Association for Responsible Alternatives
to Workers' Compensation

October 10, 2019
Dear ARAWC member or friend,

The Association for Responsible Alternatives to Workers’ Compensation is pleased to rollout a new designation for Texas injury benefit programs that qualify as a “Qualified Compensation Alternative for Recovering Employees” - QCARE!

QCARE defines what it means to be a “responsible nonsubscriber” by specifying 10 Standards that reflect common industry best practices. This simple, voluntary, no-cost designation as a QCARE program delivers:
  • Reputation Management by bringing clarity and credibility to your Texas injury benefit program. You are not simply “going bare” or “opting out” of Texas workers’ compensation.
  • Enhanced Defense of Negligence Liability Claims and Regulatory Investigations through compliance with industry-set standards.

For most employers, QCARE adds no new compliance requirements, no new documents or changes to your insurance coverage, and no new employee communications (unless you want to share the good news).  No new team is needed and there are no new I.T. issues. QCARE also has distinct advantages for your Texas employees.
Do you sponsor a QCARE program? 
Please do these two things now:
  1. Get QCARE Designated. Other employers are applying now and receiving the QCARE designation. It takes only a few minutes. The only unique information required by the application is the company’s federal tax I.D. number. If desired, you can appoint your insurance agent, consultant or other adviser as your authorized representative to handle the QCARE application. ARAWC will not construct or maintain any other database or similar aggregation of information submitted. No protected health information or claims data of any kind will be collected. An independent third party administrator (Virtual, Inc.) will request only a small percentage of employers to provide additional, non-intrusive information to protect the QCARE program’s integrity, value and reputation.
  2. Join ARAWC.  Receiving the QCARE designation is not contingent upon you joining ARAWC. But by becoming a member, you will support the public relations and government relations team protecting and promoting your Texas injury benefit program. We need your support and want you to join at a dues level reflecting the value you place on your program.  

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me ( [email protected] ) or ARAWC’s Association Administrator ( [email protected] ) or your trusted adviser.
Thank you.
Jeff Strege
ARAWC President
@2019 Association for Responsible Alternatives to Workers' Compensation (ARAWC).
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