DTOP informa extensión de amnistía
para pago de multas hasta el 19 de junio

Gobernadora convierte en la Ley 41 de 2020 el proyecto del representante José "Memo" González para extender el beneficio, que había vencido el pasado 17 de marzo.

San Juan, Puerto Rico - El secretario de Transportación y Obras Públicas, Ing. Carlos M. Contreras Aponte, anunció la extensión hasta el 19 de junio de la Ley de Pago Acelerado de Multas de Tránsito, identificada por la ciudadanía en general como amnistía.

El pasado 17 de marzo venció la amnistía original, que le dio 90 días a la ciudadanía para acogerse al beneficio del 15% de descuento de sus multas y hasta un 100% de descuento de las penalidades y recargos aplicables. Tomando en cuenta que el fin de la amnistía coincidiría con un momento histórico, producto de la pandemia del COVID-19, el representante José "Memo" González radicó una pieza legislativa para extender su vigencia. Dicha medida fue firmada hoy por la Hon. Wanda Vázquez Garced, convirtiéndola en la Ley 41 de 2020 y extendiendo dicho beneficio a la ciudadanía hasta el 19 de junio próximo.

[Acceda el  comunicado de prensa completo]

Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19

This guidance is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no new legal obligations. It contains recommendations as well as descriptions of mandatory safety and health standards. The recommendations are advisory in nature, informational in content, and are intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Act requires employers to comply with safety and health standards and regulations promulgated by OSHA or by a state with an OSHA-approved state plan. In addition, the Act's General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1), requires employers to provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm.

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 Synergi Partners Ayuda a los Patronos Afectados por el Coronavirus (COVID-19) a Obtener 
una Reducción de Impuesto Federal  
Crédito por retención de empleados disponible para las empresas 
a través de la Ley CARES

 (Florence, Carolina del Sur - 30 de marzo de 2020) - El viernes 27 de marzo de 2020, el presidente Trump decretó la Ley de Ayuda, Alivio y Seguridad Económica contra el Coronavirus (Ley CARES, por sus siglas en inglés) para brindar asistencia de emergencia a individuos, familias y empresas afectadas en el 2020 por la pandemia de coronavirus. Entre otras numerosas disposiciones, la Ley CARES cuenta con un crédito por retención de empleados disponible para los patronos.  

El crédito por retención de empleados (ERC, por sus siglas en inglés) es un crédito a una porción del impuesto de nómina del patrono de una empresa elegible que se haya visto obligada a suspender o cerrar operaciones debido al COVID-19, pues de lo contrario tendría una disminución significativa de ingresos y aún le continúa pagando a sus empleados que actualmente no están trabajando.  

There is just one week left to apply for this year's HIRE Vets Medallion Award!

As the only federal-level award program of its kind, the award recognizes employers for their investments in recruiting, employing, and retaining our nation's veterans.   Applicants who meet the program's criteria will receive the award from the U.S. Secretary of Labor in November 2020.   Award recipients will also receive a certificate and digital images of the medallion to use in their marketing and promotional efforts.

Is there an organization in your community that deserves to be celebrated for their support of America's veterans?
The application process is fast, secure, and easy to complete. Employers of all sizes are encouraged to apply.   The application deadline is April 30, 2020.  Learn how an organization in your community can apply for the HIRE Vets Medallion Award !

No es muy difícil adivinar por qué los anuncios de oportunidades de negocio que prometen beneficios como ser su propio jefe y ganar dinero rápidamente resultan tan atractivos. Pero la Comisión Federal de Comercio (Federal Trade Commission, FTC), la agencia gubernamental que monitorea la veracidad de las declaraciones publicitarias, indica que algunos anuncios de oportunidades de negocio presentan promesas vacías y declaraciones falsas que los empresarios nunca podrán realizar.

Los promotores de oportunidades de negocio fraudulentas publican sus anuncios donde tienen mayor probabilidad de ser vistos por sus destinatarios: en periódicos diarios y semanales, revistas y en Internet. La FTC está solicitando su ayuda en descubrir estos anuncios antes que se publiquen. De esta manera usted puede proteger a su compañía y prevenir que sus lectores se queden con las manos vacías.

