Deadline, June 30th
Speak at COMPOST2022
The USCC’s Annual Conference and Tradeshow is the premiere professional meeting for composting, organics recycling, and related topics.
COMPOST2022 is a big deal for a number of reasons. First, it will be our first in-person conference since the pandemic shut us down last year. Secondly, COMPOST2022 will be our 30th annual conference and tradeshow. We are going big and we think this is fitting considering we will be in TEXAS!
January 24 - 27
Save the Date!
Topics We're Looking For:
Marketing and Using Compost
The Business of Composting
Managing Operations
Policy Innovation and Implementation
Climate Implications
Disaster Management
Compostable Products
Contamination Reduction and Measurement
Composting Process
Environmental Protection and Regulation
Community Composting

Get Detailed Topic Suggestions Here.
Virtual posters were introduced last year in the pivot to a virtual conference and were well received, so this year we will try to incorporate them into the regular conference. Posters are either a short series of slides or a short video that will be viewed on a computer. They are hosted on our conference website, organized into themes, and viewable before and during the conference. There will be dedicated times during the conference for groups of poster authors to gather (both virtually and in-person) to answer questions about their individual poster and discuss the general theme of the group. These poster sessions will be available to the in-person attendees in a dedicated meeting room as well as a virtual meeting room for remote attendees. You can see the 2021 posters at

Proposers can choose a live presentation or poster presentation. Live speaking proposals that are not selected for presentation may be offered a poster presentation.
In addition to the two days of tracks with three 90-minute sessions each, we have several half-day and full-day preconference workshops. We are interested in expanding and diversifying our workshop offerings. If you have a workshop on any topic related to compost manufacturing, organics collection or diversion, or compost markets and uses, you are welcome to propose it.

DO NOT use the abstract submittal form. Instead send an email to Cary Oshins with the following information:
  • Workshop Title
  • Instructors, including brief bios
  • Duration (half-day (3-3.5 hrs) or full-day (6-8 hrs)
  • Summary and Topics covered
  • Agenda or outline
  • Teaching methods
  • Expected learning outcomes
  • Where have you taught this workshop, or similar ones, before
We do not pay for workshop development or instructor travel, but we do split the net revenue, with a guaranteed minimum. Instructors also receive complimentary conference registration. Email Cary if you have questions.
Why Speak at COMPOST2022?
We are seeking presenters with recent research or case studies on organics collection, processing or use.

The USCC's Annual Conference is the premiere professional meeting for composting, organics recycling and related topics. The Conference attracts more than 1,000 attendees working in compost manufacturing and organics recycling, which guarantees outstanding professional exposure for our speakers. 

  • Presenters are eligible for a significant discount on conference registration fees 
  • Speakers are recognized as thought leaders among your colleagues and peers in the organics recycling industry
  • Your presentation and/or paper is included in the conference on-line proceedings, including audio
  • You will have unlimited networking opportunities

We want our members to be our presenters! For joining info, click here.

Thank you to our sponsors
Headline Sponsor
Diamond Sponsor
Want to Sponsor?
There are at least 45 more email communications, 100 social media posts and 30 pre conference ads ahead to promote your company as a sponsor! Contact Emily Kahn, NOW to get in on the action!