Our Apologies!

Sorry to intrude on your inbox again, but several subscribers have noticed errors in some of the upcoming events in the left-hand column, below.

I've updated the links for the Oct.17 Mystical Experiences of the Dying event, and the
Virtual Mediumship Readings by Thomas John.

They're working fine now.
 Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate

A Conversation about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving 
and the Journey of the Soul

Issue # 70 - OCTOBER 2020
Published by

Events We Recommend

A Message From the Editor

Oct. 6 - ONLINE
Sponsored by the
Hospice Foundation of America
With Ken Doka and Terri Daniel


Oct. 9 - ONLINE
Up to 24 hours of CE credits!


Oct. 17 - ONLINE
The Theosophical Society
with Terri Daniel


Nov. 8- Dec. 20 - ONLINE
with Dr. Terri Daniel

October - November - ONLINE
with Thomas John

The Ego's Desire
for Deathlessness

I just watched a movie on Netflix called HOPE FROZEN, about a family whose two year-old daughter died of brain cancer, and they had her cryogenically preserved. It makes a powerful statement about science vs. spirituality, family dynamics and complicated grief.

The film characterizes death as “a problem,” and the little girl’s father suggests that even if she's revived many decades from now, her parents may not have aged, because “science may solve the aging problem by then.”

The perception of aging and death as “problems” disturbs me greatly. So does the concept of "deathlessness," which the father proposes as a goal for humanity.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this film. You can find it by going to Netflix and searching for "Hope Frozen."

And you can read my full blog post about it (and add your comments) at THIS URL.

Rev. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP
Founder, The Original Afterlife Conference
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy,
Bereavement and Trauma Support
A New Book From One of Our
Favorite Scholars

Regardless of his personal uncertainty about the existence of an afterlife, The Afterlife Conference loves the work of Bart Ehrman PhD, who is one of today's foremost experts in the field of religious history and biblical scholarship.

If you've ever wondered about biblical sources for beliefs in heaven and hell, you will love this interview. Listen to his interview on NPR with Terry Gross HERE:
Latest Episode Now Available!


Kitty Edwards, MA is the executive director of The Living & Dying Consciously Project. She is an Ayni Energy practitioner, and a graduate of Sandra Ingerman’s Core Shamanism and the Light Body School of The Four Winds Society. She is co-founder of the No Regrets Project, and Conversations on Death in Boulder, Colorado. 

Preparing for death as a rite of passage requires courage and creativity. In this episode, Kitty talks about how to develop personal death awareness rituals based on the wisdom of ancient traditions as well as current research in the field. This work can expand our understanding of the psychological and emotional closure needed in the dying process, and enable family members, caretakers, medical and hospice staff, grief counselors, and chaplains to more actively support the dying.
Listen HERE
Your Feedback is Needed!
As we announced last month, we are planning to hold next year's conference (June 24-27) LIVE, despite the fact that nobody can predict what Covid conditions will be like that that time.

It's hard to plan a conference (much less sell tickets) in such an uncertain environment, so we created a survey that will help us get a better a picture about how our followers are feeling about traveling and attending large events.

The survey only takes one minute to complete, and we would very much appreciate it if you would give us your feedback. You can find the survey HERE.
An update on the 2021 Conference
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