Worship With Us on Sunday!

Oh, friends. I really tried. But the last email still ended up with the wrong bulletin attached. Please use this one. My apologies. -- Pastor Rachel

Ready to sing? Come belt out some good ol' fashioned tunes this Sunday for our annual Hymn Sing! Bring a friend, bring a song!

How to worship with us online:

Tune in on Zoom here.

 Click here to download Sunday's bulletin.

**For instructions about how to join us for Zoom Worship, click here.


Jefferson County is in the RED for COVID right now. As we have seen in our own church, the BA.5 Omicron variant spreads fast! Those who are fully vaccinated and boostered seem to weather it well, but we want to take care to do as much as possible to reduce viral spread. We are still offering both Zoom and In-Person services. Please make the wisest choice for you and your family. See above for the links to the virtual service.

We remain "Mask-Optional" throughout the church building, but HIGHLY recommend masks and social distancing at this time. We still have the side sections of the sanctuary designated as "Socially-distant and Masks Required" for those who still need or want those precautions.

Additionally, if you haven't requested your third round of free tests from the government, you can do that very easily here: https://www.covid.gov/tests.


Our VBS looked different things year. VBS stood for Very Big Service this time! Immanuel UCC and Bardstown Road Presbyterian Church took a Sunday each month to join in service for our community!

In June, we collected items for complete Disaster Buckets. We completed 8 and have lots of extra items too that were later taken to Eastern KY after the floods.

In July, we spread out around our community to lend a hand. We went to Brooklawn and Arthur Draut Park to do some yard work and clean up. We also started making prayer shawls for the UCC's General Synod that will be held in Indy next summer.

In August, we gathered for a traditional VBS day for the kids and adults joined in too doing a few service projects around the church. They made 80+ backpack tags for Brooklawn, bagged up 5 bags of shoes for Water Step and got some donations ready to be delivered. The kids then put together 53 hygiene kits for Church World services and made Thank You cards for their teachers!



Frank V. - at Nazareth on Newburg for rehab from a fall

Bev V. - recovering from hospitalization

Lane M. -- in treatment for severe anemia

Jennifer P. – health struggles

Multiple families recovering from COVID

Jakob, Michael, Zachary, and all our soldiers

All people facing the horrors of war

Refugees and Evacuees  –including the families assigned to us from Afghanistan

Announcements from Around the Church

Happy Birthday

08/22 - Rich S.

08/22 - Pam T.

08/24 - Brandy B.

08/26 - Pat F.

Happy Birthday 1.PNG

Happy Anniversary

Larry & Sherry L.

August 24

54 Years

Newcomers’ Gathering

Sunday, August 28th at 9:30am

  • Have you been coming long enough to IUCC that it’s starting to feel like home?
  • Would you like to know what it means to make a commitment to membership or how to get more involved in the work of the church?
  • Do you want to meet some of our church leaders and get to know them better?
  • Do you just have some questions about why we do things the way we do?

Come to this newcomers’ gathering on Sunday, August 28th. We’ll meet in the conference room, share some breakfast pastries and coffee, and talk informally about all things IUCC!

RSVP with your favorite donut to Pastor Rachel.

Help Us Restock Our Little Pantry

We continue to stock some of our most popular food items like tuna, Vienna sausages, and other protein options that don't require the use of a can-opener. We have updated our Amazon Wish List with some of our most needed items. If you would like to help us stock up, please CLICK HERE to visit our Wish List - all items purchased will be mailed directly to the church! Email the church office if you have any questions

IUCC's QR code!!

Just scan it with your phone using your photos app, it will read the information in the code and take you directly to IUCC’s donations page!

Announcements from Around the

Community and the Denomination

The World Day of Prayer 2022, sponsored by Church Women United, will be held on Friday, September 9th , 6:30pm at St. Andrew United Church of Christ.

