Dear Friends,
Watching President Carter’s funeral this morning, I was struck by his grandson’s description of the continuity between Carter’s public and private lives. Pres. Carter’s values and way of interacting with others in his public-facing roles were the same ones that family, friends, and others experienced in their daily personal interactions with him.
Integrity and authenticity are too frequently undervalued qualities. We name them as important characteristics, but when a situation becomes hard, it is easy for money, power, popularity, and convenience to rise up and claim a superseding priority in our decision making and actions.
In this season of Epiphany, we hear stories revealing Jesus’ true identity and encountering the consistency between Jesus’ nature and his words and actions.
What are the situations in your lives, personally and as a faith community, when you have exhibited an abiding integrity and faithfulness? When and what has tripped you up?
May we inspire and support one another to be our best selves, living into our full personal potential and collectively serving the community as the Body of Christ.
Faithfully yours,
Fr. Alan