Nutrition is a right, not a privilege. The gross inequities in nutrition that have been experienced in our nation for years have now been brought to the forefront of the public consciousness by the COVID-19 pandemic. ASPHN stands with our members as they continually adapt to their daily work to best meet the needs of people in their state and local programs, especially those populations who have been made vulnerable by systemic racism.

During this critical response time, I am both humbled and very proud to introduce the 2019-2020 ASPHN Annual Report. The collection of news and updates that follows demonstrates the long-standing commitment of ASPHN to pursue equity in all of its organizational process and program outcomes. The ASPHN Board has recently strengthened that commitment with the release of ASPHN's action statement on equity.

First, I'd like to thank the many members who are using our national public health nutrition network to share best practices, resources and collegial support through participation in ASPHN Committees, Councils and the Board. Your commitment to advance healthy living for all locally is advancing healthy living for all nationally.

Next, I'll call to your attention the timely new and continuing projects and products.

We have responded to COVID-19 by beginning several new projects related to effective leadership in COVID-19, including the Clean Away COVID and reliable information in COVID-19 Landing Page projects.

ASPHN programs have also adapted to continue to strengthening members' state work, while giving them space to respond to challenges in their daily work.These programs include the WIC Developmental Monitoring Project and the HOP Farm to School Supplemental Funding Project. The Health Equity Internship Program is also making health and safety changes, as well as expanding positions to offer focused experience in COVID-19 work.

Broad access to regular webinars, leadership and mentoring activities continue to be offered by ASPHN via its virtual operations. makes possible the nationwide implementation of evidence-informed practices, ASPHN's first virtual Annual Meeting.

On-going ASPHN projects include support for capacity building in Farm to ECE, WIC child development referrals, and breastfeeding engagement through increasing access to breastfeeding support.

ASPHN also equips national, state and local nutrition policy advocates through the foundational skills webinar training series, Moving Public Health Nutrition Policies Forward.

Finally, I warmly express my gratitude to our members and the Board for the opportunity to serve ASPHN as President. It has been a tremendous growth experience and I have immensely enjoyed forging strong relationships among this exceptional group of public health nutrition leaders.


ASPHN Past-President