COVID-19 Status on Vancouver Island
As of today, March 20, 2020, we have confirmation that the number of cases of COVID-19 on Vancouver Island are rapidly changing.

The medical health officer for Central Vancouver Island advised we should assume that COVID-19 is now present in our region, and we should move about as if we have the virus. Behaving this way will improve how we interact with our environment and others, help “flatten the curve”, and not overburden our healthcare system.

Thank you to all those in our community that are remaining vigilant and putting in practice the precautions and directives being provided to us by our provincial health authority (see links below for more information).
Farmers' Market Closure Confirmed by Island Health
As per our previous communications, the Farmers' Market has been closed as an extra precaution against the spread of COVID-19. Island Health has confirmed their support of this decision.

The Town has reached out to Farmer’s Market organizers to find ways to help support our local producers, so they can continue to provide fresh produce to our community members. Stay tuned for more details!
Keep Up the Good Work
The call to practice social distancing remains, as does the call to isolate yourself if you are sick (click HERE for the self-assessment tool).

Refer to the information provided in the links below for more details. 
Food Supplies Are Secure
The Province has assured everyone that supply chains are at a healthy level and there are sufficient goods as needed. We are being called not to hoard, as hoarding reduces the ability for the at-risk and vulnerable to obtain items as they need them. 
Key Information Sources