Fellow Super District 6400 Rotarians,
I can’t believe we are done with July. I hope you have had a happy and productive summer so far. Clubs are swinging into action with summer projects, preparing for their fall and early winter events and fundraisers. Maybe you have some personal vacation plans for the balance of the summer or fall as well.
August is Membership and New club Development month on the Rotary calendar. Now is the time to implement your plans for membership recruitment. There is no better way to introduce the community and prospective members than to invite them to a service project. I speak from experience as a Rotarian that learned about Rotary by being volunteer at the club fundraiser.
Are you looking to have a club with more flexibility? Rotary offers great support on the website at https://my.rotary.org/en/club-flexibility. Whether you are thinking about alternative membership models, meeting formats that better suit your membership or even starting a new club, you can find information and ideas there. Email me and I can connect you with our district experts for help or advice.
During the week of September 11-17, Rotary International is encouraging Rotary and Rotaract clubs to partner with local Kiwanis, Lions, and Optimist clubs on a service project that will have a long-term impact in your community. Tell your neighbors — and us — about your joint service project by sending out a news release, posting on social media with #CelebrateCommunity. We can do more when we work together and harness the collective power of our four organizations’ 3.4 million members and Celebrate Community together.
I am having a great time visiting our clubs, meeting new friends, and hearing about all the great work Super District 6400 clubs are doing in their communities. I have also had the opportunity to induct 7 new members and it is only the first month! I am grateful that you have given me this wonderful opportunity and have been so welcoming when Barb and I came to visit. I have visited 8 clubs in July and have 17 scheduled for August. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Our district golf outing is coming up soon. Join me on September 18 at the Grosse Ile Country club for an afternoon of golf and dinner. If you aren’t a golfer, please join us for dinner. We also have sponsorships available starting at only $125. Remember, the money raised at this event is used for grants to the clubs. Register HERE.
Make sure to check out upcoming August events on the district website (Rotary6400.org) and later in this newsletter, including August 12 the Gibraltar Rockwood Kayak Poker Run and the Rubber Duckie Race, the August 20 Windsor/Essex County Clubs Day in the Park at Point Pelee, and the Livonia AM Touch-a-Truck event on 8/26. If your event is not listed on the website, contact Sue Goldsen to have it posted. We want to share the fun.
Have a great August. Don’t forget to celebrate National Watermelon Day on August 3.
Yours in Service,
District Governor Russ