A Message from the Mohawk
Lay Servant Committee (Corrected)
The reorganized Mohawk District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries is composed of one clergy and two laity members today. One of our primary responsibilities is to provide an educational foundation with materials and courses to enable an individual to develop the confidence to become active in the affairs of their church. We also monitor the certification of individuals as Lay Servants who have accepted the calling to be active in their congregations and beyond.
Many of our Lay Servants have willingly accepted the call to step-up and become the leaders in their church and community. They, by their attitude, actions, deeds, and compassion for those around them, are the Disciples of Jesus Christ, walking among us.
Currently, there are 43 Certified Lay Servants (CLS), 2 Certified Lay Speakers (CLSpkr), and 10 Certified Lay Ministers (CLM) in our reorganized Mohawk District. That is a total of 55 active certified members of the Laity assisting their Pastors, leading their congregations, conducting Bible Studies, preaching from the pulpit, planning and/or leading worship, filling in for Pastors in other congregations or locations, visiting their homebound members, serving on various committees or councils within their church, district, or conference, and doing Pastoral work throughout their community.
There are currently 8 Certified Lay Ministers (CLM) assigned to churches in our district by the D.S. 4 CLMs are assigned to one church and 4 CLMs are assigned to a 2 church charge. Currently, 1 CLS is assigned to a 2 church charge and 2 CLSs are assigned to one church in our district.
In the present confines of the Mohawk District, we have a total of 49 churches and 1 New Faith Community. We have attendance at these churches ranging from 6 to 55 people. There are 18 Pastors and 11 CLMs or CLSs for a total of 29 individuals (Pastors, Elders, and Laity) serving the spiritual needs of our 49 churches and one Faith Community.
We have 9 Pastors appointed to 2 churches; 1 Pastor appointed to a 3 church charge; 8 Pastors (including 4 Elders) appointed to a single church. That is a total of 18 dedicated appointed Pastoral Leaders. Looking at those numbers, you can see there are several churches without an appointed or assigned Spiritual Leader.
You can begin realize the need for the Laity of our district to step-up and assume active roles in providing for the various needs of our congregations. The needs of the people in our congregations must be recognized and assumed by the Laity if our churches are to remain viable assets caring for the welfare of our Christian sisters and brothers.
A Pastor, CLM, or CLS with a 2 or 3 church charge cannot adequately provide for their congregation’s needs without the assistance of their Laity. The assistance from the Laity is critical in our churches today. Laity! That is each one of you reading this today! Your Church needs you. Our people desperately need you!
It is the Laity of our district that will rise up to assist our Pastors and provide those essential elements of leadership and direction for the people of our district.
I urge you (Laity) to take advantage of the courses offered by our committee (in-person, virtual, or Zoom) to gain the necessary knowledge and confidence to assist, serve, and lead the way for active Discipleship in our District as a Lay Servant or Lay Speaker.
Ken Guilfoyle, CLM, Director,
Mohawk District Committee on Lay Servant Ministries
kguilf2855@aol.com, 315 254 6673