Next COSA-UWHC Resources Call is TODAY:
Tuesday, April 13 from 10am-11am. Join us on Zoom!
Register today! Just a few spaces remaining.
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Please support COSA by becoming a 2021 member.

Your organization's annual membership funds COSA's work throughout the year, including racial equity training with Human In Common, monthly resource calls with United Way of Hampshire County, and this newsletter. Please take a moment to become a member or renew your membership today.
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Northwestern District Attorney's Office
Northwestern District Attorney's Office
Northwestern District Attorney's Office
Center for New Americans

New events include The People's Town Hall with Sen. Jo Comerford, 20th Annual Drug Take Back Day, and Brazelton Touchpoints Listening to Transgender Children. Check it out.
Program Update from Healthy Families

Becoming a parent for the first time is a life-changing experience at any age. Healthy Families can help! Healthy Families partners with first-time, young parents to provide coaching and support navigating the ups and downs of parenting. 

Free and voluntary home visits (currently virtual visits or outdoor visits) with an experienced home visitor sharing child development information and guidance on what to expect as a new parent. ~ Education and career support ~ Referrals to helpful services in the community ~ Connections with other young parents​  ~ Family-focused social events and outings.

Visit for more information. Call or text 413-834-9867 to reach the Hampshire County program.
Spring is bringing information and opportunities your way!

COSA encourages everyone to take advantage of these opportunities to hear directly from our local elected representatives. Share what's working and discuss the areas where you, your clients, your communities, and your organizations need support.
Get all the details and registration info for this event taking place on April 26.
Don't miss this Amherst Area Chamber event being held on Friday, April 23.
Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Week of the Young Child April 10-16.
Learn about all the great activities this week at the Collaborative.
CCRT has a supportive array of programming for April 2021.

CCRT services are free and open to anyone who has been impacted by crime, violence or trauma.
The 20th National Drug Take Back Day is coming up on Saturday, April 24. Help out by making a quick check of your own medicine cabinet too. Properly disposing of medications keeps your family safer and our environment cleaner.
Handy Map of HIP Locations

Find a local HIP Business near you using the map at: Simply type in your or your client's zip code, and the map shows all open HIP locations in the Pioneer Valley, sorted by distance to your location. Plus a listing of Pioneer Valley locations is online here.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
5K/10K Daffodil Run April 18-25
Want to see your organization's news here?
Send your updates to COSA.
Racial Disparities in Maternal Health:
Women's Fund Panel Discussion
on April 15
During Black Maternal Health Week, Women's Fund is hosting this panel discussion to raise awareness, provide educations, and consider strategies for pregnant folks seeking appropriate and timely care. Register and read more.
Webinar and Conversation on April 12: Join Embrace Race for a conversation about structural and systemic racism. What do we mean by those terms? How do we make them accessible to even elementary school-aged children? What can we support our children to do about them? As always, bring your questions, experiences, and insights! Get all the details HERE.
Keep your legislators informed about what matters to you,
your clients, and your organization. Reach out!
Rep. Mindy Domb has news about COVID-19 and more on her Facebook feed HERE.
Sen. Jo Comerford has COVID-19 info HERE and a Facebook page HERE.
Check out Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa's Twitter feed HERE for the latest.
Rep. Dan Carey posts on Facebook HERE.
Congressman Jim McGovern has a COVID info HERE and Facebook HERE.
Rep. Natalie Blais updates regularly on Facebook HERE about COVID-19 and more.
Your clients can find resources through Mass 2-1-1 HERE.

Look4Help has updated information about services that are available HERE.

Email updates to Mary McClintock at Community Action.

Amherst College HERE
Hampshire College HERE
Mount Holyoke College HERE
Smith College HERE
UMass Amherst HERE
Thank you to our COSA MEMBERS!