Dear Friends,
Sunday we will gather for one service followed by what is generally referred to as the Annual Meeting, but really, it should be called the Annual Celebration.
- We will celebrate and thank the outgoing lay leaders who have offered their time and gifts as warden and members of vestry during a significant era in our common life.
- We will choose, commission, and celebrate with our new warden, vestry members, and delegates to Diocesan Convention who will represent the congregation and offer leadership as we move into this new chapter with the Rev. Charlotte Johnson and a new, larger, and fully accessible parish center.
- The wardens, treasurer, and I will share our perspectives on the state of the parish. We will name and celebrate the ways in which God has been present to and working through us. We will thank you, the members of this congregation who give of your time and money to fund the mission and ministries of this church, and we will share with you the challenges and opportunities we see before us.
I look forward to gathering with you Sunday in this annual expression of joy and celebration!
Faithfully yours,
Fr. Alan
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2025 Annual Meeting This Sunday |
The Annual Meeting of the congregation will be held at 11:30am, this Sunday February 2, following the single service of the day which will be held at 10:00am. The service and meeting will both be held in person at Salvatore’s. The service will be livestreamed via the COS YouTube page; the Annual meeting will be livestreamed via Zoom by clicking this link. Light refreshments will be available and nursery care will be available during the meeting.
The business of the meeting will be electing wardens, vestry members, and diocesan convention delegates and hearing reports on the state of the parish from the interim rector, treasurer, and wardens (including an update on the parish center project). In addition, we will be recognizing the warden and vestry members whose terms are ending with this meeting.
The slate of nominees are:
- Wardens - Willie Cade and Peter Civetta
- Vestry Members - Greg Gleason, Kathy Nolan-Watson, Joel Spear, and Keith Olsen
- Diocesan Convention Delegates - Carol Blendowski, Kay Huff, Kevin Kamraczewski, and Davi Bambino (Alternate)
You can review the bios for the current slate of candidates here.
All eligible parishioners (members who have, in the past year, received the Eucharist three times and contributed financially to the mission and ministry of the parish in an identifiable manner) are considered voting members at this meeting.
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No Sunday School This Sunday | There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, February 2. There will be one service at 10am, followed by the Annual Meeting. Sunday School will resume on Sunday, February 9 at 10am in the rectory. Nursery care will be available during both the service and meeting. | |
Special Farewell Coffee Hours February 9 | |
The Rev. Alan James’ final day on site with us will be leading Sunday services on February 9, and we will offer special celebratory coffee hours to wish him well following the 9am and 10:45am services. Please join us on this important date as we thank him for his leadership and service to COS over the past 12 months. | |
Midweek Prayer Service
Starting Tuesday, February 11, the Midweek Eucharist will become a Midweek Prayer Service, still offered at 12pm. Please join us for noonday prayer with a spiritual reflection each week in the rectory chapel. This service will be 30 minutes and can be led by any layperson. If you would like to attend and/or officiate, please contact Gregory at During the season of Lent, we may offer other forms of prayer including rosary, centering prayer, or continued noonday prayer at this time weekly. More details on Lenten prayer options soon.
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Care For Friends Sleepout |
In the spirit of our origins, Care For Friends (CFF) is looking back to 1968, when Church of Our Saviour opened its doors during the unrest of the DNC. Youth seeking refuge from violence found sanctuary in the pews, spending the night under one roof. To honor this history, they will be holding their annual “Sleepout” inside the Church of the Atonement for an all-night event to help support CFF's mission.
CFF's annual Sleepout for Homelessness will be on Friday, February 21 starting at 7:00pm at the Church of the Atonement (5749 N Kenmore Ave). You can find more information here including how to register and donate.
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2/2 Sunday The Presentation of Our Lord - Annual Meeting
7:45am Spoken Eucharist (Chapel)
9:00am Eucharist featuring Music Ensemble (Salvatore's)
10:00am Sunday School (Rectory)
10:45am Eucharist featuring Music Ensemble (Salvatore's)
2/3 Monday
6:30pm Men's Open AA Group (Chapel)
7:00pm Epiphany Bible Study Group (Zoom)
8:30pm Compline (Zoom) Zoom Link
2/4 Tuesday
7:30am Morning Glories (Rectory)
12:00pm Midweek Eucharist (Chapel)
2/5 Wednesday
9:00am Epiphany Bible Study Group (Rectory)
10:00am Morning Prayer (Rectory and Zoom) Zoom Link
2/6 Thursday
7:00pm Education for Ministry (Rectory)
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COS Milestones this Coming Week | |
Birthdays this coming week:
Sharon Barton (Feb 1)
Daniel Fuwa (Feb 1)
Marianna Cox (Feb 3)
Joann Borom (Feb 4)
Anne Wrider (Feb 5)
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Anniversaries this coming week:
Richard & Marilyn Harvey (Feb 8)
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Episcopalians Called to Take Action on Behalf of Refugee and Immigrant Neighbors
Following the January 21 Executive Orders signed by President Trump, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), along with the Diocese of Chicago Sanctuary Diocese Committee, have been rapidly responding to the changing landscape for refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants in the U.S. and providing guidance for individuals, congregations and dioceses.
The following resources and actions have been commended by EMM, with the guidance that all policies are subject to local law and practice:
- Call to Action: Read a summary of the recent immigration-related Executive Orders and their impact on refugee resettlement and migration ministry
- Essential Resources for Immigrant Families, including a January 30 "Know Your Rights" training from the ACLU
- Attend weekly Episcopal Church Immigration Updates from Episcopal Migration Ministries and the Office of Government Relations. Register for the weekly 30-minute updates on U.S. immigration policy and the responses in our churches and communities, with Spanish interpretation, Tuesdays at noon Central on Zoom
- Join the Episcopal Migration Response Network, which meets virtually on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Register to attend meetings here.
ICIRR 24-Hour Family Support Hotline 855-435-7693
If confronted or arrested by ICE, congregations and individuals can call the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights 24-hour hotline at 855-435-7693 for assistance in English, Spanish, Polish or Korean. Learn more about the ICIRR Family Support Network.
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Support Wildfire Relief in California | |
Episcopal Relief & Development has been supporting partners in California affected by the devastating and fast-growing Palisades, Woodley, Eaton and Hurst fires. As the scope of the disaster continues to unfold, please consider making an emergency donation to Episcopal Relief & Development's Wildfire Response Fund.
For those of us outside of California wondering how to help from afar, Episcopal Relief and Development offers this guidance:
- Pray
- Refrain from sending supplies
- Make a monetary donation
- Prepare for a disaster in your area
Learn more about disaster response from Episcopal Relief & Development.
Almighty God, who is our strength and our refuge; be with those who are besieged by fire, guide those who evacuate so that they may find care and comfort in a safe place; protect their homes and their pets, their neighbors and their friends, so that they may return home to a loving community. We ask this in the name of Jesus your son, who abides with you and with the Holy Spirit.
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Episcopal Diocese of Chicago Pre-Lenten Men’s Retreat | |
The Diocese of Chicago's 22nd Annual Men’s Pre-Lenten Retreat will be held from 5 pm on Friday February 21 to 5 pm on Saturday February 22, at the DeKoven Center in Racine, Wisconsin.
The Rev. Ian Burch, rector of St. Chrysostom's Church, will lead the retreat. The theme is "Embracing Second Chances." For more information, contact John Covell by email or phone (312.404.9514).
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COS is a welcoming and inclusive community,
whose mission is to nurture a vibrant Christian community, where all are welcome to embrace love for God, love for self, and love for neighbor.
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