December 2022

Message from the Director


As we enter the holiday season, we are excited to share events planned for the upcoming year. We are currently accepting applications for the next cohort of Champion Provider Fellows! The deadline for submission is January 6, 2023. Please help us get the word out to your colleagues and networks by directing them to the Champion Provider Fellowship Apply Page. You can also download the recruitment flyer HERE.

On January 24, 2023, we will kick off the year with a webinar presented by Dr. Nooshin Razani, Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics at UCSF School of Medicine, about the cross-sectional association of mental health and outdoor spaces. Mark your calendars for the Onboarding training for our new cohort and the annual Mini College for graduating Fellows, that will take place June 21-22, 2023, in Sacramento, CA. Wishing you all a happy holiday season!

In Health and Solidarity,

Wagahta Semere, MD, MHS

Fellowship Director & Assistant Professor

UCSF School of Medicine

Reminder! Find articles and resources related to your area(s) of interest by clicking on the icon(s) that correspond to our five focus areas, below:

Making the Transition from Clinic to Public Health

By: Trinidad Solis, MD, MPH

Champion Provider Fellow (Cohort 4, Fresno County)

I spent several years working as a family medicine physician in Los Angeles. Many of my patients were Spanish-speaking and low-income individuals, a large portion of whom suffered from obesity, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. I found that simply advising patients to “eat a healthy diet and exercise” did not lead to improved health measures. By embracing a holistic approach, I was able to find the root cause of my patients’ health problems.     Read More


Tues. Jan 24 | 12:00 - 1:00pm | Register

Webinar: Childhood ACEs and Outdoor Spaces


Thurs. Feb 9 | 12:15 - 1:15pm | Register

Works-In-Progress Call (Fellows)

Thurs. Feb 23| 2:00 - 3:00pm | Register

Quarterly LHD Call (LHDs)

Fellow Activities

Dr. Moazzum Bajwa (Cohort 3, Riverside County) (left) presented at the CalFresh Healthy Living Forum in Orange County, CA along with his LHD collaborator, Valerie Comeaux on their successful partnership to address food insecurity in Riverside County.

Read More

Dr. Trinidad Solis (Cohort 4, Fresno County) (left) was interviewed by Noticias21 and shared tips on how to safely gather this holiday season in the midst of a surge in respiratory viruses.

Watch Interview
Reminder! Brown·Miller Communications is here to help you!
Need help with message development, op-ed support, or preparing for an interview? Make sure to contact Mike Miller or Muriel Bañares of Brown·Miller Communications. They provide a multitude of media and communication services to Champion Provider Fellows and local health departments. Send them an email to find out how they can help you!
*Champion Provider Listserv*
Collaborate & communicate with Champion Provider
Fellows across the state about your community change efforts.
Post a message by emailing: [email protected]
NOTE: Please do not use the listserv to promote lobbying efforts or to discuss patient care. 
Join Listserv

Legislation takes aim at addressing food insecurity

The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the persistent challenges of addressing food insecurity in the US. This proposed legislation explores opportunities to allow schools to provide afterschool meals that meet federal nutrition standards.

Afterschool Meals Act of 2022 (H.R.6357)

The proposed legislation would allow schools to provide afterschool meals and meal supplements for children in afterschool care. Currently, schools can only provide afterschool snacks through National School Lunch Program. (FRAC, January 2022)

Healthy Meals, Healthy Kids Act (H.R.8450)

This proposed legislation would increase children's access to free school meals by expanding community eligibility and extends WIC benefits to children up to 6 years old. (FRAC, July 2022)

From the Field
Note: Materials included in this section are for reference and information purposes only and do not imply endorsement by the federal government, California Department of Public Health, or the University of California, San Francisco.

Together at the Table: Supporting the Nutrition, Health, and Well-Being of Grandfamilies

Generations United (2022).

The 2022 State of Grandfamilies Report – Together at the Table: Supporting the Nutrition, Health, and Well-Being of Grandfamilies includes the latest findings on grandfamilies facing high rates of hunger and food insecurity, as well as policy recommendations to help feed grandfamilies. Read the report to explore the data and learn why we need to change current policies to ensure access to adequate nutritious food for grandparents.

Read the report here.

Neighborhood Poverty and Child Health: Investing in Communities to Improve Childhood Opportunity and Well-Being

Jutte, Douglass P., Badruzzman, Ranae A., Thomas-Squance, Ruth (2021), 21(8), Supplement.

Differences in child health and well-being across neighborhoods have long been recognized by pediatricians who see the consequences of community poverty every day. Unfortunately, too often neighborhoods separated by only a few miles are remarkably different, with profound impacts on health. New mapping tools now provide detailed visualization of these variations in neighborhood characteristics.

Read the article here.

Sugar Reduction Law and Policy Toolkit

Food Law and Policy Clinic. Harvard Law School. (2022)

Excess sugar consumption is linked to obesity, diabetes, and other diet-related chronic diseases that have tremendous social and economic costs. The United States currently faces the highest obesity and diabetes prevalence in human history. This national health crisis disproportionately impacts historically marginalized communities and thus perpetuates health inequities. Reducing population-level consumption of sugar is one of the most promising strategies for addressing these pressing public health, social, and economic concerns.

View the toolkit here.

More Opportunities
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California School-Based Health Alliance Webinar: Winter 2023 School Health Policy Update

January 24, 2023, 3:00-4:00pm PST

The California School-Based Health Alliance is hosting a webinar to share up-to-date information about state and federal policies impacting school-based health. Get key information about the state's budget priorities and new legislation, and updates on the implementation of new state and federal funding. The webinar is open to members of the Alliance.

Interested? Register for the webinar here. Interested individuals can sign up to join the Alliance to view the webinar.
