- Regional Aging Advisory Committee Meeting will be held at the COG Office on Wednesday, May 8th at 2:00pm.
- TAC/TCC will be held Thursday, May 23rd at 3:00pm at the COG Office.
- COG Board Meeting will be Thursday, May 23rd at 7:00PM at the COG Office. Draft budget will be presented.
- Caregiver Retreat will be Friday, June 7th 10AM-3PM at Satterwhite Point, Henderson, NC.
- Elder Abuse Awareness Walk will be held Tuesday, June 18th at 9:00AM at Terrell Lane Middle School, Louisburg, NC
Congratulations to the Cities of Oxford and Roxboro on receiving 2019 National Main Street Accreditation
The National Main Street Center has designated 46 North Carolina communities as accredited Main Street America™ programs for 2019. Each year, the national group and N.C. Commerce’s Main Street & Rural Planning Center recognize communities demonstrating exemplary commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach.
Each community’s performance is annually evaluated by the North Carolina Main Street staff in partnership with the National Main Street Center. The staff identifies the local programs that meet ten national performance standards. Evaluation criteria determine the communities that are building comprehensive and sustainable revitalization efforts and include standards such as fostering strong public-private partnerships, documenting programmatic progress and actively preserving historic buildings.
The following North Carolina communities achieved
National Main Street Accreditation in 2019
for work completed in the 2018 calendar year:
*Bold communities are municipalities of Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments.
For additional information about the Main Street program visit
, or contact Liz Parham, director of the North Carolina Main Street & Rural Planning Center at (919) 814-4658.
On Saturday, April 27, the Town of Bunn held its 5
Annual Bunn Fun Day. The event featured live music, craft vendors, games, food, and activities for all. This event could not have been possible without the assistance of Bunn Fun Day Coordinator, Town of Bunn Commissioner Sherry Mercer.
Commissioner Mercer was the recipient of the Outstanding Municipal Elected Official Award at the COG’s 2018 Annual Banquet. Congratulations to the Town and Commissioner Mercer on a successful event!
Left: Franklin County Manager, Angela Harris and Town of Bunn Administrator, Pamela Perry attending Bunn Fun Day.
North Carolina League of Municipalities
is collaborating to support
More Powerful NC
a public education campaign geared towards raising awareness about the opioid epidemic and empower North Carolinians to take action to address the crisis in their homes, neighborhoods, and communities.
The campaign website helps people understand the risks associated with opioids and provides treatment and recovery resources. The website also gives people a wide range of tools and ideas to get involved in their communities and be part of our work to confront the epidemic.
Take the time to visit More Powerful NC, take the pledge to take action, and share the campaign website with friends and family. You can also share on social media to help others learn about the campaign.
NC Legacy Tree Fund Grant
The NC Urban Forest Council is now accepting applications for projects relating to street tree planting, natural area planting, neighborhood planting, school projects, arbor day events, stormwater projects, or storm recovery. Submissions due by May 31, 2019.
Learn more
NASA Administrator and Oxford Native Honored with a Highway Historical Marker
Former NASA Administrator, James E. Webb was honored with a historical marker (G 137) at a dedication ceremony on April 6, 2019. Webb was born in Tally Ho, in Granville County and raised and educated in Oxford. In 1961, Webb was picked by President John F. Kennedy to take control of NASA and charged him and the agency with the mission of successfully landing on the moon. The marker is located in front of the C. G. Credle Elementary School (223 College Street, Oxford), just around the corner from Webb's modest two-story boyhood home on Broad Street.
Innovations in Transit Public Safety
National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation
The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research is seeking applications for the Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP): Assistive Technology to Promote Independence and Community Living. The purpose is to plan and conduct research, projects and training that will maximize the full inclusion and integration of individuals with disabilities. Deadline to apply is
June 17, 2019
2019 Tentative TCC/TAC Meeting Dates
Meetings are held from 3:00-5:00 p.m. at the Kerr-Tar COG Offices located at 1724 Graham Avenue in Henderson
· January 2019 -
No Meeting Scheduled
February 21, 2019
March 28, 2019
April 25, 2019
· May 23, 2019
June 27, 2109
· July -
No Meeting Scheduled
· August 29, 2019
· September 26, 2019
· October 24, 2109
· November 2019 -
No Meeting Scheduled
· December 2019 -
No Meeting Scheduled
*Please note, meeting dates are subject to change in order to accommodate NCDOT deadlines
Project submission for the next Strategic Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP)
will begin July 1, 2019
. Previously submitted non-funded projects in Prioritization 5.0 will be resubmitted for scoring. The KTRPO P6.0 Subcommittee will review previous projects and select new projects for submittal in late May. More information will be forthcoming.