Actúe ahora - Vaya a  IRS.gov - Un mensaje del Comisionado del Seguro Social Andrew Saul

Los beneficiarios del Seguro Social que tienen dependientes y no presentan declaraciones de impuestos necesitan tomar acción
para recibir un pago de $500 por niño 

«Los beneficiarios del Seguro Social y Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario (SSI, por sus siglas en inglés) que no presentan declaraciones de impuestos comenzarán a recibir pronto sus Pagos automáticos de estímulo económico (también conocido como Pagos de impacto económico), directamente del Departamento del Tesoro. Sin embargo, las personas que reciben beneficios, que no presentaron una declaración de impuestos en el 2018 o 2019, y tienen niños menores de 17 años con derecho, no deben esperar su pago individual automático de $1,200. Deben ir de inmediato a la página del Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS, por sus siglas en inglés) en  www.irs.gov/es/coronavirus/non-filers-enter-payment-info-here  y visitar la sección Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info (solo disponible en inglés), para proveer su información. Los beneficiarios de Seguro Social por jubilación, como sobrevivientes o por incapacidad que tienen niños dependientes y no presentaron una declaración de impuestos en el 2018 o 2019 deben actuar antes del miércoles, 22 de abril, para recibir pagos adicionales rápidamente para sus niños con derecho. Las personas que reciben SSI deben tomar esta acción antes del fin de este mes; pronto estará disponible una fecha específica.

A lo largo de la historia, hemos visto que durante cualquier crisis la gente siempre buscará un líder que los guíe, la pandemia de coronavirus ha colocado a la mayoría de los líderes políticos y empresariales en posiciones desafiantes, incómodas y para muchos navegando en aguas desconocidas. En cada ocasión en mi vida en la que necesitaba orientación, me acerco a la sabiduría de John C. Maxwell, autor y motivador. La semana pasada durante una de nuestras sesiones semanales, dijo:  "Al otro lado de una tormenta está la fuerza que proviene de navegar a través de ella, levanta tu vela y comienza" 

Solo porque estás luchando, no significa que estés fracasando, a veces las personas que están luchando piensan que estas fracasando, nada mas lejos de ello. Si estás luchando, nos dice que todavía estás en el juego. Al principio no vemos estas oportunidades increíbles, porque siempre vienen adornadas de los problemas que las rodean, siempre tenemos que pasar por la puerta de los problemas antes de lograr el éxito. Todo el que ha tenido éxito, a enfrentado enormes retos personales y profesionales lo conoce muy bien. La diferencia es que nunca se quito, siguió hacia adelante a pesar de toda adversidad.  

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: Whole-of-America Response

Attached you will find today's FEMA Daily Briefing Points for the Whole-of-America response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. These briefing points include Topline Messages, as well as Supply Chain Task Force; By the Numbers; FEMA and Department of Health and Human Services Response; and Guidance from Federal Agencies.

[Access today's Daily Briefing Points]

FEMA's mission is to help people before, during and after disasters.
Follow  FEMA online, on Twitter  @FEMA or  @FEMAEspanol, on  FEMA's Facebook page  or  Espanol page and at FEMA's  YouTube account. Also, follow Administrator Pete Gaynor's activities  @FEMA_Pete.

Chamber Daily Bulletin
Your daily guide to COVID-19 advice, resources, and information.
Keep your business strong, prepared, and proactive.
Developments That Matter
Additional Small Business Funding Deal Struck

Two weeks ago, the administration requested an additional $250 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Regrettably, it took Congress 14 days to  come to agreement on what, by all accounts, is a non-controversial package to support small businesses and hospitals and fund more COVID-19 testing. Of course, the bill is not yet law. It still must clear the House where some members are threatening to object to passage, forcing lawmakers to return to Washington.

While it is good news that the PPP and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) programs will now reopen, we already know that the additional funding for PPP is likely to be exhausted in a matter of days as literally millions of small businesses are queued up waiting for loan approval.

A couple of lessons can be drawn from the experience of the past two weeks: First, there is no amount of money from the federal government that can replace a safe return to work. Second, to facilitate a safe return to work, we need members of Congress to work more expeditiously and more cooperatively than they have the past two weeks. Additional bridge funding is likely to be required as are resources and legal safe harbors for businesses to implement safe return-to-work plans. We simply can't afford the type of delays we have just witnessed.

-Neil Bradley, Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
It's more important than ever for Congress to hear from you.
To learn more about the U.S. Chamber's Save Small Business Initiative visit 

How to Be a Great Leader During a Crisis

On Air, Chamber Leaders Call for Action to Help Small Businesses

On April 21 on   CNN International, U.S. Chamber CEO Tom Donohue discussed the importance of the Paycheck Protection Program.

"We're going to put more money in this week, we're going to keep doing it, and over time it's going to be-I believe-a very successful program," he said.

