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January 2024

COABE 2024 National Conference

Have you ever been to a national conference? COABE's 2024 National Conference is the adult education event of the year! This year for the first time ever, COABE is offering an entire day dedicated to adult learners with our brand-new Adult Learner Summit. You won't want to miss out on everything this national conference has to offer. There will be multiple networking opportunities, and the chance to meet adult learner celebrities—Tik Tok influencer, Oliver James and America's Got Talent winner, Landau Murphy! Our conference is attended by teachers, program directors, and adult learners from across the nation who want to hear your opinions, experiences, and stories. All of our Adult Learner Summit presentations remain relevant to you as they are conducted by adult learners, for adult learners. Did we also mention that for all adult learners and alumni who have taken an adult education class in the past 5 years, your conference registration is waived! That’s a $650 value! The Summit will be held Monday, March 18th. Learn more about the Adult Learner Summit.

The conference will be held from March 17th to 20th in Nashville, Tennessee at the beautiful Opryland Resort. Come for one day or all four! Some programs have money to bring adult learners, so be sure to ask your program and community organizations if scholarships are available for your travel and hotel stay.

If you cannot attend the conference in Nashville, you can still register for free and access the recorded sessions on our conference app. Don’t miss this opportunity! It only happens once a year! Learn more and register.

*If you would like help finding local organizations that may offer scholarships, please reach out to COABE’s Students as Leaders Coordinator at [email protected].*

COABE Ambassador Spotlight

Arnold Montiel Jr., COABE Ambassador, Arizona

Due to a family tragedy, Arnold had to drop out of school in 10th grade to start working and help provide for his family. Over 40 years later, Arnold could no longer work a physically demanding job, and he discovered the adult education program at Pima Community College. He knew he needed a diploma or GED® in order to further his career. Read all of Arnold’s inspiring story.

Every month, the COABE Compass will spotlight the story of one of our COABE Ambassadors. If you want to learn more about how to become a COABE Ambassador, email [email protected].

Alumni Study

Congratulations to the winners of the Alumni Study raffle!

Alumni winner of $1,000 graduation fund: Stephena Hammet (SC)

Program winner of $500: Santa Ana College-School of Continuing Education (CA)

At COABE, we know that adult learners go on to accomplish amazing things after adult education classes. We want to document how adult education changes lives. This information helps us to advocate for increased funding and resources for adult learners across the country. 

We encourage you to register for the study. You will be asked to complete questionnaires, and in return you’ll be entered into the $1,000 graduation fund! Learn more about the study and sign up here!

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Google Scholars

The multi-year partnership between COABE and Google resulted in an award for 500 Google Career Certificates in six high-growth fields that lead to a median wage of $76,000 per year. Throughout the program, Google Scholars are able to access guidance from an experienced mentor and adult education teacher. We congratulate our certificate completers from December 2023 below. 

Project Management:

  • Illiyana Vassileva (FL)
  • Vince DeStefano (PA)


  • Guynell Grant (GA)

Digital Marketing and E-commerce:

  • Bonnie Flint (IN)

Google Data Analytics:

  • Jonathan Enix (TN)

IT Support:

  • Guynell Grant (GA)
  • Chad Bryant (AZ)
  • Terrance Banks (CA)

As well, thanks to the partnership between COABE and Google, you can continue to access Applied Digital Skills for free. Learn more and start strengthening your digital skills today!

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Shout Out Your Success

Feeling abandoned and alone Wendy Longmoore dropped out of highschool in her senior year. Years later Wendy decided to pursue her GED®, but obligations got in the way and she returned to work. After some time, Wendy spotted a brochure at a bank for Central Vermont Adult Basic Education, and decided to enroll in classes. Read about how Wendy achieved her dream of becoming a registered nurse.

If you have a success that you would like shared in the COABE Compass, contact COABE’s Students as Leaders Coordinator at [email protected].

COABE’s Advocast Podcast

Have you listened to COABE’s Advocast podcast? In each episode, co-hosts Erin and Sara talk to a guest about how they are working to change the field of adult education. Each episode also includes a special adult learner guest star who shares their story of how adult education has impacted their life. Learn more here, and listen on your favorite podcast platform. 

The Time is WRITE

Do you want to share an article, poem, or story that you wrote with other adult education students? You can share a piece of writing to be published in the COABE Compass. Complete this form, and someone will contact you shortly.

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