From the Rector
Our Stewardships season (A Bridge to the Future: Walking in Love) has ended, though we continue to accept pledges and offerings at all times, of course! And I am happy to report that, so far, our individual pledges are very generous, and we are almost to the number we pledged last year. Very close, indeed. In fact, it appears that quite a few of you increased your pledges over last year, and for that we are very grateful indeed.
So if you have yet to turn in your pledge, there is still time. Follow the directions given below, or mail your pledge card to the church. Please do so soon, as we will be planning the budget for next year based on these pledges, and we want to be able to thrive as well next year as we have this past year. Despite the unfortunate circumstances we have faced, we remain a viable and vital congregation,
I also need to invite you to consider assisting our Altar Guild in brief times of preparation and clean-up. This would help our very small Altar Guild in their consistently excellent work making our worship beautiful and assisting in the sacrament we encounter each week. Scroll down to read who to contact in order to help in this way.
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Our Advent journey begins
Join us for a weekly Advent gathering to read Amy-Jill Levine's book Light of the World: A Beginner's Guide to Advent. Despite its title, this book is actually for anyone who wants a fresh look at the scriptures that guide us through our Advent journey to the Incarnation.
Times proposed for Zoom meetings:
Sunday evenings in Advent: December 1, 8, 15, 22
Books will be provided, if you let Pam know fast! Otherwise, Light of the World may be found here or here or here. NOTE: there is a Kindle version available on the first site. Ebooks and audio versions are also available.
If you would like to participate, please email Pam at pam@trinitybeth.org
If there is a time conflict, please email Pam and let her know, and offer another time that might be better.
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In Light of the World: A Beginner’s Guide to Advent, author, professor, and biblical scholar Amy-Jill Levine explores the biblical texts surrounding the story of the birth of Jesus. Join her as she traces the Christmas narrative through the stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary, the journey to Bethlehem, and the visit from the Magi. These stories open conversations around connections of the Gospel stories to the Old Testament, the role of women in first-century Jewish culture, the importance of Mary’s visitation and the revolutionary implications of Mary’s Magnificat, the census and the stable, and the star of Bethlehem and the flight to Egypt.—Cokesbury Press
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Poinsettias for Christmas!
We are joining with the good folks of Christ Church to provide poinsettias for Christmas this year. If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in honor or memory of someone, please tear out the form in Sunday's bulletin and attach it to your check and place in the offering plate. OR, alternatively, mail the form and your check to Kay Mackewicz at our church address by December 9.
If you want to print out the form and bring it to church Sunday, click here.
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The Altar Guild needs your help!
Trinity's Altar Guild is in need of assistance in moving candlesticks and other worship items back and forth from our makeshift sacristy into the sanctuary at Christ UCC.
If you could spare a few minutes on Sundays, before and/or after services to help our Altar Guild retrieve or put things away, it would be greatly appreciated!
Please talk with Ann Szmania or Sara Klingner after church to let them know you'd be willing to help. Or call the church office (610) 867-4741 and let Kay know.
Remember: The more folks who volunteer, the fewer times any one person has to assist. Share the job and help out those who so faithfully help make worship beautiful!
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Pledging Online!
To make a pledge using IRA RMD's as qualified charitable contributions, click here.
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More dates will be added here in the future.
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December 1—First Sunday in Advent
December 9—Poinsettia orders due to Trinity Church.
December 24—Christmas Eve Service at 8:30 p.m., Christ UCC
December 25—Christmas Day Service, 10:00 a.m., Christ UCC.
January 26—Annual Meeting and Luncheon after Worship
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Please do not hesitate to send your pledges and gifts to the church via snail mail (USPS). We have made arrangements with the Post Office to pick up all mail, so when you address anything to Trinity Church, it will be received!
You may also send gifts and offerings via PayPal. Click here to pay online at our website.
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Happy News: The PayPal link from here in Tidings and on our website have been repaired! You can now easily make pay your pledges and offerings electronically through PayPal! Follow this link HERE which is a direct link to our website.
Now, more than ever, Trinity Episcopal Church needs your financial support. You may still pledge through Realm.
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Pledge online through Realm! |
Realm is Trinity's online database that keeps track of membership and finances. If you have established your profile in Realm, you can turn in your pledge that way. It's very simple:
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Trinity, Bethlehem is now livestreaming again!
We are back in the world of livestreaming. Please join us online, if you are unable to attend worship in-person. Watch as we stream, or watch later!
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To add a name to our prayer list, inform us through our email account created especially for this purpose.
If you tell me (Pam) in person, I am likely to forget, so using our email is the best way to make sure we pray for you in the Prayers of the People. Email: prayerlist@trinitybeth.org
To view the coming week's prayer list, click here.
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For Pastoral Care Emergencies, please call the church at (610) 867-4741, x 325. You may leave a message after hours and that message will be sent directly to Pam’s personal cell phone. Pam’s personal cell phone number is also in the church directory and may be found in Realm. Please be assured that we want to be present to you at times of pastoral need and will offer assistance and support in any way possible.
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Sermons may be listened to via audio. The last one recorded was Sunday, December 10. These sermons were recorded live and are available on the website.
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Birthdays and Anniversaries | | | | |
Ellyn Siftar, December 1
Haley Andersen, December 2
Peter Weaver, December 5
John Jastrzemski, December 10
Horace Cartwright, December 12
Jody Miller, December 16
Lou Martocchio, December 17
David Gulya, December 21
Ross Mangina, December 23
Marjorie Buckley, December 30
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Sarah Abraham and Renee Serencsits, November 28
Jill and Peter Weaver, November 28
Haley Andersen and Saul Marcial, December 16
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44 E. Market Street
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
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Saturday Service: 5:00 pm
Sunday Services: 8:00 & 10:30am
Office: 9:00am-2:00pm, M-F
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