Hello, Bailey-

From the palms of last Sunday, we journey toward the joy of Easter.

We find ourselves in between, in Holy Week, remembering the final days of Jesus’ life.

We have three special worship experiences this week. I hope you can join us for at least one, in-person or online. 

Maundy Thursday

Remembering the Last Supper

  • Thursday at 7:00pm

Good Friday

Remembering the crucifixion, nailing our sin to the cross

  • Friday at 12:00pm noon

Good Friday

Readings and music and shadows

Remembering the betrayal and denial of Jesus, followed by his arrest and death invite us to think not only about our individual sin but also the sin of the world. Jesus’ message of radical love was a threat to the political and religious leaders of the day. From the death and resurrection of Jesus, we experience forgiveness and transformation—individually and together.

If you want to read more about the varied ways to understand salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, here is a good reflection from Christianity Today: Three Different Atonement Theories.

Poet Ann Weems has a powerful collection of Lent through Easter poems, called Kneeling in Jerusalem. (There is a copy in the church library.) Her poem Holy Week concludes:

The only road to Easter morning

Is through the unrelenting shadows of that Friday

Only then will the alleluias be sung;

Only then will the dancing begin

We might not be actually dancing on Easter Sunday (we are Presbyterian after all), but there will be great music, with a brass quartet, helping us to sing songs of resurrection, hope, and new life. And we have a brunch at 10 as well. We journey through Holy Week, remembering all too well the power of sin and death, but we rejoice and Easter Sunday the sin and death do not have the last word. 

On the journey together, 


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  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:00am & 11:00am
  • Easter Sunday
  • Music by Lakeside Brass, New Day Ensemble, Covenant Choir, Ben Welch, and Doug McNeel
  • Preacher: Charlie Berthoud | Sermon: "Don't Be Afraid!" | Text: Matthew 28:1-10
  • Children's Time with Cindy Lovell
  • Nursery Care (8:45am-12:15pm)
  • NO Sunday School or Kaleidoscope Kids
  • NO Youth Connection
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

One Great Hour of Sharing

Thanks to the generosity of Covenant, we have received over $5,000 for this special offering which supports the Presbyterian Hunger Program, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and Self-Development of People. If you would still like to give, envelopes are available at the offering lectern at the rear of the sanctuary. You can also use the QR code here, or click HERE!

Children & Youth Ministries Coordinator Search

In just two weeks we will be ready to receive applications for the full-time Children's and Youth Ministries Coordinator position. Look for more details soon. If you have ideas about possible applicants, contact search co-chairs Brad Brown or Sally Lorenz

Loving God, in your mercy hear our prayers for. . .

New this week: David and Peter Crist, brothers of Alan Crist; Fred Stone, father of Alice Yuroff; Aquinette Shepard, Covenant friend.

We pray for healing, for courage, and for peace, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

(click on the image header for full prayer list on Worship HQ)

Join Pastors Charlie and Clara to discuss this engaging novel about families, starting over, teenagers, and more. With over 12,000 five-star reviews on Amazon, Mad Honey is a page-turner with courtroom drama and contemporary relevance. Charlie suggests that you do NOT read reviews, as many of them give away a vital part of the story. Attorney Chris Turner (wife of Charlie) was a consultant for the book. We'll enjoy some honey and snacks as we spend an hour talking together about the book. Everyone is welcome! There will be a Zoom option on Wednesday, April 12. Contact Charlie if you are interested.

Click the image for more information!

For information on Middle School or High School Youth Connection at Covenant, visit covenantmadison.org/youth.

Join us for a Spiritual Stroll at the Farley Center's Natural Path Sanctuary (2299 Spring Rose Rd, Verona). We’ll also get a guided tour of the grounds! These strolls are part of a Covenant program called CONNECT, a program of events sponsored by the deacons of Covenant with the intention of fostering connection within the congregation and community.

Sunday morning opportunities

We are in need of some help on Sunday mornings!

Bradfield Cafe Volunteer: Click HERE to sign up!

Greeter & Welcome Center Volunteer: Click HERE to sign up!

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