Your monthly communication for Colorado SHRM news,
local chapter events, Colorado legislative updates and other
HR happenings that you need to know.
2023 Day at the Capitol
Thursday, April 6 | 7:30am-4:30pm
History Colorado Center | Denver, CO
Registration opens today! Join Colorado SHRM, at a new location this year, for the return of Day at the Capitol. This long-standing and popular event focuses on legislative issues that impact employees and employers doing business in Colorado, and highlights the importance of education and advocacy for HR professionals.

The full line-up of speakers, coming soon, will include Colorado political leaders and prominent state officials. Early Bird pricing of $99 available through February 15.

At this event, you will:

  • Learn why and how to effectively advocate;

  • See your legislators at work on the House and Senate floors;

  • Tour the beautiful Colorado State Capitol building;

  • Meet with your local legislators to discuss current workplace issues; and

  • Observe committees in action as they discuss and debate proposed legislation

SHRM PDCs and HRCI business credits will be available

More information is available on the event website.
Questions? Email info@coshrm.org
Thank you to our Day at the Capitol event sponsors
Seeking additional event sponsors!
If you are interested in learning about sponsorship opportunities for this event, please contact info@coshrm.org for details!
2023 Employment Law Starts with a Bang!

By Michael Santo, COSHRM Legislative Director and Managing Attorney at Bechtel & Santo
The old expression goes that the month of March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Well, with all due respect to March, the 2023 calendar has come in like a really big lion when it comes to employment issues. And it’s anyone’s guess where it may go.

Here are a few things that occurred just since the flip of the calendar:

  • FTC is "Bah Humbug" About Noncompete Agreements
  • Colorado Remains Under a Declared Public Health Emergency
  • Colorado Comps Order #38 - The Sequel
  • Colorado Legislature Proposes New Bills
  • FAMLI is Here
  • Implementation of Colorado Secured Savings Program has Slight Delay
From Colorado SHRM
We wish you all the best in your personal and professional endeavors in 2023!

Lead by our 2023 Board of Directors and statewide volunteers, we will continue to elevate the workplace in Colorado and drive HR excellence in new and exciting ways. We hope you will join us along the way!
Upcoming Local Chapter Events
COSHRM is the governing council for six local Colorado chapters as well as all SHRM at-large members in the state. We invite you to take advantage of the resources and events being offered by our SHRM-affiliated chapters.
Interested in joining a local chapter? See the bottom of this email for more information.

January 19 | 11:30am - 1:00pm
Presented by Boulder Area HRA | Members $35; Non-Members $60
In-person event

January 19 | 3:30pm - 4:45pm
Presented by Colorado Springs SHRM | Members FREE; Non-Members $15
Virtual event

January 24 | 10:00am - 11:00am
Presented by High Country HRA | Members FREE; Non-Members $35
Virtual event

February 3 | 7:00am - 4:30pm
Presented by Mile High SHRM | Members $349; Non-Members $519
In-person event with virtual option available

February 8 | 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Presented by Northern Colorado HRA | Members $25/Premium Members $0; Non-Member $35
In-person event
Interested in advertising in the COSHRM Connection?
Email info@coshrm.org for more information.

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