Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church Newsletterbacktotop

JAN 2021
Strengthen Faith, Build Hope, Share Love in Christ Our Savior 
Pastor Andy Writes... 
Pastor Andy Keltner
Here is a New Year's gift for you. Often my wife will ask if I completed something I have been tasked to do. Many times, my response is that I just have not gotten around to it.

There are a lot of things we do not get around to doing. Jim Rohn says, "If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse!" Maybe not getting around to it is an excuse that indicates that we really do not want to do something.

After thirty-six years of ministry, I have had people tell me that they really miss church when they are not there on Sunday. They tell me they are planning to get more active in the church, but they just do not get around to it. It seems like worship of God is not a top priority. It is something we get around to when everything else is done.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." 
                       --Matthew 11:28-30 

I have always thought it was important to come to worship Jesus to find rest for our souls. Jesus tells us that He will gently take our burden and equip us to keep moving forward each day, equipped for service in His Kingdom. Sometimes the chaotic lives we lead allow little time for physical rest. Jesus is concerned about the condition of our souls and He offers spiritual rest.

Jesus comes to us. He came as a baby in the manger. At the right time He died for our sins on the cross. He rose from the dead and sits on the right hand of God. No excuses. This is something He wanted to do for us because He loves us.

Jesus dies for us, but we have trouble getting around to worshipping Him. Therefore, I am sending you, to start the New Year, this Round Tuit. I look forward to seeing you in worship. We encourage one another when we worship together. We find rest for our souls in worship. Now you do not have to wait to come to worship until you get a round tuit. You already have one.

We are adding a brief communion service at 9:30 AM on Sunday, January 10th.  

  • This will be a MASK ONLY service.  
  • Seating will be clearly marked with 2 pews empty between participants.  
  • No singing.   
  • Wine (grape juice) and wafer will be packaged together and ready to be picked up on the way into the service.

To help in the preparation for this service - we will REQUIRE a reservation.  

Please e-mail Debbie Keltner or leave a message at (913) 837-5382.

Counting Our Blessings... And Giving Thanks!
Many were instrumental this month and deserve our heartfelt thanks.  

To: Rick, Robin and Elizabeth MacClymont, Don and Linda Newman, Joe and Carrie Gregar and Sandy Barsh for putting up the Christmas trees and decorating the church for the Christmas season!

To: Everyone that bought poinsettias to decorate the church. Thank you! The church looked beautiful.  

To: Everyone that helped by serving during the advent services. Thank you for stepping up, filling in and doing what was needed. You are appreciated. 


1 to 3 people needed to

help count after the 10:30
Sunday service.  
Training will be provided. 
Contact: Linda Richards
Education News
Confirmation 411 

  • Confirmation classes resume on January 6th at 6 PM. 
  • You can check out this link for the complete class schedule.
  • Check out the Parent Volunteer List. We still have holes in the schedule. Please sign up.
Phone Tree
One of the hardest jobs in the church is keeping track of every sheep. Frankly, this is a job we fail at more often than not. It's a problem that needs addressing sooner rather than later. 

Consider helping us form a Phone Tree. It would take only a few minutes a week to either call or text members of our church that have been absent. 

Sometimes knowing someone remembers you is all it takes to bring those sheep back into the fold. 

If you're interested in helping us, contact Debbie Keltner and she will help get the lists established. 

Portals of Prayer Order--
We will be amending our order for Large Print Portals of Prayer.
Please email Becca in the church office ([email protected]by January 15th if you would like to receive one.
In This Issue
Pastor Andy Writes...
In the Military
Altar Flowers
Contact Info
Quick Links


January Birthdays

01/09   Nadine Wells
01/10   Aidan Murphy
01/12   Donna Erwin
01/12   Courtisa Sharp
01/15   Mindy Bell
01/15   Pat Walker
01/17   Bob Kirkpatrick
01/17   Stephanie Lohse
01/21   Andy Brown
01/21   Bill Carlson
01/21   Amanda Gregar
01/22   Nora Moore
01/27   Reagan Varns
01/27   Rich Walania
01/28   James Keltner Jr.
01/31   Elizabeth MacClymont

January Anniversaries

1/20 Shawn & Emily Helms

In the Military
Military members and friends of our congregation include: 

Colin Alexander 
Dylan Ash 
Jim Buckman
Garret Cline 
Mark Edgar 
Ray Gigliotti 
Thomas Glick 
Maurissa Glick 
Jeremy Howard 
Zac Howard 
Freddy Hurt 
Greg Jeffrey 
Tyler Jordan 
James Keltner 
Tom Moore 
Rob O'Bannon 
Rob Ortman 
D.J. Weaver


Altar Flowers 

Paul and Linda Richards in loving memory of:
Adeline Richards
01/10Sandy Barsh for Christy and Shelby's birthdays
Paul and Linda Richards in loving memory of 
POB Richards.
01/24Sandy Barsh for Katie Emericks birthday. 
01/31Sandy Barsh for Elizabeth MacClymont's birthday. 

Those who have signed up for flowers have two options: 
  1. You can provide you own. They must be at the church before the 8:00 a.m. service.
  2. Sandy can get them for you for $20. (Make checks payable to Sandy Barsh)
Flowers may be taken home after the 10:30 a.m. service. Please return vases to church when flowers are done. You may contact Sandy Barsh at 913-548-9588 for questions or to fill an open date.

Like us on Facebook

Andy Keltner, Pastor 
5 South 8th Street
Louisburg, KS 66053
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 
10 AM - 2 PM

Worship 8 AM, 10:30 AM, & 7 PM 
Sunday School 9:15 AM -10:15 AM

Christ Our Savior Newsletter is published monthly and produced in  email and print versions.

Contact Info 

If we've missed your birthday or anniversary contact COS Office so we can update our records.