Hello Bailey,

Sunday is a big day, so it’s time for (drum roll) . . .


10. Ministry Fair: 10:00am in Bradfield Hall. Come learn about music, mission, education and more! 

9. Clara Thompson's sermon: Welcome back Clara! She is preaching on Rebekah in our “Women of Genesis” series.

8. Worship: 9:00am or 11:00am. TWO options for you!

7.  New paneling: In Bradfield Hall. Check out the new woodwork, part of our boiler project!

6. Meet Bailey Green, our new Church Administrator!

5. Free coffee and donuts! Where else do you get FREE fair trade coffee and donuts?

4. Connect with great people:  Pass the peace of Christ together, chat about the weather and the Packers, take care of each other. Meet someone new, make a new connection. We have visitors every Sunday; help them feel welcomed.

3. Blessing of the Backpacks:  During 9:00 & 11:00 services. Pray for kids and teachers as backpacks and bags are blessed in worship.

2. Join us online from the comfort of home (you’ll have to provide your own coffee and donuts)

1. Hear God’s word, reconnect with God’s love, and get strength for the week

May God bless you and guide you this week.

On the journey together,


P.S. - Mary Kieta is re-joining the Covenant Staff this Sunday as Sunday Host, helping with sanctuary logistics, welcoming guests, coffee and donuts, as well as building security. 

  • Clara Thompson preaching: "Rebekah Speaks Up" (Genesis 24:1-14)
  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:00am & 11:00am
  • Music from guest organist Harrison Catoe and Ben Welch
  • Blessing of the Backpacks
  • Children's Time with Jo Wiersema
  • Kaleidoscope Kids during worship following Children's Time (9:00 only)
  • Sunday School: 10:00-10:55am
  • Nursery Hours: 8:45am-12:15pm
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

For more info, click above or contact Barb Eikenberry

On Tuesday, September 6, we had a trusty group of Covenant folks that managed to do the following:  Replace 3 down spots in the Sanctuary, build 4 cabinets for the classrooms, paint a second coat on a bathroom wall in the lower CE wing, and patched holes and grouted some sheetrock in the kitchen pantry to get it ready for painting.

Many thanks to: Chris Barden, John Strikwerda, Dave Athas, Mark Soderberg, Randy Zirk, Randy Holveck, Peter Hughes, Gary Bertram, David Fields and Bob Schaefer.

"How am I supposed to stand behind a religion and the associated 66 books who have some not so great things to say about women?"

Jo really likes this new sermon series we're doing here at Covenant. Journey with her as she recalls her path to seminary, and reconciling her feminism and love for a religion with a misogynistic history. Click on the image above to read this week's blog "The Radical Notion that Women are People Too" by our own Jo Wiersema.

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