Join Us to Discuss Increasing Composting Awareness
Jamie Brown, Eco Products, Product & Zero Waste Specialist WEBINAR SPONSOR
Jamie Brown has served in diverse roles as a Zero Waste Advocate, Educator and Consultant throughout her 18-year career. For nearly 3-years Jamie has worked for Eco Products engaging with the Midwest Region where she shares her wealth of knowledge and expertise in the waste hauling, recycling, composting and sustainability industries. Jamie looks forward to this opportunity to engage with you and share her insights about how to successfully navigate the use of compostable products to divert more food scraps while minimizing contamination.
Neil Edgar, Edgar & Associates, Senior Project Manager
Neil Edgar has been a Senior Project Manager with Edgar & Associates in Sacramento CA since 2001. Edgar & Associates Inc is a governmental affairs and environmental engineering firm specializing in solid waste management, recycling, composting, renewable energy and climate change issues. Mr. Edgar was a co-founder and acts as Executive Director of the California Compost Coalition, a statewide lobbying coalition that focuses on legislative and regulatory development regarding composting and other organics management options. Mr. Edgar is Chair of the United States Composting Council’s Legislative and Environmental Affairs Committee and serves as a policy liaison for the California Organics Recycling Council, a statewide advocacy group dedicated to increasing the sustainable use of recycled organics.
Rod Tyler, WeCare Denali, Midwest Regional Operations Manager
Rod Tyler is a graduate of The Ohio State University, a Certified Professional Agronomist, and has been working with compost and environmental projects for nearly 30 years. Rod’s early career in composting began operating small compost sites and marketing the finished products. As former owner and founder of Filtrexx International, Rod invented and patented the Compost Filter Sock technology. Rod is the Midwest Regional Operations Manager for WeCare Denali and covers Chicago, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor and Ohio.
Susan Thoman, Compost Manufacturing Alliance
Susan Thoman is the founder and managing director of the Compost Manufacturing Alliance (CMA), North America’s first and only composter owned and operated third party certifier of compostable products. Before launching CMA in 2017, Susan served for twelve years as director and VP of Corporate Development for Cedar Grove Composting in Seattle WA, one of the largest yard waste and food scrap processors in North America. Susan also served on the US Composting Council’s board of directors from 2016-2019 and the Washington State Recycling Association board of directors from 2007-2015.
Luke Rosenbohm, Better Earth Logistics
Luke is the manager of Better Earth Logistics, a company formed to service the food scrap collection needs of commercial and institutional clients in Central Illinois. They combine this service with preferred compostable products vendor, EcoProducts and sister company LHF Compost, to create a turn-key approach to organic material diversion.
"Do not spread compost on the weeds"
William Shakespeare