September 17, 2023

Sharing Christ's love and grace in a vibrant community whose joyful spirit empowers people to do God's work.

Service Bulletins

Click the link below to download service bulletin:

8:00 am - Sunday Service Bulletin

10:30 am - Sunday Service Bulletin

Good News Daily!

Click the link below to download your Good News Daily for the week:

Good News Daily - September 17, 2023

Serving This Week

8:00 am

Acolyte - Craig Sutton

Lector - Dick Ayres

Eucharist Ministers - Sven Rundman, Dick Ayres

Vestry Member - Sven Rundman

10:30 am

Crucifer - Samantha Bathgate

Torch Bearer - Emily Cedarleaf, Anna Cedarleaf

Gospel Book - Brennan Gray

Lector - Jessica Smith

Prayers of the People - John Henze

Eucharist Minister - Tom Rotella, Tim Allison

Vestry Member - Harry Dickinson

Digital Ministry - Katie Moncure

Ushers - John Henze, Adrian Smith

Parish Shepherd - Kirk Richardson

Flower Delivery - Harry and Doris Dickinson

Downtown Civil Rights Walk

Event: Downtown Civil Rights Walk

When: Saturday, September 16th

Time: 10:00 am

Where: Visitors Center - 706 Caroline Center, Fredericksburg VA 22401

Maximum adults and children: 20 people.

There is no minimum age to participate. Participants do need to be able to walk and stand for 1 1/2 - 2 hours and bringing a water bottle is encouraged. Participants should meet at the Visitors Center a few minutes before 10:00 am.  

If you need additional information, please contact Sam Burton at (804) 867-1232. 

A sign up sheet will be in the narthex.

Save the Date: Parish Clean Up Days

It's time to show Trinity some love! Parish Clean Up Days will be held

September 30th, October 7th, and October 9th-12th. Bring work gloves.

More information coming soon.

Fall Quiet Day

Come and rest a while.

After a long day's work of ministry, Jesus spoke this to his disciples. 

We all need to take time to just stop doing all our good work and rest in God's presence.


The Daughters of the King and the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew are hosting a Fall Quiet Day from 9:30 am - Noon on Saturday, September 23rd. 

Open to all members of Trinity and the community, this will be an unstructured time for silent prayer and reflection, both inside and out.

There will be candles to light for your loved ones or for the concerns on our heart in both the Nave and the Chapel. There will be our prayer box to receive your written requests for prayer. Our library will be open with a special selection of books on prayer and meditation, and, if the weather is fine, you may wish to walk the grounds and the Labyrinth.

We hope you will give yourself this gift of a peaceful Saturday morning to start your Autumn off right -- in peace.

Joys and Challenges

of Aging Group

Do you ever feel like you're the only person worrying about losing your memory, having health problems, driving less capably, etc., etc. etc...? If so, this group is for you; to share the feelings that often make us feel isolated but are in fact shared by many/most of us. 

Joys and Challenges of Aging is a new support group beginning September 25th at 10 am. Designed for anyone who would like to discuss the joys and challenges they are feeling as they grow older, the group will meet on the 4th Monday of each month at 10 am in the Lounge.

This is a drop-in group so show up if you are interested. For more information, call Ruth Brancolini at (540) 760-6636 or Claire Curcio at (540) 903-3939.

Trinity Focus Group

The next Trinity Focus Group will meet on Monday, September 25, from 5:30-7 pm in the Lounge. We will be discussing our vision for Trinity's future.

If you are interested in being a part of this group, please contact Claire Curcio (540) 903-3939 or via email at or Brenda Chase at (540) 226- 2628 or via email at You can also sign up in the narthex, so we can reserve a place for you.

Join Trinity's Choir!

As we resume our program year, all are welcome to join Trinity Choir. We rehearse Thursdays at 7 pm, in the choir room below Jameson Hall. It’s easiest to enter by the stairs on the Labyrinth side.

“But what if I’m not a good singer, or I can’t read music?” We support and accommodate singers of all skill levels! Our rehearsals are designed to allow anyone to learn their parts. The goal of a choir’s sound is to blend and balance together. Solos are entirely voluntary (and we do sort of hide behind the altar, if standing in front of everyone makes you nervous).