The Worship[p service has been written by the Church Women of Northern Ireland, Wales, and England. The theme, based on Jeremiah 29:1-14 is "Surely, I Know the Plans I Have for You." God is speaking to the exiles in Babylon who were in a context of suffering, uncertainty and opposing views. God speaks to us today in our context of suffering, uncertainty and opposing views. The worship service presents the stories of women feeling excluded today and a child refugee filled with fear.

Invite friends and family to listen, pray, sing and prepare in hope for a better tomorrow. Light refreshments will follow  the service.

St. Andrew UCC

2608 Browns Lane

Louisville, KY 40220

Friday, September 9, 2022

Ways to Support The Recovery Efforts in Eastern Kentucky

Please remember the Disaster Ministry of the IKC focuses on long term recovery. However, our churches can be a part of the immediate response by sending financial donations. Please do not send any items at this time. Warehouses can become overwhelmed with items they do not need. Financial contributions are best at this point in the recovery. The funds can be disbursed to the areas needing help and used to provide the greatest need at any given time. Also, the funds will help the communities recover from the economic strain they are experiencing.

Here are some options in making financial donations:

  1. Team Eastern Kentucky Flood Relief Fund
  2. If you go to the ikcucc.org website, there is also an option to donate through PayPal. See this website for donation instructions. If you go this route, please designate "IKC-Kentucky Recovery Fund." to the "Add special instructions to the seller" note field.
  3.  You can always make a donation to UCC Disaster Ministries Remember to designate your donation is for “Disaster Ministries.”
Visit our Website
For Registration & More Information Click Here

The Back Row Caucus

by Molly Baskette | published on Aug 15, 2022

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The scribes do all their deeds to be seen by others.They love to have the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues,and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces … [but] all who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted. – Matthew 23:1-12, abridged (NRSV)

My friend is a representative to her state legislature. She flipped her district in the “blue wave” of 2018. Her chief qualification to be a lawmaker is that she previously ran a church camp for a dozen years. The girl knows how to herd cats, handle conflict, cast a vision, and sing while doing it all. She’s the one wearing the blue feather boa in the group photo of the legislative chamber.

In her first term, she regaled us with stories about playing cards in the cafeteria with the other Democrats while the Republicans gave grandstanding speeches on the house floor. Then they’d file back in and vote their consciences.

My friend kept voting her conscience, even when it caused her to go against her party’s leadership. In the next legislative session, she was punished by getting demoted to a seat at the back of the room—next to the Republicans.

She ended up befriending them. She told them about why she was voting the way she was on critical justice issues and judicial appointments. And she began flipping them, too. In what used to be a hostile, polarized political environment, new relationships are forming. Hearts and minds are being opened.

Being moved to the back of the room is not always a punishment. It might be just the place God needs you.


God, mess with my perceptions of who the enemy is. May I find friends in low places. And give me courage to do my homework and vote my conscience, even if it means challenging the status quo. Amen.

The UCC Daily Devotional is a spiritually deep and refreshing well, to which thousands of readers are drawn each day. Below is our favorite from this week. Tell us what you think!

The overall vision and voice of the Daily Devotional is tended by the Stillspeaking Writers’ Group and supported by the staff of The Pilgrim Press. To sign up to receive your own virtual mailing of the Daily Devotional Newsletter, click here.

About the Author

Rev. Molly Baskette is the lead Pastor of First Church Berkeley UCC and the author of a number of books about church renewal, parenting, spiritual growth and more. For her author newsletter and book information visit mollybaskette.com.

Help Your Church by Giving Online Through Vanco

Option 1: Download the Vanco Mobile app. When you open the app, type Immanuel United Church of Christ into the search bar and select the fund, frequency, and amount of your payment. 

Option 2: Donate online by clicking here
Option 3: Donate by phone by calling 1-800-675-7430. 

Email Heather if you have questions. 

**For those of you who are mailing your donations to the church, please note that deposits are made every other week.
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