Message from the Mayor
At no greater times than these do we appreciate our front line workers! A huge call out to our local service providers – from our grocery stores & pharmacy workers, to care centres and health care workers, to restaurants offering take out, to municipal staff and our local hardware store. And to the many that are helping out their neighbours, and supporting one another. We thank you!
Mayor Brian Wiese
Council Meeting Cancellation - April 1
Due to the current COVID-19 public health crisis, the Town has cancelled the Regular April 1st Council meeting. The cancellation gives the Town additional time to review its procedures and decide how to proceed with Town business while meeting legislated requirements and ensuring the health and safety of our residents.
Dog Parks
While the dog parks currently remain open, signage has been posted to remind of the vital importance of maintaining physical distance between others. The Town is working with the Province and will continue to monitor the situation. Remember to keep a distance of 6 feet (2 metres) from others at all times.
Farmers' Market Has Gone Virtual
The Qualicum Beach Farmers' Market is a critical contributor to sustainable living that supports our local businesses, farmers, and artisans. The recent decision to temporarily close the farmers market was not made lightly. The Town worked with Island Health and the closure was supported by the Medical Health Officer.
The good news is that the market has gone virtual and a link of vendors and their contact details are available HERE . Simply contact your vendor to arrange pick up of items.
We greatly appreciate the services the market provides to the community and we will endeavour to allow the market to operate again in its traditional location as soon as possible!
Family Day Cancelled
Unfortunately, with such uncertainty around the coming months, Family Day has been cancelled for 2020. It is with sadness that this decision was made, but the Town feels that it is the best solution available, especially when so much time goes into planning such an event that may not occur! 

Key Information Sources