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Feng Shui Renovations
We all love a good fix-it or DIY show. It's no wonder that HGTV is one of the top shows on cable television. For good reason.

Our homes are being called to do more and more each year - from the huge increase in home offices over the past decade, to more open floor plan trends, and multi-purpose rooms including man caves / playrooms / grandma's guest suite to name a few. Many factors could prohibit a move; so renovating your current space is often a better alternative.

This newsletter issue focuses on renovations - the value of them - but also the Feng Shui considerations that can make your project more home-friendly and do-able while creating the best possible spaces for your home, work, and life.
from S. Lee Wright, Change Your Space

It is a modern belief that if you have a beautiful home, you will have a beautiful life. The belief that you can improve your life by surrounding yourself with a prettier space is demonstrated in the media all the time – on TV, in books, magazines, online and even in stores.

You understand that you will be healthier, happier, have more money, make love more often, and of course just be a better, nicer and happier person if your space is nice and prettier to look at.

You heard this, you believe this, and now there are the BIG questions:

How do you get there as quickly, smoothly and peacefully as possible without losing money, time or your sanity? How to avoid the most disastrous mistakes that are always made on construction projects?

Feng Shui is about the mindful creation, arrangement and renovation of your environments in order to help you realign them for your best experience in this moment and going forward. It is a process and a practice.

Read the full article including simple tips to make the most of your Feng Shui reno.
Feng Shui Renovation Tip
"It's easy to get carried away when you're doing home remodeling. Keep your primary goal in mind. Do you want a space where the chi flows more freely? Room for a larger family? A home to entertain more? Are you looking to beautify? To update? If a change or renovation is not going to help in the pursuit of your goals, it's not necessary and you can save money by skipping it and focusing on the renovations and changes that really matter."

Read more from Ken Lauer, 7 Feng Shui House Renovation Tips To Know Before You Start
Renovating your kitchen for health, wealth and harmony! 
Feng Shui Consultant Cynthia Chomos shares tips for kitchen design to enhance your home.  See before and after floor plans.
Feng Shui and Renovations from Beth Grace, American Academy of Metaphysics
Note from the IFSG: We previously linked to incorrect content in this article. We apologize for the inconvenience to our readers, and especially thank author and expert Beth Grace for her patience and understanding.

When it comes to renovations timing is everything!

The energy in our spaces isn’t static, it changes constantly from day to month to year. This means that at any given moment of time some spaces contain more positive energy than others. The job of a Feng Shui consultant is to pinpoint both where and when.

Each year there are specific areas in our spaces which carry negative energy and can cause problems when disturbed. Specifically, we take note of the annual locations of the 5 Yellow Star, the 3 Killing Forces, and the Grand Duke sector.

Of course the big question is what happens when you have no choice but to renovate in those areas? Well the good news is that a Feng Shui professional will know which dates, specific to your home, are safe for renovation allowing you to you to plan accordingly. In the event you do disturb some negative Qi there are also key activations that can be done in positive areas to offset the negative ones.
Beth Grace teaches and consults with students and clients from around the world. Founder of the American Academy of Metaphysics, she works with and teach others how to bring this ancient art of Classical Feng Shui into their lives and spaces. Find out more.
Final Thoughts: To Renovate or Not? from
Renovations should be thought out, discussed, evaluated with intentional decisions. Not surprisingly, there are reasons to NOT do a renovation.
1) "If you’re enamored of a trend you've been seeing on websites and in design magazines, it’s likely you’ll tire of it within the year. Choose only remodeling projects with long-lasting appeal, and save the trendy touches for easily changed accents and furnishings. In other words, don’t pay a contractor to paint your whole home Ultra Violet, even if it’s Pantone’s Color of the Year."
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