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In This Issue

• Honor Awards Announced

• ARE Prep 2023: Call for Instructors

• Strategic Plan Development Underway

• Grassroots Gets a New Name

• Arch Exchange East in Early Nov.

• WIA Happy Hour in Arlington

• The Latest ABI Report

• Professional Growth

• Awards & Opportunities

• Upcoming CE Opportunities


This issue of CONNECT is sponsored by

EE Reed Construction - East Coast

2022 Issue 7

Chapter News

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From the President: Sonia R. Jarboe, AIA

It is hard to believe that we are almost through the month of October. It was great to see and visit with so many of you at the Autumn Social last week. We had a beautiful night for a great event full of meeting some new faces and reconnecting with others. The Autumn Social also gave us a chance to recognize individuals who have served our chapter through the years and also welcome new volunteers to the board, leadership positions and membership-at-large.

Thank you to those members who after years of dedication will be completing their terms of service in 2022 for AIA NoVA and AIA VA: Manoj V. Dalaya, FAIA, our current Past President, for his years of leadership and dedication; AIA NoVA Directors - Rebecca W. Mezny, AIA, Simone Saidel, AIA, and Jay Scruggs, AIA; and, AIA VA Directors Jay Scruggs, AIA and Stephen R. Wakeman, AIA. Your time, dedication, and service to the chapter over the years has been invaluable and you will be missed.

Looking to 2023, congratulations and welcome the new AIA NoVA Directors at-Large: Allie Ditzel, AIA; Robyne Hamilton, Assoc. AIA; Sydney Huibregtse, Assoc. AIA; and Rebecca Pantschyschak, AIA. In addition, congratulations to our two newly elected 2023-2024 AIA VA Directors: Meagan W. Jancy, AIA; and Michael Schwartz, AIA. I look forward to your contributions and working alongside all of you in the coming years.

One of the biggest tasks for 2022 has been to update the chapter’s strategic plan and I’m excited to report it is currently underway. This next strategic plan will set the course for the Chapter through 2027. After months of research and analysis, including surveying our members, the Strategic Plan Task Force held a retreat at the end of September to review the current strategic plan, assess our progress and begin to analyze survey results and market research. 

The task force has identified goals for the next five years and beyond; and plans to present the draft strategic plan to the board in November. The five goals include: Nurture and advance the future of the profession; Evolve the organization to optimize membership value and experience; Engage, activate and grow our membership; Strengthen and cultivate connections; and Promote the value of good design and the role of an architect.

So, while the calendar year is winding down, the Chapter continues to look ahead and plan for the coming year. As you begin planning your own time for 2023, consider getting involved in one of our amazing committees. They are always looking for fresh faces to join them, and it’s a great way to get involved in the local architecture community and hone your leadership skills. If you have questions, or don’t know where to start, please reach out to the chapter so we can assist you on how to engage. Make 2023 your year to get involved! 

An Open Invitation to My Licensed Colleagues from Joseph McCoy, AIA:

Our profession often talks about the importance of supporting and nurturing the next generation as a means to help ensure the continued viability and value of architects and architecture to the communities we live in and serve. This support and nurture often take on the form of mentoring, where we more seasoned architects can work with and guide people at the beginning of their career, as they learn, grow, and apply their expanding skill sets in daily practice. This kind of direct engagement has always been and will continue to be a valuable way to convey knowledge and encourage personal & professional development, but there is another opportunity you might not have considered that can be equally impactful and directly relevant in the pursuit of licensure – teaching an ARE® Prep course.

Completing licensure for an architect is not only an important personal milestone, but also an outward demonstration of our commitment to professional competence in service to our clients and the public. Traditional mentoring plays a large role in helping emerging professionals develop the wide body of knowledge we need as architects but assisting in helping people prepare specifically for the ARE® is a concrete way we as mentors can demonstrate our support for those on the path to licensure. 