Later in the day, U.S. Chamber President Suzanne Clark  spoke with NPR about reaching an agreement on additional small business relief.

"We welcome news of the deal. We're eager to see it enacted. We know that there is just desperate need out there," she said. "We hear from CEOs every day-small businesses in real pain-and it makes us think that yes, we will have to act swiftly for even more funding."

Clark also discussed reopening the economy and the challenges ahead. "Employers are worried about two things. One is just getting through this emergency-both the public health emergency but also the economic emergency. And the other is how do you prepare to open?" she said. "When public health officials say they are ready, you get that green light, how are you ready to serve your customers and your employees?"

U.S. Chamber's Litigation Center Tracking COVID-19 Litigation

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a surge of litigation that will have significant effects for businesses of all sizes.

These cases may shape federal and state law after the current crisis passes. And although hundreds of cases have already been filed, they are likely just the tip of the iceberg.

As awareness of developments in COVID-19 litigation will be very important for the business community, the Chamber's  Coronavirus Litigation Roundup provides a weekly sampling of important new business cases and updates for select ongoing cases. The tracker will be updated as developments warrant and, where possible, includes links to referenced filings.

-Steve Lehotsky, Executive Vice President and Chief Litigation Counsel for the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center

What is Happening to Oil Prices?

Thanks to American innovation, the United States has become the most dominant energy producer in the world. In 2018, our nation became the largest producer of oil in the world and now exports more than it imports for the first time in over 70 years. However, like many other industries, COVID-19 has had a profound impact.

As economies have been locked down around the globe over the last six weeks, the amount of fuel consumed has plummeted. Today, the world is using as much as 40% less oil than it was a few months ago. While oil producers understood this dynamic, engineering constraints made it difficult to reduce production quickly to match demand.

At the same time, OPEC and its partners were having a conflict, and some members began "flooding" the market with increased production just as economies were shutting down. While these nations agreed to binding production cuts after strong urging from President Trump, those cuts appear to be too little, too late, as the world continues to produce 30% more oil than it's consuming.

The result of all of this is a dramatic reduction in the price of oil. Since February, oil prices have fallen more than 80%. And all of that oil nobody is consuming needs to go somewhere, so the world's oil storage has been filling very quickly. It's estimated that global storage capacity will max out within four weeks. If more oil is still being produced than consumed and storage gets full, then what?

We saw a preview of the answer to that question on Monday, when May contracts for U.S. oil traded "negative." That means sellers of a future contract were actually paying buyers as much as $40 per barrel to simply take the oil because storage is so scarce. If it's not being consumed and cannot be stored, the price drops to zero and production has to be stopped, regardless of potential physical damage to the well, because the pipelines and tanks are full.

The U.S. oil industry won't disappear, but it is being tested. We are likely to see hundreds of thousands of layoffs and dozens of bankruptcies over this year. Like in many other industries, the COVID-19 pandemic is creating unprecedented pressure on the energy industry. Getting the global economy safely functioning again and increasing demand is the best antidote to the pain in the oil patch.

-Christopher Guith, Senior Vice President, Global Energy Institute

Duty Calls, Business Responds


U.S. Chamber Foundation Launches Fund 
to Support the Small Business Community

Small businesses are the foundation of our communities and our economy. Employing nearly half the American workforce, they keep our neighborhoods running and make them feel like home. The impacts of the coronavirus pandemic have wrought unprecedented financial uncertainty. These businesses need resources and relief - and they need it now.

That's why today, we are launching the  Save Small Business Fund with Vistaprint to provide assistance to small business owners impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. With contributions from corporate and philanthropic partners, the Chamber Foundation will distribute $5,000 grants to small employers in the U.S. and its territories.

The Save Small Business Fund is part of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Save Small Business Initiative-a nationwide effort to address small business owners' immediate needs, mitigate closures and job losses, and mobilize the long-term support the small business community needs for recovery.

Grant applications will open on April 20, 2020. For information on eligibility, grant timeline, and more, visit  savesmallbusiness.com.

Donate COVID-19 Plasma

If you have fully recovered from COVID-19, you may be able to help patients currently fighting the infection by donating your plasma. Because you fought the infection, your plasma now contains COVID-19 antibodies. These antibodies provided one way for your immune system to fight the virus when you were sick, so your plasma may be able to be used to help others fight off the disease.


Hispanic Federation is leading a series of webinars and online discussion forums for our CBOs to discuss the health impact and nonprofit operational challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic.


¡Hasta el 15 de mayo para comentarios sobre la Enmienda Sustancial al Borrador del Plan de Acción 4!