The NCDOT is conducting a 5 to 10-minute citizen survey about how transportation is changing, and how North Carolina could address the challenges and opportunities resulting from these changes. The results of the survey will be used to identify transportation priorities and needs for the state. Citizens are encouraged to provide public comment and may do so via the following:
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments was fortunate to have Kianna Wills and Angela Bolanos-Salazar serve as interns during the months of February through April. Both are students at Vance County Early College High School. During their time with the RPO, Kianna and Angela drafted memos, conducted researched, attended meetings with NCDOT officials, and assisted Alrik Lunsford and Stephanie Harmon with the administration of the NCDOT’s § 5310 grant, CFAT alternative fuels, and general KTRPO administrative duties. The two were identified as part of the Women in Transportation Internship Program sponsored through the U.S. Department of Transportation, a program designed to partner agencies with young women interested in transportation.
The 3
Annual Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference will be held August 7-8, 2019 at the Durham Convention Center. Discover the latest and greatest in sustainable fleet technology, operations, and implementation.
The Sustainable Fleet Technology Conference will showcase the latest and greatest technologies in the biofuels, electric, natural gas, and propane arenas. The conference will also have a strong focus on data driven decisions and technologies. With 50+ speakers and 40+ exhibitors, this event will highlight the leading edge of sustainable fleet practices and alternative fuel opportunities.
Visit NC Farms Mobile App
The Council of Governments, in conjunction with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture, and local
Co-Operative Extension Offices are still accepting applications for the Visit NC Farms Mobile App. If you are a local farmer, local food producer, a restaurant using local foods, or sale local goods at a Farmers Market, please contact your local Agricultural Extension Office for details about being included in the mobile app.
NCDOT Announces Spring 2019 Litter Sweep
The Region experienced much success during the 2019 Litter Sweep, held April 13–27. Our region’s county and municipal employees partnered in helping make our region’s thoroughfares litter-free. We thank all those who participated in making the 2019 Litter Sweep a success!
A group photo of Granville County and City of Oxford employees participating in Litter Sweep on Thursday, April 18, 2019.
Warren County employees holding Litter Sweep banner.
Warrenton Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Public Outreach Event
KTRPO Coordinator Stephanie Harmon attended a public outreach event as a member of the Warrenton Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Steering Committee. Members of the Steering Committee staffed a tent at The Town of Warrenton’s Spring Fest on Saturday, April 27. Members of the public were asked to provide information on the areas of Warrenton they felt were hazardous to bicyclist and pedestrians. The public was also asked to provide information on their travel locations around Warrenton. This information will assist the Committee in gaining a better understanding of the Town’s priority corridors. The survey is available here:
Older Americans Month 2019
Kerr-Lake Family Caregiver Retreat
On Friday, June 7, the Kerr-Tar Area Agency on Aging will hold The Kerr-Lake Family Caregiver Retreat. This event will be held from 10:00 A.M.-3:30 P.M. at the Kerr-Lake Recreation Area at 6254 Satterwhite Point Road in Henderson. The purpose of this event is to enable family caregivers to comfort the soul and restore the mind through fun and peaceful day at the lake. Our focus in this event is self-care. Space is limited and registration is required for anyone who wishes to attend. Deadline for registration is May 31st. Lunch is provided. Respite services are available upon advance request to the caregiver to ensure your loved one is cared for while attending the one-day retreat. For further details regarding this event, please contact Harvey Holmes at (252) 436-2040 or
Caregiver Support Groups
Caregiver support groups are offered monthly in the following counties: Franklin, Granville, Person, Vance and Warren. If you are a caregiver, or know someone who is, we highly recommend attending! Our caregiver support groups offer information, assistance, guidance, and support for all caregivers! The following times for support groups are listed below. For more information regarding caregiver support groups, please contact Harvey Holmes, Family Caregiver Specialist at hholmes@kerrtarcog.org or call (252) 436-2040.
Franklin County Caregiver Support Group
Louisburg Senior Center
2nd Monday @ 7:00 P.M
(919) 496-1131
Granville County Caregiver Support Group
Granville Hospital Cafeteria Meeting Room
1st Wednesday @ 12:00 P.M
(919) 690-3273
Person County Caregiver Support Group
Person County Senior Center
4th Tuesday @ 6:00 P.M
(336) 599-7484
Person County Caregiver Support Group
Cambridge Hills
2nd Tuesday @ 6:30 P.M
(336) 599-7484
Vance County Caregiver Support Group
Vance County Senior Center
3rd Tuesday @ 12:00 P.M.
(252) 430-0257
Are you having a hard time landing a job and feel defeated or frustrated? NCWorks Career Centers have staff that can help assist you. If you need a little inspiration, read this success story and how an individual who was living in a shelter and trying to go to school has now gained employment. Click
for the entire story.
Communities Served:
Franklin County
Granville County
Person County
Vance County
Warren County
Town of Bunn
Town of Butner
City of Creedmoor
Town of Franklinton
City of Henderson
Town of Kittrell
Town of Louisburg
Town of Macon
Town of Middleburg
Town of Norlina
City of Oxford
City of Roxboro
Town of Stem
Town of Stovall
Town of Warrenton
Town of Youngsville
Executive Director
Diane Cox
Planning & Development
Michael Kelly
Workforce Development
Vincent Gilreath
Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments aims to
promote regionalism that provides opportunities for
local governments to enhance and improve the quality
of life for our citizens through effective delivery of
services and programs.