In This Issue

From the Interim

COS Calls Its 15th Rector

Epiphany Bible Study

Monthly Evening Eucharist

Book Club

Annual Meeting Save the Date

Morning Glories and

Morning Prayer Zoom

Parish Center Update

This Week at COS

COS Milestones

Friday January 10, 2025

This Sunday at COS | January 12, 2025

The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

7:45a | 9:00a* | 10:45a*

*this service will be streamed on YouTube.

Sunday School is at 10am in the Rectory. Nursery care is provided at both the 9:00am, and 10:45am services at Salvatore's.

The Rev. Alan James, Preaching

Sunday Bulletin

Click here for directions and parking info

News & Updates

This week's message From the Interim was inadvertently omitted from the eNews when it was sent earlier this morning. Please read that message below. Our apologies for the miscommunication.

From the Interim

Dear Friends,

Watching President Carter’s funeral this morning, I was struck by his grandson’s description of the continuity between Carter’s public and private lives. Pres. Carter’s values and way of interacting with others in his public-facing roles were the same ones that family, friends, and others experienced in their daily personal interactions with him.

Integrity and authenticity are too frequently undervalued qualities. We name them as important characteristics, but when a situation becomes hard, it is easy for money, power, popularity, and convenience to rise up and claim a superseding priority in our decision making and actions.

In this season of Epiphany, we hear stories revealing Jesus’ true identity and encountering the consistency between Jesus’ nature and his words and actions.

What are the situations in your lives, personally and as a faith community, when you have exhibited an abiding integrity and faithfulness? When and what has tripped you up?

May we inspire and support one another to be our best selves, living into our full personal potential and collectively serving the community as the Body of Christ.

Faithfully yours,

Fr. Alan

The Rev. Charlotte Johnson Called as the 15th Rector of COS

The Rev. Charlotte Johnson has been called as Church of Our Saviour's 15th rector! If you missed the special announcement you can read it here along with Rev. Charlotte's greeting. Her first day with COS will be April 22, and we look forward to greeting her for her first Sunday on April 27.

Please reach out to the wardens with any questions, and a huge thank you to the Search Committee for their wonderful service and prayerful work along this journey.

Adult Spiritual Growth during Epiphanytide

As we did last year, we are kicking off small group bible study during Epiphany very soon, and this year we are focusing on LUKE. 

Epiphany, the season during which "the dawn from on high shall break upon us", is a natural match for study. Use the link below to sign up to deepen your experience of spirituality and Biblical understanding. The four small groups will meet on different week days at different times to accommodate different needs, which are clarified in the signup sheet, linked below. Please contact Nancy Paradiso with any questions.

Evening Eucharist and Book Club this Week

This coming Tuesday, January 14, our weekly midday Eucharist will be at noon, and we will offer our monthly evening Eucharist at 6:30pm (both in the Chapel).

Following the evening Eucharist, Book Club will meet at 7pm in the Rectory. All are welcome.

2025 Annual Meeting - Save the Date

Please save the date for the 2025 Annual Meeting, to be held on Sunday, February 2 at 11:30am. We will offer one Eucharist that morning at 10:00am.

Stay tuned for more details.

Temporary Move Online for Morning Glories and Morning Prayer

Due to the installation of a new air conditioning unit for the rectory, Morning Glories and Morning Prayer group will meet online for the next two weeks.

Morning Glories will be exclusively online Jan 14 and Jan 21 at 7:30am (Email Betsy Peterson for the Zoom Link).

Morning Prayer will be exclusively online Jan 15 and Jan 22 at 10am (Zoom link).

Parish Center Update

Junior Warden, Willie Cade, reports that the building project has entered a new phase – raising the steel.

The project remains on budget and is running close to being on schedule for anticipated delivery in July 2025. Work will continue until the building is finished, with no expectation of significant delays.

Additional financial contributions to the building project are still welcome and can be made at

Call or email Willie (; 773-562-3377) if you have any questions or comments.

This Week at COS

1/12 Sunday Epiphany 1 Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ

7:45am Spoken Eucharist (Chapel)

9:00am Eucharist featuring Music Ensemble (Salvatore's)

10:00am Sunday School (Rectory)

10:45am Eucharist featuring Music Ensemble (Salvatore's)

1/13 Monday

6:30pm Men's Open AA Group (Chapel)

8:30pm Compline (Zoom) Zoom Link

1/14 Tuesday

7:30am Morning Glories (Zoom) Email to request link

12:00pm Midweek Eucharist (Chapel)

6:30pm Monthly evening Eucharist (Chapel)

7:00pm Book Club (Rectory)


1/15 Wednesday

10:00am Morning Prayer (Zoom) Zoom Link

7:00pm Monthly Vestry Meeting (Guests invited to join by Zoom)

1/16 Thursday

7:00pm Education for Ministry (Rectory)

COS Milestones this Coming Week

Birthdays this coming week:

Kathryn Engle (Jan 12)

Alex Simmons (Jan 12)

Allyson Wolcott (Jan 14)

Philip Hight (Jan 18)

Anniversaries this coming week:

None this week

Please contact the office regarding any corrections or omissions.

COS is a welcoming and inclusive community,

whose mission is to nurture a vibrant Christian community, where all are welcome to embrace love for God, love for self, and love for neighbor.

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