There is always a place in Trinity Choir for anyone who wishes to make music and praise God during our services. And we do manage to have plenty of fun together, while doing it!

For more information, contact our choir director, Michael Cooper-Smyth, at

Fall Lectio Divina Group

with Tom Rotella

Join me for six consecutive Thursday mornings as we practice the ancient art of Lectio Divina or “Divine Reading.” 

In Lectio, we read scripture and let the words speak directly to our hearts.

 Come and see how the words and phrases from the Old and New Testaments become relevant to our lives in a very personal way.  In our group there will be time for prayer, silence and sharing our experience with these sacred texts. 

Confidentiality is maintained, so you may share at whatever level you wish. The group will be on Thursday mornings from 10-11:30 am in the Lounge from October 5th through November 9th.

Registration is not required, and you don’t need to bring anything with you. 

Just come as you are able.  I hope to see you there.

Blessing of the Animals

All creatures, great and small are invited to church on Sunday, October 1st in Barber Hall.

We’ll celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and bless your pets!

If you can’t bring your pet, feel free to bring a photo or maybe a stuffed animal!

The Blessing of the Pets will occurring during the 10:30 am service, in Barber Hall, while the 8:00 am service will be a pet-free zone.

Can't make it during Sunday's service? There will be a drive up pet blessings from 4-6 pm at The House.

All are welcome!

Save the Date: Trinity Italian Dinner

Top off your holiday weekend on Monday, October 9th from 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm at the annual Trinity Italian Dinner in Barber Hall.  

Pasta (including gluten free) topped with your choice of homemade tomato or Alfredo sauces, meatballs, garlic bread, salad, and beverages for all ages will provide a memorable evening of good food and fellowship.

All proceeds support the outreach efforts of Trinity's Chapter of the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew. Mangia! Mangia! 

Jeremiah Community

What began years ago as an effort of the downtown churches to help people survive on the street has become a holistic ministry, supporting many aspects of people’s lives.

While Micah’s work has lifted hundreds of the region’s residents off the street and decreased the numbers living chronically outside, experience has taught us that addressing homelessness is about more than keys and a case manager.

People don’t become homeless when they run out of money; people become homeless when they run out of relationships

Jeremiah Community is the vision that has evolved from these learnings. It is a solution formed in the unique context of our chronically homeless neighbors. It will be a community built on shared experience and understandings, rooted in the kind of relationships we all need for stability and purpose.

To learn more about the Jeremiah Community,

click here.

News from Trinity's Library

Take a look at our new coffee table.  Many thanks to Selby and Claire for acquiring it and Brenda, Claire and Selby for putting it together.  I think it looks great!  We’ve stocked the large feature bookrack with books for children and youth. So families, as you pass by why not select a few of these books to take home with you?  Remember, all you need to indicate on the checkout sheet are the words “children’s books” and the number of books. No need for titles. The children’s books in the Little Free Library are starting to move, particularly picture books.  This is a very good sign.  I recently reviewed the library checkout sheets and circulation in our library was up for the month of August. Also a very good sign.  Selby put together a Ministries Activities Binder that is prominently displayed in the library.  The binder contains background information on the various ministries at Trinity along with contact information and signup sheets.  So if you are wondering how to get involved please use the binder as a useful tool to get started. 

 -Tom Rotella, Library Committee Chair

To view TrinityCat,

click here.

Text To Donate

Want to support life at Trinity?

Give using text messaging!


to 73256.

Items for the Newsletter

Have something to say?

All items for the Trinity newsletter need to be submitted by Monday at 5:00 pm.

Please send all newsletter items to Send as workable documents and NOT PDFs. Please send photographs as separate attachments in your emails.

If you want your group's meeting date on the calendar, send it as a newsletter item to be included.

Click the link above to visit the events page on our website.

At the bottom of the events page, you'll find a complete calendar of all our upcoming events so you can invite a friend and plan ahead!

The House - Episcopal Lutheran Campus and Young Adult Ministry

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