August 2023 Issue #2

Fellow Super District 6400 Rotarians,

I can’t believe we are done with July. I hope you have had a happy and productive summer so far. Clubs are swinging into action with summer projects, preparing for their fall and early winter events and fundraisers. Maybe you have some personal vacation plans for the balance of the summer or fall as well.

August is Membership and New club Development month on the Rotary calendar. Now is the time to implement your plans for membership recruitment. There is no better way to introduce the community and prospective members than to invite them to a service project. I speak from experience as a Rotarian that learned about Rotary by being volunteer at the club fundraiser.

Are you looking to have a club with more flexibility? Rotary offers great support on the website at Whether you are thinking about alternative membership models, meeting formats that better suit your membership or even starting a new club, you can find information and ideas there. Email me and I can connect you with our district experts for help or advice.

During the week of September 11-17, Rotary International is encouraging Rotary and Rotaract clubs to partner with local Kiwanis, Lions, and Optimist clubs on a service project that will have a long-term impact in your community.  Tell your neighbors — and us — about your joint service project by sending out a news release, posting on social media with #CelebrateCommunity. We can do more when we work together and harness the collective power of our four organizations’ 3.4 million members and Celebrate Community together.

I am having a great time visiting our clubs, meeting new friends, and hearing about all the great work Super District 6400 clubs are doing in their communities. I have also had the opportunity to induct 7 new members and it is only the first month! I am grateful that you have given me this wonderful opportunity and have been so welcoming when Barb and I came to visit. I have visited 8 clubs in July and have 17 scheduled for August. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Our district golf outing is coming up soon. Join me on September 18 at the Grosse Ile Country club for an afternoon of golf and dinner. If you aren’t a golfer, please join us for dinner. We also have sponsorships available starting at only $125. Remember, the money raised at this event is used for grants to the clubs. Register HERE.

Make sure to check out upcoming August events on the district website ( and later in this newsletter, including August 12 the Gibraltar Rockwood Kayak Poker Run and the Rubber Duckie Race, the August 20 Windsor/Essex County Clubs Day in the Park at Point Pelee, and the Livonia AM Touch-a-Truck event on 8/26. If your event is not listed on the website, contact Sue Goldsen to have it posted. We want to share the fun.

Have a great August. Don’t forget to celebrate National Watermelon Day on August 3. 

Yours in Service,

District Governor Russ

We need your club news!

Please make sure you email your club's news and upcoming events by the 20th of the prior month to

Registration for District Conference 2024 is now open! Click here to find out more & register!

District Governor Russ Jones' August Official Visits





Huron Twp








Adrian Morning
















D-6400 Global e-Club








Plymouth A.M.




Allen Park




Flat Rock




Livonia A.M.
































Governor Russ' Official Visits!

Dearborn Heights


D-6400 Global eClub

Passport to Service


Grosse Pointe Sunrise

District Rotary Foundation Committee Update

Sue Goldsen, Chair

Happy August to you!

First, I'd like to remind our club presidents and Rotary Foundation chairs that we would like all clubs to promote World Polio Day October 24th. Please email me with what your club is planning so we can highlight it on our district website. My email address is

I'm very excited about this news from our committee's Grants Chair, PDG Rick Caron:

The Rotary Foundation District Community Grants have been Approved.

Congratulations to the 30 clubs involved in application for a District Community Grant from the Rotary Foundation. Approval for all the applications was received on July 21, 2023. You are now free to complete your project. This year we had 19 single club applications and 5 collaborative club applications. The total value of all grants received is $111,280, with $54,087 of that total given by the Rotary Foundation through the District Designated Funds earned by your contributions to the Annual Fund. All those that will benefit from the projects thank you for your contributions. See the complete list of the projects at THIS LINK.

Pushing polio eradication to the finish line

This is a critical year for polio eradication efforts as Rotary and our Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) partners are aggressively working to interrupt transmission of the poliovirus in the remaining endemic countries and other areas.

Polio eradication remains Rotary’s number one humanitarian goal. While the number of polio cases in the world remain low our job is not done, millions of children need to be vaccinated against this disease. Our commitment is to raise 50 million this year to be matched 2 to 1 by the Gates foundation.

 As you know, so far this calendar year we have seen six cases of wild poliovirus infection. It is always so easy when giving out the statistics and the numbers to forget that this is not about arithmetic but about children’s lives. Perhaps we ought to say that so far this year six children are destined to a life of misery and paralysis. That is six too many.

And so Rotary and our partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative continue to work during this critical year to interrupt transmission of the wild poliovirus in the remaining endemic countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan and stop transmission of variant poliovirus type 2 in outbreak countries.