I participated this year for the first time as a co-instructor for an ARE® Prep course and can highly recommend this opportunity to others as a valuable way to support our emerging professionals. Having taken my exams many years ago now, I was unsure of how relevant my contribution might be, but I was partnered with Alyssa Tope, AIA, who had more recently completed the exams. Together we developed our session using resources from previous years and found ways to blend her specific experience with the test format and my broader experience of how the course content would be relevant in practice after the test. I enjoyed the collaboration with my co-instructor and realized that my experience and guidance could, in part, help give a better understanding and sense of confidence to people who were undertaking the enormous task of obtaining their license. 

I would encourage you to strongly consider how your contribution could make a difference to the next generation of architects we have all committed to support. Please email chapter staff if you are interested in participating.

2022 Honor Award Recipients & Emerging Professionals

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AIA Northern Virginia Celebrates Annual Honor Award Recipients & Emerging Professionals

Photos Courtesy of Jaclyn S. Toole, Assoc. AIA

It was with great honor that AIA Northern Virginia recognized the following 2022 Honor Award Recipients and Emerging Professionals at the recent Autumn Social event in Arlington, Va. 

Award of Honor – Kathryn T. Prigmore, FAIA

The Award of Honor is the Chapter’s highest award and is intended to recognize a member whose multi-faceted and wide-ranging contributions over many years have been integral not only to the success of local chapter programs, but also more broadly to advancing our profession and the impact we have in the communities we serve. This year's honoree, Kathie Prigmore, has served her community and this Chapter in a variety of ways. To list just a few: Kathie is Past Chair of the Committee on Examination for NCARB and has participated in the Virginia Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects (APELSCIDLA Board), and is also Past Chair of the National Ethics Council for AIA on which she has served in some capacity since 1982.

Recognized nationally when Kathie received AIA’s Whitney M. Young Jr. Award for her involvement with, and development of the program, “Riding the Vortex,” Kathie is one of the first 20 African American women registered to practice architecture in the United States and strives to make architecture and good design accessible to countless people. She has served NoVA as a board Director and First Vice President, and most recently serving as the Chair of our Fellows Committee. She is a former Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Architecture for the Howard University School of Architecture and Design, and now teaches at Virginia Tech’s Washington Alexandria Architecture Center (WAAC). She has consistently led by example and served as a source of inspiration for others to join in service at all levels of the profession.

Outstanding Achievement – David Jameson, FAIA

The award for Outstanding Achievement recognizes an architect member’s achievement of a significant contribution to the built environment that transcends the scope of normal professional activities. Attendees were treated to hearing Jameson be feted by Robert M. Gurney, FAIA. Following Gurney’s off-the-cuff remarks, Jameson's acceptance speech spoke briefly on passion in architecture demonstrating why he is deserving of this award: “I think, if I have… 2 words. One is Comradery, this group of people that you’re with. You have the ability to connect with them at a personal and professional level. I would urge you to do that. … I think, the word comradery leads to the word passion. And it’s weird, right, but the biggest competitor I’ve ever had for work in this area is my best friend in architecture (Gurney). And I think you can basically be passionate about what you do, be passionate about your relationships… 

But I would charge every single one of you with being passionate about what you do. We are stewards of the built environment in the way we shape peoples’ lives. I think a lot of people think this profession is service-oriented, but I would say this is a passion-oriented profession. And I would challenge each and every single one of you, every single day, to go to the studio and… do the best possible work that you can possibly do. And if it’s not the great building by itself, that’s fine, maybe it’s some portion of the building or some detail of it, but something you can be proud of, because architecture, it’s an art. And with artists, we are demanded to do more. And so I would challenge every single one of you to do that.” For this and many other reasons, David Jameson, FAIA, received this year's award for Outstanding Achievement.

