Willi Miller's Treasure Coast
Meet the people who make the Treasure Coast a great place
to live and visit.
This week
Derek Gores - Janeen Mason - Waldo Sexton - ChamberFest
Join me Mondays at 5 p.m. for Cultural Connection with Willi Miller on WAXE 1370 AM and 107.9 FM on the Treasure Coast and streaming at
at 5 pm.
In the Derek Gores feature, note that the show opens Jan. 29 at Gallery 14 and the special reception is Jan. 31.
In the Waldo Sexton, Vero Beach Pioneer feature, the times of the performances are 2 and 7 p.m.
We start this week with a round of applause for our traveling bagpipers. Last week you read that Pipe Major Jacob Craig, director of music and fine arts at First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, was competing in the Scottish Highland Games in Winter Park along with one of his students, Liam Ritchie. Our man with the bagpipe reports that he placed second overall and says he’s quite pleased about that because he hasn’t played in competition in 15 years. “And I aim to turn that into a 1st for Dunedin on April 6.” He said, “Liam did very well as well! He is an outstanding kid!” Bagpipes are in! (
I have a favor to ask. Many readers of this newsletter are long-time friends and colleagues who have been involved in the arts for years — as creators, promotors, or audience, or all three. I'm guessing that, like me, you have opinions on how you like your information presented and I'd love it if you'd share them with me. For example: Before I read a calendar entry, I want to know what county the event is in.
Another favor, please. The more readers this reaches, the better it is for everyone who contributes to or enjoys our arts, culture, and entertainment. Please share.
Indian River, Brevard
Derek Gores
One of collage artist
Derek Gores
’ favorite quotes is from Brian Eno’s deck of cards, Oblique Strategies: "Pay attention to your distractions." Gores’ distractions happen to include Vero Beach and environs, as demonstrated in his exhibition opening with a special reception Jan. 31 at
Gallery 14
in Vero Beach.
Gores, paying his second visit to Gallery 14, is an internationally known collage artist living and working in Satellite Beach. His work has been exhibited around the country and in Europe and currently is in a solo show at the Foosaner Art Museum in Melbourne, FL, through March 23. In February, look for him at Artigras in Jupiter, and later in the year in New York and Los Angeles. And a mural in Vero Beach! He said, “I'm long overdue for a collage mural, so here goes.”
The artist is a return-resident to the Melbourne area. His parents settled there from New England when he was 10 years old, and when he finished his education at Rhode Island School of Design, he brought his own family back. “This is a great place for kids, (the) best of big world and small worlds. (It has) wide open skies for thinking and creating, plus the vital Space Coast legacy to live up to,” he said. Gores is a self-proclaimed cat person. “We have four kids and six cats. … The cats show up in the art as well.”
Gores doesn’t use a lot of expensive tools to create his collages. “I use cheap scissors, fancy glue, and lots of discarded magazines,” he says. He counters the glossy paper and beautiful images and typography with “old electrical schematics or hiking maps. Lego instructions, song lyrics. Overall I like the contrast of forming the organic figure using linear, hard-edged designed objects.”
Gores surrounds himself with people who inspire and stimulate his creative mind. “My circle is a mix of backgrounds and skills. Musicians, coders, florists, airplane seat designers, startup incubators, social changers. We like to combine, mingle the senses as I like to call it, and surprise people with experiences.” The Space Coast frontier legacy influences his attitude. He says, “We have tall shoulders to stand on and a responsibility to be at least as daring today.”
Gores says he tries to give his art his full attention but does have a few outside interests: “hiking, soccer, walkable city development, guitar, ambient music, old rc cars, Cape Cod.” He’s also working on a new public studio in Eau Gallie.
Top: Dragonfly
Bottom: Spring in Her Step
Indian River County
Waldo Sexton, Vero Beach Pioneer
Students past and present from Indian River Charter High School will portray figures from local history in “Waldo Sexton, Vero Beach Pioneer” this weekend but the performances will be at the Waxlax Center for the Performing Arts at Saint Edward’s School.