Nuestro equipo continúa trabajando sobre casi todas las operaciones de forma remota y hoy, queremos comunicarle que hemos publicado la 4ta enmienda al Plan de Acción (Enmienda Sustancial)   borrador publicado para comentario público. Vea información en detalle al final de este mensaje y siéntase libre de compartirla con sus amigos, familiares y colegas.

En un esfuerzo por construir un Puerto Rico más fuerte y resiliente, queremos contar con su valiosa ayuda. Con ese fin hemos puesto a disposición plataformas como nuestra página de internet y el Centro de Llamadas para recibir recomendaciones, opiniones y comentarios sobre los esfuerzos de recuperación que continuamos llevando a cabo en toda la Isla a través de nuestro Plan de Acción.

Para más información haga CLICK AQUI

Honoring Earth Day - April 22

Amid social distancing measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus, reports show that staying home is having a positive impact on water and air quality.

PeaceCast.tv invites you to enjoy Earth Day programming or browse through our Peace Media Hub categories: * news * culture * music * poetry * dance * animation * film for uplifting and relevant content.

PeaceCast.tv is an online media channel airing humanitarian and peace-related videos provided by people and organizations worldwide.
peace is possible and begins with each of us  - #practicepeace

COVID-19 te reta a innovar y trascender desde tu casa.
Aprovecha el mercado de oportunidades.

Conferencia a través de ZOOM. Una vez se registre, estará recibiendo por correo electrónico el enlace para acceder a la conferencia.
Acepta el reto de innovar desde tu casa.

Regístrate aquí

Serie educativa de salud para PYMES

Recuerden que todas las semanas liberamos al menos un tema nuevo. Una vez liberados los temas continúan en la página con todos sus materiales: entrevistas con expertos, videos explicativos, presentaciones, afiches educativos, etc. 

Webinar: Programa de Financiamiento para Pequeñas Empresas

El Programa provee subvenciones ("grants") de hasta $50,000 a pequeños negocios y microempresas para impulsar su recuperación económica. Esto ayudará a retener empleos y a expandir oportunidades a personas de ingresos bajos a moderados.

El video orientará en cuanto a quiénes son elegibles y cómo pueden solicitar para recibir el financiamiento inicial que provee el Programa.

Compliance Update for Uncertain Times (FREE) 

Friday, April 24, 2020
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Carl Pry

It seems the entire retail banking business model is changing before our eyes, and no one knows which changes will be temporary or permanent. More loans have become impaired in a shorter time than any time in recent history. Relationships between personnel and employees has rapidly changed to a remote/electronic model. Customers need help now and regulators are issuing new rules and guidance on a daily basis.

How do you keep up with all that is happening?
This webinar series is intended to keep you current with timely updates and insights each week. Sessions will be short and sweet - 30 minutes - designed to not take up your whole day. Not only will we cover what's happening, but we'll talk about what to do about it.

Professional Learning
Riesgos Potenciales 
de Litigios Post-COVID-19 
y Otros Asuntos de 
Legislación Laboral

28 de abril de 2020

2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

Recovering After Losing Work Due To Coronavirus

xx de abril de 2020

April xx, 2020

Los profesionales de la salud que tengan síntomas de COVID-19 o sospecha de haberse contagiado podrán acudir a las facilidades del Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico,  lunes a viernes  de 8:00am a 5:00pm, para realizarse la prueba diagnóstica rápida que los saque de dudas. 

El doctor Víctor Ramos, presidente del Colegio, informó que esta gestión se realiza en alianza con la Asociación de IPA's, la Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico, el Colegio de Enfermería Práctica y organizaciones aliadas a la salud. El servicio es libre de costo, los profesionales de la salud solo necesitan llevar una orden médica y sacar cita antes de ir.

La Cámara de Comercio de Puerto Rico está participando junto 
al Colegio de Médicos Cirujanos de Puerto Rico y  32 organizaciones de Salud en el Centro de Llamadas.  

Se contestan preguntas sobre:
  • Salud
  • Médicas
  • Negocios
  • Contribuciones
  • Operaciones, logística de envío y recibo de paquetes
  • Legales, Recursos Humanos, Osha, entre otros.
Para más información escriba a la Dra. Jeannette Vázquez[email protected]

Material Campaña  Educativa Nacional Prevención del Coronavirus (COVID19)

Campaña Prevención Coronavirus y Otras Enfermedades Infecciosas
Campaña Prevención Coronavirus y
Otras Enfermedades Infecciosas

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San Juan, PR 00920-2707

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