Distinguished Leadership – Sonia R. Jarboe, AIA

The award for Distinguished Leadership recognizes an individual for their superior leadership in the representation of the chapter and the membership.  Each year the role of providing leadership to the board and the chapter as a whole falls to the current President. It is imperative for a good leader to hold this position since they set the tone and focus for the chapter for an entire year. This year's award recipient, Sonia Jarboe, has led within the Chapter in many different ways. She is a former Chair of both Women in Architecture and the Schools Connections committees, and still oversees the Inter-School Student Design Competition, a contest involving students from the 5 local schools of architecture. Specifically, she has overseen the chapter’s transition between Executive Directors and the re-visioning of the long-term strategic plan which will lay out the Chapter’s path forward through 2027. 

In an effort to shorten the year-to-year ramp-up time surrounding Executive Committee changes, Sonia has begun the process of sharing ownership of larger visionary Chapter topics with others on the leadership ladder. This work to build consensus, and share knowledge and ownership of major initiatives, ensures our Chapter’s continued success into the future. Sonia has spent countless hours developing programs behind the scenes, refining less obvious but vital resources for financial planning, non-dues revenue and chapter governance. Her dedication and leadership is greatly valued as our vision shifts to the future and her continued involvement within our chapter.

Service to the Chapter – D. Matthew Alexander, AIA

The Service to the Chapter Award recognizes exemplary and meritorious conduct by a member in service to the AIA Northern Virginia Chapter and was presented to Matt Alexander. He has reinvigorated the dormant Committee on the Environment (COTE) at the Chapter level, and then further expanded its reach by serving as the Co-Chair for the AIA Virginia COTE Steering Committee. 

Under Matt’s guidance, and with the assistance of Committee members situated throughout the Commonwealth, the COTE Committee created a widely-viewed virtual education series on Embodied Carbon – which ran once a week for 12 straight weeks this year and wrapped up earlier this month. Previously, Matt also served on the Schools Connections Committee where he coordinated the annual Student Scholarship Competition.

Award of Special Recognition – Marsha Collins, James M. Scott Exceptional Design Awards 

This year’s Award of Special Recognition is given to Marsha Collins in acknowledgement of her decades-long leadership of Fairfax County’s James M. Scott Exceptional Design Awards program. Marsha has a 35-year tenure at Fairfax County and has been the Program Manager for the Exceptional Design Awards program since 2013.

Sponsored by the county’s Board of Supervisors, the program recognizes achievement in the total design of a building and its site. It aims to raise awareness of outstanding planning and design projects among design professionals and the general public within Fairfax County. 

On behalf of the County's Department of Planning and Development, Marsha has led and grown the program over her career. She is instrumental in coordinating with the County Architectural Review Board, and in selecting the jury, overseeing the judging, and coordinating the award ceremony each year.

AIA Northern Virginia Chapter Award – Virginia Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (VANOMA) 

The AIA Northern Virginia Chapter Award recognizes an individual or organization whose partnership with our chapter has been especially beneficial in creating opportunities to connect architects in meaningful and enriching ways. This year's recipient, VANOMA led the first virtual Project Pipeline camp in Virginia during the Summer of 2021. This summer camp empowers young people to affect change in their community through design. The program connects the next generation of design professionals, civic leaders, and changemakers with real-world architects and planners.

We applaud and support VANOMA’s mission and vison to become the respected voice, guide, and resource within Virginia, for those that are actively engaged in issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the architecture profession.

2023 ARE® Scholarship Recipients

AIA Northern Virginia’s ARE® Scholarship is intended to recognize an Associate AIA member who has made significant contributions to the profession at an early stage of their career and to encourage their pursuit of licensure. This scholarship, in the amount of one-thousand, four-hundred and ten dollars ($1410), covers the cost of all six tests and allows the recipient to focus on studying for and taking the Architect Registration Exam®. 

This year, two deserving individuals were awarded this scholarship.

The first recipient is Alexandra Foster, Assoc. AIA. A designer at MTFA Architecture, Alexandra has served our Chapter as a volunteer supporting our 2022 ARE® Prep series, and is a member of the 2021 Emerging Leaders in Architecture class. Alex is also the incoming Chair for the NoVA’s Young Architects Forum. Gaining her architect license would only add to the great leadership potential she has demonstrated thus far.