Local artist, poet and cattleman Sean Sexton, grandson of Waldo Sexton, will welcome the audience to both performances Jan. 26, at 2 and 7 p.m. He and IRCHS assistant director Jeremy Mezzina collaborated on the original script several years ago, a mix of play and musical, with singing, dancing and acting.
Waldo Sexton’s influence on and love for Indian River County are explored in this story, along with his relationship with writer Zora Neale Hurston, who spent her last years in Fort Pierce.
The show is a production of Indian River Charter High School/Schumann School for the Visual & Performing Arts: Artistic director - Ray Adams; Music directors - David Mundy, David Heroux, and Gary Miller; Dance directors - Hedi Purkhursandi and Cherith Bounds; Theatre director - Michael Naffziger; Stagecraft Instructor/Technical Director - Alan Darby.
Former IRCHS student Logan Bristol will reprise his role of the Sexton family patriarch and Maya Snead returns as Zora Neale Hurston. Other returning cast members are Paul DiSalvo, Angelica Cope, and Josh Lucas. Actors currently at IRCHS are Savannah Tanner, Caleb Cope, Graham Oberlink, Julian Posad, Michala Callahan, Tedd Macera, Terry Stover, and Kaitlyn Scott.
This isn’t the first time IRCHS has presented this performance. There’s an excellent feature by Paige Van Antwerp about the first performance of “Waldo Sexton, Vero Beach Pioneer” in the Nov. 14, 2017 issue of
Photo credit Gretchen Giles Photography
Martin County
Janeen Mason - Artist, Curator
I first met Janeen Mason close to 20 years ago, when I attended an exhibit of her paintings and Lundin Kudo’s larger-than-life clay sculpture in Stuart. At the time, Mason was illustrating children’s books for Jan Day, an Okeechobee author, and Marianne Berkes. She had her own stories to tell, though, and began writing as well as illustrating books that brought her national awards. Mason’s illustrations hold the essence of the artist, who writes little tales about each of her available paintings at
Mason’s unending curiosity - “I wonder what would happen if …” - has led her to try unique techniques. She’s made wind chimes from abandoned scuba tanks and convinced friends to be molds for her colorful paper clay chest plates. Do you remember the Solidarity Fish Project that attracted national attention to the condition of the Indian River Lagoon? That was Janeen.
For the past three years, Mason has been lending her talents to Lighthouse ArtCenter in Tequesta as curator. She says she loves being surrounded by art and creative minds. “We have about 20,000 visitors per year and I’m always involved in fascinating conversations with people who bring me information I didn’t know I couldn’t live without.” She compares curating about 11 exhibitions every year to “a scavenger hunt that never ends.”
As Lighthouse ArtCenter celebrates its 55th anniversary, Mason is celebrating the culmination of three years’ effort to bring the current exhibit, “Building Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim” to the museum.
The support of Solomon R. Guggenheim’s grandson, Peter Lawson-Johnston, a winter resident in the area, facilitated the realization of this opening. Mason said, “The exhibition in Tequesta took as long to realize as the three years it took to construct the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York City.”
The exhibit is a collection of black and white photos taken during construction in the 1950s by the general contractor. In addition, videos will be shown on a large screen and docents will lead tours for visitors who make reservations in advance.
The main gallery at Lighthouse ArtCenter currently showcases the work of Florida architects Scott Hughes, designer of Beach road 2, and Jane Davis Doggett. Doggett is responsible for the font used in airport signs and way-finding systems for airports.
Building Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim will be on display through March 2.
photo credit: William Short, 1957, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museu
Last year, Matt Stott, Jacob Craig and the Vero Beach High School Orchestra Boosters cranked up the heat on a relationship that began a few years earlier. Music Beyond the Chamber was created by violinist Jessica Tong in 2011 to bring together "critically acclaimed chamber musicians ... for short-term performance and music education residencies" around the world.
Stott invited Tong to Vero Beach to give a masterclass and performance for his students at VBHS. From that beginning came ChamberFest Vero Beach, a week of workshops and lectures, an amateur chamber music intensive workshop, and two concerts at First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, Jan. 26 and 27, both at 4 p.m.
