Hello Caregivers,
This is Barb Hughes, one of the social workers with the COMPASS Team. It was wonderful to see many of you at last week's Savvy Caregiver session. For those who weren't there-- we got to practice our ability to be adaptable when faced with a power outage at the JFS office! It was a productive and enjoyable session, with lots of engagement from our participants.
This week's tip is about creating a contented environment. With the heat of the summer behind us and long nights drawing near, this is a good time to slow down and reflect about creating spaces that "shape the environment" of your person.
Providing care for someone with dementia alongside your daily life demands can feel hectic and frantic. You understand all too well how chaos and stress can be overwhelming. So, it is probably not surprising that chaos and stress can even more easily destabilize someone with dementia, causing fear, anxiety, and loss of control. Understanding this--and armed with techniques and skills you are learning to manage your own stress!--you can utilize your expertise to create a calm and contented environment to help your person with dementia feel more at ease.
One way to do this is by developing a repertoire of activities that are calming and contenting, that you can draw on when you recognize that your person is becoming overwhelmed. Here are some ideas for activities you can do together to restore a sense of calm: work on a puzzle, listen to music, sing, read aloud, pray, watch old shows, look through old photographs, or share memories.
Homework Idea:
- Watch for signs of confusion in your person and note how situations and environment influence their behavior.
- Acknowledge your expertise with your person and make adjustments that support them in accomplishing tasks and activities.
- Honor your person's needs by taking control of the situation, providing respectful guidance, and treating them with dignity in the process.
Quiet time with your person with dementia can also be contented time for you!
As always, know that you can reach out to any member of the COMPASS team for support.
Take Care,
Barb Hughes, MSS, LMSW
COMPASS Social Worker and Savvy Caregiver Facilitator