The second ARE Scholarship recipient is Gloria Kim, Assoc. AIA. A designer at E4H - Environments for Health Architecture, Gloria has already begun studying for the ARE and was an active participant in this year’s Chapter ARE® Prep Series. She has expressed a lifetime commitment to learning and has acknowledged the crucial part that the ARE® examination plays in this effort. Gloria would like to specialize in healthcare design and has jumped at every opportunity to learn from her peers and mentors. 

AIA NoVA Emerging Leaders in Architecture (ELA) Nominee – Ava Helm, Assoc. AIA

It is the annual privilege of the Chapter to nominate a deserving emerging professional to AIA Virginia’s Emerging Leaders in Architecture (ELA) program. Ava is not only dedicated to the profession but also consistently demonstrates a willingness to learn. She is a proactive and motivated individual that has the potential to thrive in the ELA program. Actively engaged in her local community architectural endeavors in both high school, through the ACE Mentoring program, and while attending Syracuse University, as the Vice President of the Architecture Student Organization, Ava joined the AIA after attending her first national conference in New York in 2018 after seeing everything the AIA had to offer. We look forward to supporting her leadership path.

Introducing AIA NoVA’s Newly Licensed Architect Members 

Since this time last year, ten Associate Members were able to upgrade their memberships and become full Architect members of the Institute by completing their AXP requirements and passing all six Architect Registration Exams®.

Those members are: 

Haley M. DeNardo, AIA

Isaiah S. Felton, AIA

Sarah E. Goff, AIA

Joseph A. Kraus, AIA

Sean N. McGillicuddy, AIA

Marium Rahman, AIA

Matthew Salzer, AIA

Mariana Torres, AIA

Anh Tran, AIA

Ariel Westmark, AIA

Congratulations to all of you for working hard and earning your architecture licenses! You are the future of architecture, and our Northern Virginia communities are lucky to have you.

AIA Northern Virginia wishes to thank all of our sponsors for helping to make our Autumn Social and Membership Meeting possible, especially those who directly supported the event:  E.E. Reed Construction - East Coast, LLC, our Mount Vernon sponsor and MTFA Architecture, our Montpelier Sponsor.  We’d also like to acknowledge our annual Chapter Sponsors, without whose support much of what we do would not be possible. A big thank you is also extended to: Potomac Valley Brick & Supply Company; Shannon Mullins & Wright LLP; Krieger Specialty Products; CADD Microsystems; Marvin; Pella Mid-Atlantic; and T.W. Perry.

Professional Growth

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Women in Construction Annual Conference

Oct. 28

The Women in Construction Conference is the Mid-Atlantic region's premier forum for professional development and networking in the construction industry. The organization empowers women to continue to grow and achieve success in the community with a motto of: By Women, for Women. The intent and goal are to help women in architecture, engineering, construction, the trades, real estate, law, and consulting build skills and develop relationships that will benefit both their personal growth and that of their firm. Learn more.

Architecture Exchange East

Nov. 2-4

Join your colleagues in Richmond (or online) at Architecture Exchange East (ArchEx) as AIA Virginia begins our return to normalcy. ArchEx provides an opportunity for collaboration and explores how the profession can make the profession an ever-increasing service; develop design responses and ideas to support our communities; and, contribute to healthier communities and the overall well-being of their inhabitants. Online registration is open thru Friday, Oct. 28.

Breaking Barriers: Women in Construction

Oct. 31

Join in for a riveting episode with Swinerton SVP & CAO Lauren Nunnally, who will share her perspective on talent, culture, and business success. Earn 1 AIA LU credit. Register Now.

COTE Peer-to-Pier: A Greenbuild Gather 

Nov. 2

AIA COTE, AIA San Francisco COTE, Architecture 2030, and EHDD invite you to an evening happy hour on Wednesday, November 2 to celebrate the launch of two new innovative tools for decarbonizing the built environment: Early Phase Integrated Carbon assessment (EPIC) and the Carbon Avoided Retrofit Estimator (CARE) tool.  Register Now.

