Fri., Jan. 24- Scholastic Book Fair- during library times.

Sun, Jan. 26- CSW Open House!

Mass 8:30am

Open House 9:30-11:30am

COS "THE" shirt reveal! Available for purchase

Mon., Jan. 27-Student Appreciation Day

Pajama Day!

Planetarium assembly

Tues., Jan. 28-Vocation Day

Blue and White Dress Down

Glow Rosary

Wed., Jan. 29-Teacher Appreciation Day

Dress Like a Teacher Day- Gr. K-7

Gr. 8- Cathedral Mass

COS Night At JCU-Friends , fun and JCU hoops!

Thurs., Jan. 30-Parent Appreciation Day

Gr. 8 Volleyball Game

Fri., Jan. 31-"Dance Under the Stars"

Neon Add on with Uniform

Glow Dance-1:30-2:30pm

Night out at VanAken-Dine and Donate plus "The" Shirt at the CLE store!


January 23

Welcome back to school! I hope you stayed warm and enjoyed some bonus “cold days” this week!

Catholic Schools Week is quickly approaching next week! We will celebrate our school beginning with an Open House this Sunday, January 26, from 8:30-11:30am followed by a week of fun activities for our students and staff! Attending a Catholic School makes a difference in your child’s life; we look forward to honoring our school community! A schedule of events, including special dress-down days, is below.

**We are looking for two parent volunteers to assist with the Scholastic Book Fair for Open House! Please email Mrs. Elwer if you are interested!

Our third annual Communion of Saints School Career Day will be held on Friday, April 11 from 9:00am-12:00pm. If you or someone you know is interested in presenting to our students, please complete the survey linked below. This special event is a student favorite and we are looking forward to a fabulous day of presentations!

Winter MAP testing is almost complete! MAP tests are standardized assessments students complete three times per school year in Reading and Mathematics. Please ensure your student eats breakfast and gets a good night’s sleep prior to their test dates! Check with your student’s teacher regarding the specific dates and times of their class testing schedule. Test reports will be sent home in your student’s green take-home folder for your review on

Thursday, Feb. 6.

I look forward to seeing many of you at Open House this weekend to welcome prospective families and celebrate our school community!

We are thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our Honor Roll students for Quarter 2! These hardworking individuals have demonstrated dedication, resilience, and a commitment to excellence in their academics.

Their success is a testament to the support of their families, the guidance of our dedicated teachers, and the students' unwavering determination. We are so proud to have such bright and motivated learners in our school community.


OUR 2025 CSW-


This new design is available for purchase at Open House on Sunday, 1/26 and in the school office while supplies last!

If you are purchasing from the office, please send payment and size in an envelope with your student's name.

We will update available sizes after Open House

Uniform Exchange- During CSW Open House

Sunday, Jan. 26 9:30-11:30am

Have gently used uniform items to donate? Please bring them to the school office by tomorrow Friday, Jan. 24.

Uniform Exchange items will be availalbe in the school office during our Catholic Schools Week Open House on Sunday, Jan. 26!



Volunteers needed to help make this a memorable night for everyone. Use the QR code or the link to sign up to help!

SCHOLASTIC BOOKFAIR- Coming Jan. 24- Jan. 27

We are looking forward to the Scholastic Bookfair coming to COS during Catholic Schools Week. Students will have the opportunity to shop on Fri. 1/24, Sun. 1/26, & Mon. 1/27!

eWallet is a safe, cash-free shopping option for your student. Visit this link to set your's up!

EWALLET sign up

We are looking for two parent volunteers to assist with the Scholastic Book Fair for Open House on Sun. 1/26. Please email Mrs. Elwer if you are interested.



The COS Amaetuer Radio Club is a A TWO TIME ARRL NATIONAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CHAMPION! Along the way, they compiled better scores than the Universities of Michigan, Wisconsin, Arkansas and Maryland, California Polytechnic, Baylor University, San Jose State and the University of Southern Florida, along with having a higher score than 78% of the other participants worldwide.

This was another spectacular effort and proves again that kids can do anything.

Please see your fellow students this weekend in Curtains the Musical at Heights Youth Theatre:

Sonali Jhaveri, Emily Laidman, Nora Millard, Layla Prince. Maggie Saxton, and Charlotte Sluzewski

Angel Scholarship Fund

Remember- all Ohio taxpayers may receive a 100% tax credit against their Ohio Income tax liability for donations to our organization through this fund.

Each of our families can apply for tuition assistance in the form of a scholarship from the Angel Scholarship fund.

Anyone can donate! Feel free to share this with family and friends!

Click the pic for more info!