The Saturday performances will feature the guest artists and they will be joined on two numbers by the most advanced students Sunday afternoon.
Stott said,"My students are being inspired and challenged by four professional chamber musicians this week." The only way that kind of thing can happen, though, is with the support of the community. "If you are in a position to donate financially, we would love for you to make a financial contribution to the VERO BEACH HIGH SCHOOL ORCHESTRA BOOSTERS. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, they not only support innovative and educational musical activities for students at the Vero Beach High School Orchestra, but large scale projects such as ChamberFest Vero Beach, which benefit the entire community in the arts. For donations online, please visit:
Indian River County
You have one last chance to tour the backstage world of Eva Peron at
Riverside Theatre Jan. 25. Make that two chances. Tours are at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., reservations required. See how it all comes together in the rehearsal room and costume and scenic shops, and meet some of the creative team. Evita's run ends Jan. 27. Call the box office for tour reservations: 772-231-6990.
Next to Normal, "an emotionally powerful" and thought-provoking modern musical is on the Waxlax stage through Feb. 10. Be forewarned, there is adult language used in this show.On the Riverside Theatre website you can see video conversations with the cast and take a peek at a rehearsal.
Look for Doo Wop at the February 22-23 Live in the Loop!
Indian River County
Writers Workshop
AAUW Vero Beach brings author Charles Todd to Vero Beach Jan. 25 for his Character Development workshop. He and his mother, Caroline, write mysteries set in WWI England, with Inspector Ian Rutledge and nurse Bess Crawford. The workshop is at the Laura Riding Jackson office, 1914 14th Ave., Vero Beach
Todd will be at
Vero Beach Book Center at 6 p.m. Feb. 6 with the duo's latest Inspector Rutledge novel, The Black Ascot.
St. Lucie County
Did you know you could buy an original Backus painting at the
I just took a good look at the items being auctioned off at the A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery’s annual Key West Brunch this weekend and I want them all! There’s a private Watercolor and Wine day with watercolorist Colleen Nash Becht; a croquet party for 24; a tenderloin dinner for ten; a half day of sail fishing or water sightseeing; three nights in Nashville or a week in North Carolina or the Keys; and there’s more!
The Backus Sunday in Key West Brunch fundraiser is Jan. 27. Get information and buy tickets at
Artists of Color: Place, Race and Vision of the Florida Highwaymen at A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery in Fort Pierce runs through March 3. The vintage paintings on display are on loan from private collections.
Indian River County
From Director Beth Shestak: Vero Beach Theatre Guild is looking for 2 attractive, svelte females who
between the ages of 25 and 35 who can sing in an ensemble, move well and are looking for fun between now and the end of March to play Courtesans in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum."
Anyone fitting that description and has time for two months of laughter with the Guild family, please contact Casting Coordinator, Debbie Brandauer at
Miracle on South Division Street is at Vero Beach Theatre Guild through Jan. 27. Tickets and times are at
ndian River County
Festival of Orchestras presents the Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra under Maestro Zhang Chengjie Jan. 25 at Community Church of Vero Beach. This tour is the first visit to the United States for the orchestra. They'll perform in 22 cities in 14 states.
On the program in Vero Beach are familiar pieces by Rossini and Berlioz and The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto, "One of the most famous orchestral works in the Chinese repertoire."
All IRSA concerts are at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available at 772-778-1070 or online at
MC - Helping People Succeed is throwing a Pajama Jam Jan. 29, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at 1601 NE Braille Pl., Jensen Beach. It's for MC families with "wee ones (birth-five)." 772-320-0836
SL -
he Fort Pierce Jazz & Blues Society
's DOLLARS for SCHOLARS bash, raising funds for scholarships, is Jan. 27 at the Fort Pierce Yacht Club. There's a silent auction, tantalizing food, cash bar, valet parking, and "Kick A-- band for your dancing pleasure."
At the Sunrise Theatre Black Box theatre Jan. 29 hear the FDO Big Swingin' Band, 7-10 p.m.
The Jazz Market is every Saturday, rain or shine, along the waterfront in downtown Fort Pierce.