DesignDC: The Sustainable City & Resilient City

Nov. 30 - Dec. 1

DesignDC 2022 is a new hybrid experience for members and design professionals throughout the region. Over two days of content, including a featured keynote speaker and a reception, followed by a day of virtual education with industry experts. Learn more.

The Climate Action Business Playbook 

This new sustainability resource is key to building an architectural practice that embraces climate change mitigation and adaptation. Explore now to accelerate your firm's efforts to deliver projects aligned with the priorities for the climate. Learn more.

ARE® Prep: Call for 2023 Teachers


Every January, the Chapter begins its highly-regarded ARE® Prep training for emerging professionals who are seeking licensure. Testing topics are: Project Management; Practice Management; Programming and Analysis; Project Planning and Design; Project Development and Documentation; and Construction and Evaluation. The Chapter is trying to deepen our stable of ARE® Prep course teachers, so whether you have recently passed your exams or took them years ago, if you are willing to teach one or more test topics, reach out via email with any questions you might have about teaching a future class session.

CAE Firm Spotlight & Meeting

Nov. 17

Join the CAE NoVA committee for their November "Firm Spotlight." Josh Matthews, project architect at Marlon Blackwell Architects, will be presenting the Reels Building. One of the buildings forming part of the Thaden School, an independent middle and high school in Bentonville Arkansas. The building is a critical component of the school’s innovative curriculum and master plan, which shaped its overall campus. The Reels Building is an integral part of a larger site and building ecosystem that addresses local ecology, water, and energy use. "The down-to-earth building utilizes a traditional layout while playing with light and views. The siting is beautiful.” - Jury comment, AIA 2022 Education Facility Design Awards, Merit recipient. SIgn up now.

ARCHITECT Live: The Future of Design

Nov. 7 - 9

Hear the most compelling ideas, projects, and design approaches shaping the world of commercial, institutional, and residential architecture. Hosted by Architect Magazine, this credit earning event invites all leaders interested in the design trends shaping our future. Learn more and register.

The AIA Leadership Summit 2023 (formerly Grassroots)

Feb. 14 - 17, 2023

The name for the former AIA Grassroots Leadership Event has been rebranded to reflect the event’s purpose and target audience—our leaders. The new name is The AIA Leadership Summit.

The event officially starts on Tuesday, February 14 at 2pm and ends on Friday, February 17 by 12pm at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C. Registration will be open in December.

The Annual AIA 2030 Commitment by the Numbers Report is Released  

The AIA 2030 Commitment offers architects a way to publicly show their dedication and track progress toward a carbon-neutral future. With over 400 firms reporting, this year’s report showcases significant improvements across the industry to reach net zero. Learn more.

Industry News

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The latest headlines in the industry:

American Institute of Architects:  ABI Sept 2022: After strong revenue growth in 2022, firms are less optimistic for 2023

Archinect: The Pandemic Exposed Deep Flaws in the Architecture Profession — But Also Inspired Remedies

Architectural Record: Frida Escobedo Launches a Lecture Series on the Future of the Met

dezeen: Six material innovations aimed at slashing concrete's outsized carbon footprint

The Architect's Newspaper: Newly established task force will address how to rebuild war-torn Ukraine’s infrastructure

Upcoming Chapter Events

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The Month Ahead

Get the latest list of continuing education opportunities, committee meetings and activities, plus chapter events.

Oct. 17 to Nov. 12

Purses for a Purpose


Women in Architecture (WIA) coordinated collection drive. Purses For A Purpose collects donated purses, handbags, and backpacks and fills them with travel-sized toiletries to deliver to homeless women in cities across the nation. 

Learn More.

October 27

WIA Happy Hour Collaboration with IES


Join Women in Architecture (WIA) and Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) for a joint Happy Hour at Punch Bowl Social with some friendly competition and HH specials. Learn more.

November 2 - 4 

Architecture Exchange East

Reconnect with your industry peers and forge new relationships. Get inspired by new work, emerging research, and the latest technologies. Register Now! 

