CDR Health Provides More Information on Consent Forms
Q: What form do we get residents/staff to sign to keep for community's records?
A: There are two options:
- They can sign the last page of the acknowledgement form and keep at the facility level
- They can sign a facility consent form and keep at the facility level for record purposes
A representative from CDR Health says, "We are not physically collecting signatures back on hard copy forms and we were advised the onerous was on the facilities to acquire the consents and as long as the facility told us they had consent we could vaccinate."
"We are utilizing the facility response on our registration spreadsheet upload that indicates the Facility received consent by patient, healthcare surrogate or other authorized representative as proof facility got the consent and then we will get informed consent at time of patient checkin onsite via our handheld electronic devices."
CDR Health has incorporated all of the DOH requirements as part of their registration process in their vaccine data management system. Given their required timeline to complete the mission by the State, they need to get the information in their system using the requested format or they have to register directly onsite.