I ask that each club have a PolioPlus program and focus on the following points:

  • Reaching our US$50 million fundraising goal through individual contributions, districts allocating 20% of DDF to PolioPlus, clubs committing US$1,500/year to PolioPlus, and increasing our membership in the PolioPlus Societies in our district
  • Encouraging events around World Polio Day (24 October) and World Immunization Week (24-30 April)
  • Raising awareness with members, the public and media of Rotary’s role in global polio eradication efforts
  • Advocating with government officials the importance of achieving a polio-free world 

Thank you in advance for your consideration of including a session on Rotary’s top humanitarian priority at one of your Club meetings and engaging and educating our members on the role that Rotary has played in this historic effort.


PDG Neil McBeth

D6400 Polio Chair

Looking for a Rotary Club that fits your busy life? Join the District 6400 Passport to Service Club!

What's a Passport club? The Rotary District 6400 Passport to Service club meets virtually twice monthly, giving members a more flexible club experience by encouraging its members to visit other clubs and participate in their club activities regularly. 

The Passport club also offers a relaxed attendance policy and offers a variety of meeting formats. If making meetings at traditional times is difficult for you, consider the flexibility the Passport Club. And the best part of the club is that it has members from around the district and beyond.   

The club offers extra hands and heart to clubs that are in our communities to help them with projects and service they are doing. Think of the them as an extra resource for your club!

Here’s what members say about the Passport Club:

  • “The passport club was a great fit for me, as I moved and wanted to remain a member of District 6400 and stay connected with lifelong friends and I do service projects where I live.”  - PDG Sue Goldsen.  
  • "The Passport club fits into my busy work and family schedule, giving me more time to participate in Rotary Service projects and enjoy fun Rotary Fellowship." - Therese Maggioncalda, LMSW, ACSW

For more information contact club member PDG Michael Duben, and visit the club at its website HERE.

Welcome New Members!

Woodhaven & Brownstown

District Governor Russ & Club President Barb Smith inducted four new members into the club during Russ' official visit.


During his official visit, District Governor Russ inducted Kathy Abdo and Sandy Tenney as the club's newest Rotarians! Proudly looking on are their sponsors.

Wishing our Rotary Youth Exchange students "hello" & "goodbye"!


Club members met to wish a fond farewell to their amazing exchange student Kento. His family from Mexico came “to pick him up” and they were able to get together one last time for food, friendship and fellowship.


Rotarians gathered July 20th to wish a Bon Voyage, or "Boa Viagem!" in Portuguese, to their Outbound Youth Exchange Student, Brenna Thorpe. Brenna, the daughter of Rotarians Jim and Carrie Thorpe, will be leaving for Brazil in a few days to embark on her year-long journey as a student of the world and an ambassador of Rotary and the United States. She impressed the club as being eminently qualified for both roles.

Brenna spoke about her upcoming Youth Exchange experience and answered many questions from members and guests. Brenna will also be taking Dearborn Rotary flags to exchange during her year.


Grace, a recently returned Rotary Youth Exchange Student who went to Japan, before the Rotary Club of Plymouth, MI. She talked about this life changing program has affected her outlook and future career path.

Applications for future exchange students for the 2024 - 25 school year will be available soon on the District Website.

District 6400 Clubs At Work!


It was a proud day for Rotary Windsor-WIDE as one of the club's charter members, Queen Amina organized the first ‘WIDA’ (Windsor International Diaspora African) festival event.

Garden City Helps Out

Last year's club president Cathlene Courtney, shops for school supplies


(Left) The club hosted its changeover meeting July 25th at the beautiful Muscedere Vinyard. Congratulations to newly installed President Peggy Golden and kudos to past President Lisa Fischer on an outstanding year of service! At right, A.G. Kim Spirou with Lisa & Peggy.

(Below) The club served up hot dogs for a local community picnic!


The new club Board of Directors was installed by Governor Russ Jones during a meeting last month.

Windsor (1918)

Tanzanian Rotarian Timothy Massawe, visited Windsor (1918) and presented a banner from his club, Hai-Kilimanjaro.


Club members from the morning and noon clubs collaborated on a ramp project last month.

Grosse Pointe

Club members and friends came together to prepare another Crossroads lunch. Pictured at right is Chef Dave Colton!


During Cottam's annual officer changeover event, IPDG Traci presented Dan Levy with his Past President Pin.

DG Russ also presented new Cottam club President Crystal Heinrich with her Club President pin.


(Right) Assistant Governor Kim Spirou was on hand last month for the installation of the club's new officers.

Club Events & Outings - click on each image for more information