November 3


Women in Architecture Pop Up Lunch


Pop Up Lunches are back in-person. Join us at lunch in the following locations: Old Town, Fairfax, Arlington, Metro Center, and Georgetown. Email [email protected] to sign up.

November 7


Women in Architecture Committee Meeting


Please join us on the first Monday of each month to plan upcoming events for Women in Architecture. Learn more.

November 12


Purses for a Purpose Coffee Meet Up & Collection Day


Time to gather and deliver all those purses we have been collecting for the past month. Meet up for coffee as we collect all the purses from host firms in our area.

More info.

November 12


AIA Northern Virginia Board Meeting


This meeting will be in-person.  All are welcome to attend. Email [email protected] 

for details or to participate virtually.

November 16

Women in Architecture

Book Chat


This is a shame-free book club: You do not need to have completed the book, merely show an interest in it. 

Sign up now.

November 17

Committee on Architecture in Education (CAE) Meeting


Join the Committee on Architecture for Education for our monthly committee meeting. November "Firm Spotlight" features Marlon Blackwell Architects presenting the Reels Building.  Learn more.

November 24-25

Thanksgiving Holiday


In observance of Thanksgiving, we will be closed Thursday and Friday. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!

View Next Month's Events

Regional Calendars


AIA Potomac Valley

AIA Virginia

AIA Branch Museum

Job Postings

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Washington DC Office Seeks Senior Project Architect

Have an open position? Highlight it in an upcoming issue of the CONNECT e-blast. Get more information.

AE Works: Senior Project Architect


AE Works is actively seeking a Senior Project Architect based in our Washington, D.C. office, who is able to work in a scheduled, driven, and challenging environment. Qualified individuals shall possess the ability to work directly with clients, leading the design discussion during presentations and project meetings, have excellent communication (oral and written) and analytical/problem solving skills, while able to lead and work within a multi-discipline team setting.

Learn more. Apply Now.


Looking for New Career Opportunities: Send AIA NoVA your Resumes

The Chapter maintains a resume bank for those seeking new opportunities. If you wish to include your resume in the resume bank, please send it as a PDF to [email protected].

If you are hiring and wish to see resumes from the resume bank, email your request to [email protected] and indicate what experience level you require, i.e. student, 0-4 years, 5-10 or 11+, and we will email you appropriate resumes.

An additional source for both employers and job-seekers is the National AIA Career Center.

Awards & Opportunities

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Nov. 10

AIA Small Project Awards: AIA and it's Small Project Design (SPD) Knowledge Community present the annual Small Project Award Program to raise public awareness of the value and design excellence that architects provide regardless of the limits of size and budget. Learn More. 


Dec. 20

COTE® Top Ten Awards: COTE® Top Ten Awards: Thought to be the industry’s best-known award program for sustainable design excellence, 10 innovative projects are annually recognized for their integration of design excellence with environmental performance. Until 2017, the COTE Top Ten award recognized ten projects based largely on predicted performance, while award recipients from previous years were eligible to submit post-occupancy data and narratives to be recognized with a single COTE Top Ten Plus award. In 2017, these separate tracks were merged: The ‘Plus’ designation will denotes projects with exemplary actual performance and post-occupancy lessons. There will be only ten award recipients total, but any number of the ten may receive the COTE Top Ten Plus designation. Learn More.




Little Known Northern Virginia Fact:

Virginia has a higher concentration of customized license plates (called vanity plates) than any other state in the country. Approximately 1 of every 10 vanity plates comes from Virginia.

AIA Northern Virginia | CONNECT

The views expressed in the articles and advertisements in AIA Northern Virginia's CONNECT are those of the authors and may not reflect the official policy of the AIA Northern Virginia Chapter. No endorsement of those views or advertisements should be inferred unless specifically identified as the official policy of the AIA Northern Virginia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. 


Jaclyn S. Toole, Assoc. AIA, Executive Director

Lorin Boswell, Membership Director

Matt Shuba, AIA, Communications Director

Jody Cranford, Partnership Director

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