  • Sally Vavrek: people around the world in dire circumstances due to war, poverty, violence or natural disaster
  • Ali & Bonnye Lang: their dear friend Mike is recovering from yet another surgery to resolve a wound in his foot after reconstruction 
  • Pastor Jessie: for the people of Libya after the terribly deadly floods


  • Bob Robeson: Alice turned 70 last week, and also their family will have a wedding on 11/11


  • Michael & Morgan Stevens, 9/22
  • Donna Packer-Kinlaw & Scott Kinlaw, 9/27
  • Nick Jacob & Carole Wolfe, 9/28

Birthday Celebrations

  • Melanie Aulbach, 9/22
  • Luke Cain, 9/22
  • Josie Mays, 9/22
  • Wren Balderson, 9/23
  • Aidy Flynn, 9/23
  • Julie Bieber, 9/25
  • Beth Perry, 9/25
  • Jim Wais, 9/25
  • Zoe Barbour, 9/26
  • Sarah Doerrer, 9/26
  • Jessie Lowry, 9/26
  • Lily Rodriguez, 9/26
  • Mason Smargissi, 9/26
  • Ella Hottovy, 9/27
  • Penny Lowry, 9/28
Ways to Give Online

Please click here to take a look at the attached PDF for information about ways to continue to support COA. 

Giving consistently, as you are able, is crucial for our church right now. 
Mailing Offering Checks to COA…
In addition to giving online or using your bank’s online bill pay system, you may also mail your check directly to Christ Our Anchor. The church’s address is 1281 Green Holly Drive, Annapolis, MD 21409. Please contact the church if you have any questions. (410) 974-1713 or [email protected]
1281 Green Holly Drive,
Annapolis, Maryland 21409
Contact Us