- Jazz bands from Vero Beach High School and Oslo, Gifford and Storm Grove Middle Schools meet in a Big Band BASH Jazz Concert Jan. 28 and 29 at 7 p.m. at the VBHS Performing Arts Center. Get tickets several ways: Call
or online
, or at
IR - The North Indian River County Library in Sebastian is having a Second Time Around used book sale this weekend, Jan. 24-26.
IR -
Pelican Island Audubon Society --- PIAS is having its second conference on “Transforming Landscapes to a Sustainable Future” Feb. 2, 8 a.m. at the Indian River County Fairgrounds. Information is on the
PIAS website.
IR - NOTE TO YOUNG MUSICIANS: The deadline to apply for the Vero Beach Choral Society's scholarship is Jan. 31."Eligible applicants must be a graduating senior in Indian River County, or recent graduate of the Indian River County school system currently enrolled at Indian River State College. They must also have already applied to be a full-time student in ANY Degree program beginning in the summer or fall of the ensuing academic year." This year the scholarship is $5,000. Visit
www.verobeachchoralsociety.org and click on “Scholarships” to apply.
BV - Download a PDF schedule for the Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival Jan. 23-28 on the website,
IR - If you're an artist member of the Cultural Council of Indian River County, you're invited to display one piece of your 2D art in the County Administration complex. The piece must be delivered to Building A between 10 and 11 a.m. Jan. 29. Judy Burgarella's in charge and details are at
IR - Meet 14 local artists at All Around Town in
The Foyer Gallery at the
Emerson Cente
r Jan. 24, 5-7 p.m. See the art they've created featuring scenes past and present in Vero Beach. There will be refreshments and music, all to continue the celebration of Vero Beach's Centennial.
Jan. 30 at 7 p.m., listen to a panel of historians at Vero's Centennial History in Spoken Word.
SL - "Lie, Cheat and Genuflect" is the
Pineapple Playhouse
show opening the theatre's 47th birthday year at 700 W. Weatherbee Rd., Fort Pierce. It runs through Jan. 27.
MC - Comedienne Kathleen Madigan is at the Lyric Theatre Jan. 25; Mutts Gone Nuts Jan. 27; Joyce Yang Jan. 29.
IR -
Downtown Friday means fun and food for families in historic downtown Vero Beach. In January, it's the 25th, 5-9 p.m., with Rocket City providing the music.
IR - Jillian Gardner will offer an organ recital for the Treasure Coast Chapter of the American Guild of Organists at
First Baptist Church of Vero Beach Jan. 25, 7 p.m. It's a free concert but a donation to the scholarship fund will be appreciated.
Be at the church Jan. 27 at 4 p.m. for a Gospel Music Sing! Everyone is welcome.
SLC - Photograph Your Art Like a Pro with your phone - The St. Lucie County Cultural Alliance has a workshop Jan. 26.
Flametree Gallery
Artists Guild Gallery
AND BEYOND The Treasure Coast
Lee County
33rd All Florida Juried Exhibit
for artists around the state will be at the Alliance for the Arts in Ft. Myers March 6-30 but for artists interested in entering work, the date is a lot closer. Deadline for entries is Jan. 28 and it’s for Florida residents only. You don’t rush across the state to enter. From the prospectus, available on the website:
Pinellas County
On My Wish List: The Dali Museum in St. Petersburg
Now showing:
Magritte & Dali
If You Go:
The Dali Museum, St. Petersburg, FL, US, is open daily 10am-5:30pm (until 8pm on Thursdays). The Museum is closed March 8, 9 & 10 and closed Thanksgiving day and Christmas day.
For your Comfort
The Dali follows international standards for gallery climate: 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit, with approximately 50% humidity. Please plan your attire accordingly.
Convenient on-site parking is available for $10. Parking is free for
as available. There are also various surface lots, street parking and city parking garages and the
St. Petersburg Downtown Looper
trolley. Parking fees vary.
One Dali Blvd, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
This newsletter is not intended to be a comprehensive arts calendar. Continue checking
and other event listings for everything that's happening on the Treasure Coast. Please share with friends.