Savvy Caregiver is an evidence-based 12-week group training program to develop caregiving skill mastery for family members providing care for people with dementia. Program participants will increase their knowledge on the stages of dementia, common behavioral symptoms of dementia, and better managing their own level of caregiver stress. After completion of the class, students will be prepared to correctly plan and respond to behavioral issues related to dementia . The Savvy Caregiver program is facilitated by two licensed (LMSW) social workers with significant training in dementia and behavioral health.
The COMPASS team is proud to offer this course to our COMPASS clients every Tuesday from 10:15-11:45 starting on February 6th. It will be hosted at the JFS Wilmington location. Additionally, the JCC will be hosting a Memory Cafe from 10 am to noon for clients with dementia. Savvy participants are encouraged to bring their person with dementia to the Memory Cafe.
Past students have provided these testimonials on how Savvy helped them improve as caregivers. One past participant stated, "the program has helped me keep calm and I am routinely reminded that I am not alone in this". Savvy taught one student how to, "be patient with my person and better control my frustration."
For another student, Savvy helped them, "improve my understanding of dementia and therefore helped me create a better response" to dementia-related behaviors. Savvy also emphasized and reminded one student to "make sure I am taking care of me!"
Last semester's Savvy Caregiver participants saw an average increase of 10 points on the Caregiver Self-Efficacy Scale. ALL participants who completed the class in full had measurable increases in their confidence as caregivers.
Registration is required for both programs; to register, respond to this email to let Kate Gruber know of your interest, and you will subsequently be contacted by the Savvy Caregiver facilitators to confirm your registration. There is no additional cost for COMPASS caregivers to participate in this course, but there is a $20 materials fee for the participant manual/workbook. Please note that Savvy Caregiver does not have a virtual option at this time.