As the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world, our community is feeling the effects. During these ‘flatten the curve’ times of physical distancing, service closures, and self-isolation, celebrating the good and remaining socially connected is more important than ever.
We are proud to hear local stories of neighbours coming together in creative ways to maintain social interaction while practicing physical separation. From picking up the phone and offering to shop for neighbours, to arranging afternoon backyard visits from behind fences and hedges, the residents of our community are taking the time to check on the health and wellness of their friends and neighbours.
These and the stories below will hopefully act as a reminder to monitor the well-being of not only ourselves but those close to us.
In Good News:
The Town of Qualicum Beach and City of Parksville are working together under the Emergency Management Oceanside umbrella to support the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak response. An Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) level 1 has opened. The EOC, with staff from the Town of Qualicum Beach and City of Parksville, is monitoring the rapidly evolving COVID-19 event and is working and coordinating with local, provincial and federal health authorities, Emergency Management BC, neighbouring communities and other partners.
As part of the outbreak response, the playgrounds, Skateboard Park, BMX track and public washrooms (except the beachfront washrooms) within the Town of Qualicum Beach have been CLOSED. Please keep doing your part in slowing the spread: staying home, practicing hand washing protocols, and looking out for one another.
Thank you for maintaining these measures until this difficult time has passed.
Mayor Brian Wiese